arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

6e journee internationale contre la brutalite policiere
by cobp Saturday March 16, 2002 at 02:33 AM

Encore des arrestations massives!

Montreal Quebec Canada 15 mars 2002 -La manif a débuté vers 17h00. Environ 300 personnes etaient presentes. Les marcheurs et marcheuses ont attendu l'arrivee d'une delegation de la ville de Drummondville pour entamer leur parcours. Il y a eu deux allocutions, une par un membre du Collectif Oppose a la Brutalite Policiere et une autre par un representant d'un groupe oeuvrant dans un quartier du sud-ouest de la ville.

Puis, le contingent se met en branle et se dirige vers le quartier general du service de police montrealais. Il y a alors un autre discours evoquant notamment les couts exhorbitant des forces policieres dans la province. Apres une autre marche jusqu'au Palais de justice, les personnes presentes apprennent la prochaine tenue de deux proces impliquant des policiers. L'un ayant participe a l'incident ayant mene au deces d'un itinerant et l'autre ayant commis une aggression sexuelle.

Ensuite, une victime d'une recente arrestation massive dans un des parcs de la ville a relate son aventure. A peine avait-il commence son recit qu'une ligne de policiers se forme et se met a avancer en direction de la manifestation en avertissant que les personnes qui restent sur les lieux seront accusees d'attroupement illegal. A cause du haut-parleur de la manifestation sans doute, certaines personnes n'ont pas pu entendre cet avertissement.

Environ un tiers des personnes presentes ont ete arretees vers 18h40.
Un autre petit groupe a ete arrete plus tard.

(514) 859-9065

6th international Day against police brutality

Mass arrest

Montreal Quebec Canada March 15th, 2002 - The demo started at 5 p.m. About 300 people were present. People waited for a a delegation from Drummondville. There were two speeches: one from a COBP member and another from a representative from a group from the southwest part of the city.

Then the rally starts to move towards the headquarters of the police department of Montreal. There is a speech noting the expensive costs of the police forces in the province. After another walk up to the Courthouse, the crowd learn about the next court appearance of two police officers. One having participated in an incident which ended by the death of a homeless and another who committed sexual assault.

At that point, a victim from a mass arrest that took place in a park of the city told his story to the rally. Had he just started to tell his story and a police line advances towards the demo. Police was warning people that if they would stay they would be charged with illegal assembly. Maybe because of the loudspeaker of the demo today, some people couldn't hear that warning.

About a third of the demonstrators were arrested at 6:40.
Another smaller group got arrested later.

(514) 859-9065