arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

[EN] Italy Indymedia - Official press release
by Indymedia Italy Wednesday February 20, 2002 at 02:45 PM

This morning around 7.00, police knocked at the doors of a few social centers: Gabrio in Torino, Cecco Rivolta in Firenze, TPO in Bologna, as well as those of the Cobas offices in Taranto. The huge mobilitation (a lot of cars, vans, and riot cops) was due to an order from Genova's attorney.

The attorneys Andrea Canciani and Anna Canepa ordered to seize audio and video material referring to Genova facts, focusing on what could deal with the police raid at the Media Center and the massacre at the Diaz-Pertini school.

The search warrant explains that such material would have been collected through the Italy Indymedia website, and would be situated in the social centers Gabrio, TPO, Cecco Rivolta, and in Cobas offices in Taranto, and in other places (using an aleathory form which allows them to search and seize at their pleasure).

Searches are still going on. Police is seizing computers, archives, and all of the stuff that hundreds of italian activists need for their daily cultural and political activities.

The search warrant locates these places as "Indymedia offices". Italy Indymedia states that Indymedia has no offices, but works through the thousands of people who contribute to the website, and commit themselves to produce a free and independent information. Italy Indymedia decision making and project processes take place over the
internet, through open and publicly accessible mailing lists and chatrooms. A daily and cooperative effort carried on by hundreds of people, who won't be threatened.

This morning, an attack has been struck against freedom of
information. A few places have been targeted, to exercise a political pressure on a complex and manifold subject as Italy Indymedia.

The material seized in Bologna, Firenze, Torino, Taranto, just like all of Indymedia stuff, is freely viewable on our website. And so are the archives of our mailing lists, of our chats, and of all our activities.

Indymedia has nothing to hide.

Italy Indymedia, a network of independent media, reports a severe attack to free information. We take note that minister Scajola, after speech, is turning to facts. And Genova gets back under public attention. After partial and smoky investigations which were supposed to find proof of police violence, and while the dynamics of the murder of Carlo Giuliani haven't been cleared yet, while the
officals responsible of the public order during those days are still holding their seats, and in a few cases even got promoted.

We invite everyone to join Italy Indymedia at the demonstration called in Rome for March,16th by Radio Onda Rossa.
For a free and independent information.

indymedia switzerland
by guido Wednesday February 20, 2002 at 03:15 PM

by Mathias 11:45am Sun Feb 17 '02 (Modified on 3:13pm Mon Feb 18 '02)

provisoirement fermé provisoirement fermé après les évements récents (plainte judiciaire contre indymedia, menaces). Dans de telles conditions et pour éviter une escalation, cette discussion ne peut plus etre menée dans l'anonymité de l'internet mais doit etre menée avec des personnens réelles.

Cette fermeture provisoire d'indymedia va etre utilisé pour faire une réflexion ensemble, pour trouver une base commune, permettant une discussion libre, en particulier contre un climat de peur régnant actuellement

Les point suivants vont etre abordés:

principes de base commun (contre les menaces, la justice n'est pa notre terrain pour résoudre nos conflits...)

open-posting et censure


indymedia n'a jamais été un projet fixe, mais était et reste un processus à l'intérieur des différents mouvements de seatlle, davos et genes... Mais les contradictions internes ont mené à cette plainte judiciaire.

C'est pourquoi nous voulons résoudre ces porblémes ensemble en discutant les points siuvants.

Nous lançons un appel, de participer à ces discussions et d'en initier d'autres, car nous sommes tous indymédia.

Une prise de position va etre publiée sur ce site prochainement.


>> partant d'une confiance réciproque, pourqoi en arriver à une plainte judiciaire
Comment discuter librement sans peur et sans menaces (que ce soit physiques ou juridiques, noms donnés aux autorités ou mis sur internet)?...?
date et endroit pas encore connus

>> antisemitisme
antisemitisme dans la gauche
antisemitisme et la solidarité avec la palwestine
date et endroit pas encore connu

>> open-publishing et censure
liberté d'expression dans le cadre de l'internet...
6. mars 2002 egocity badenerstrasse 97 zürich
