arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Barcelona: hot! hot! hot!
by bcn indymedia (posted-edited by kitty) Friday March 15, 2002 at 04:55 PM

Barcelona is hot! Lot of massive actions against European Union's summit, brutal repression too. Follow on the BCN-Indymedia website, also in English.

Barcelona: hot! hot!...
cumbre_animada2crbecq.gif, image/gif, 300x100

15/03 - 15:20 | Borders are closed :: 3 buses from Belgium, 2 from Toulousse, and another 2 from Marseille could not cross the border. The Belgians have been searched and photographed. The legal team is working on it, so that they can cross the border this afternoon, although they are not sure this will be possible.

15/03 - 14:20h | Police is charging at Las Ramblas, from Canaletes to the Hospital Street. There are barricades with fire, detentions, rubber balls, injured journalists ...
The police has broken into school/sleeping place Pau Esteva in l'Hospitalet (Av. Tarradellas, 132). 45 people have been retained inside for an hour, asking identification to everyone. After that, police has gone without more incidents.

see it bigger >>>

15/03 - 14:20h | Police charge at Liceu :: Mars Attack :: brutal police charge cleaning las Rambles. People lying on the ground around the Liceu. Bars are being closed and people cannot take refuge

15/03 - 13:00h | Many actions, demonstrations, conferences, scattered around the city. Tension with police is changing continuously: many identifications, non corporate media having problems.
Now the focus is at Las Ramblas: metro Liceu (L3) is blocked by police and around 500-700 people are also there.

15/03 - 12:00h | Caça lobbies have made a total of three actions: Caixa, Telefónica and Aguas.
The action in front of Water company is coming to an end
The atmosphere is festive: samba, puppets show, etc.

15/03 - 11:50h | Bicicletada: a big group has gathered (around 2,000 people). 30 have been retained some minutes.

New kids on the black block ::
[1] · [2]

15/03 - 11:00h | police charge in the area of Sagrada Familia. Three slightly injured

15/03 - 09:30h | The students of the University left without any confrontation, although there was a massive presence of police.>>> [es]

14/03 - 23:28h | Press release of the Inter-university Assembly >>>

For the last 24 hours we have been shutting ourselves inside the faculty of economics of the University of Barcelona in order to keep the university a public space in opposition to the privatisation and militarisation of the stolen space to enable the European summit to take place.
Declaration ((!)) :: Friday 14, 8 AM. Faculty of Economics, University of Barcelona <M> L3 Zona Universitária

14/03 | European Labour Demonstration

About 100.000 people demonstrated this morning against the deregulation of the labour market.
Images :: [1] - [2]

video channel :: recorded

foto's geven een goed beeld
by bart vandersteene Friday March 15, 2002 at 06:03 PM

de foto's geven een goed beeld van hoe het eraan toeging, de actie was normaal gepland voor 13u, maar er was niet voldoende volk die door de politiecontroles geraakte, om 14u15 zijn de rellen begonnen, verschillende politie-agenten volledig gekleed in het zwart begonnen activisten te arresteren,
de delegatie van IV stond op het plein die je kan zien op de foto's, iedereen is in veiligheid voor het moment,
er is een enorme politie aanwezigheid, je kan bij wijze van spreken geen voet buiten de deur zetten of je wordt gecontroleerd
voor het moment zijn er opnieuw acties bezig o.a. tegen misbruik van genetische manipulatie, vanavond zijn er naar ons weten nog 4 betogingen:
* tegen politierepressie
* karnaval tegen imperialisme
* steun aan de Latijns Amerikaanse bevolking
* herdenking - fakkelwake voor moord op Carlo Giuliani

bart vandersteene
vanuit Barcelona

Charges, arrestations et blessés
by reuters Friday March 15, 2002 at 06:22 PM

Charges, arrestation...
3758989342.jpg, image/jpeg, 351x450

Bloody pic ?
by red kitten Friday March 15, 2002 at 07:31 PM

I think the pic above isn't exactly someone beatten up by the cops.

It's probably one of the persons who've done a symbolic action with a fake car crash and lot of "blood" (paint).

They put several cars upside down to campaign about "mysterious" car crashes of families af Basque's political prisonners.
