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Bush wist van de 9-11 aanslagen ?
by Victor Smala Saturday January 19, 2002 at 09:32 PM


De info die jpe zopas gepost heeft over de steun van de VS tegen de communistische guerillastrijd in Nepal is weer eens hoogst verontrustend. Sedert 9-11 hebben de Vs een gedroomd voorwendsel om onder andere alle nationalistische en/of socialistische bevrijdingsbewegingen aan te pakken (in het westen en in de derde wereld) : het terrorisme. Zij die zich al een tijdje buigen over de buitenlandse politiek van de VS of het imperialisme in het algemeen voelden het al meteen aankomen. Maar nu is het er : Afghanistan is al aan de beurt geweest. Op nog geen 3 maand tijd zijn Somalië, Irak, Noord-Korea bedreigd. Colombia, Filipijnen worden aangevallen. Nu Nepal.
De grootste terrorist zijn de VS. Dat is duidelijk. Ze zijn trouwens als enig land al veroordeeld voor terrorisme door het Internationaal Hooggerechtshof.
Maar nu : er zijn heel grote aanwijzingen dat Bush op zijn minst wist dat de aanslagen eraan kwamen. Als dit zo is dan moet dit maximaal geopenbaard worden. Deze informatie zoveel mogelijk verspreiden via e-mail en alle andere mogelijke kanalen zou ertoe kunnen bijdragen Bush te doen vallen. En als er daartoe de minste kans bestaat dan moeten wij die nemen als eerste stap in de steun en bescherming van alle volkeren die op de VS dead-list staan.

Onder deze tekst staat een analyse van de media-kritiek en anti-desinformatie-site emperors-clothes. De URL hier net onder is deze van een nog diepgaandere analyse minuut per minuut van de 9-11 evenementen van steve gray die reeds enige tijd op indy-be was gepost maar de lengte en de taal hebben misschien veel mensen ontmoedigd. Welnu ik heb het aan een aantal "moeilijke" mensen laten lezen kwestie van mezelf ervan te vergewissen dat ik niet te snel in een conspiratie-verhaal trapte. Velen waren meer dan getroubleerd over de talrijke prangende vragen die gesteld worden. Ik vraag aan alle indy-lezers : doe de moeite lees de tekst, het is geen tijdsverlies. Print het uit lees het desnoods in tien keer op toilet. Maar lees het en verspreid het, vooral bij mensen in de VS. De Vs bevolking moet Bush doen vallen en de financiële krachten die achter hem staan!

Dit is de tekst van Steve Gray (copy paste lukte niet? Misschien kan iemand van Indy het nog eens posten aub)

Dit is de recentste analyse van Emperor's Clothes ( tip : zet jullie op hun mailinglist )

Victor Smala
Guilty for 9-11
Section 3: Bush in the Open
by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel
[Posted 18 January 2002]
We have demonstrated that normal air safety and air defense measures were not employed on September 11th. This is extraordinary because 9-11 was the only day that four airplanes were hijacked in the U.S., not to mention the only day that three planes crashed into key buildings in New York City and Washington, DC. (1)
We have argued that this stand-down of the air protection systems could not have occurred absent the involvement of top officials. We have named George Walker Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and General Richard B. Myers.
Why these three men?
Authority in the U.S. military stems from a person's position in the military chain-of-command. The President and the Secretary of Defense are the two top positions in the military chain-of-command. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is part of the communications chain and can be given specific responsibilities by the President and/or Secretary of Defense. (1a) On 11 September, George Bush was President. Donald Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defense. And General Richard B. Myers was Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
These three men had critical responsibilities for the protection of New York and Washington, DC that day. According to the information which is publicly available, they shirked their duties.
Their behavior, as described in the media, presents the appearance of bewilderment, naiveté and lack of preparedness. But we shall prove this appearance was contrived.
Let us begin at the top of the chain-of-command.
On 9-11 President Bush was in Sarasota, Florida on the second day of a two-day tour. Bush's plans for that day were publicly known in advance. (2)
Many people are confused concerning what President Bush knew and when he knew it that morning.
The reason for this confusion is that, later on, Ari Fleischer, Bush's press secretary, Richard Cheney, his Vice President and President Bush himself issued contradictory accounts of what Bush did that morning.
Fortunately, newspaper and TV people were with President Bush in Florida on September 11. Their eyewitness reports paint a clear picture.
In this section of the Summary of Evidence, we will:
* a) establish what Bush and his staff knew prior to his entering the classroom at the Booker School and
* b) consider some implications.
In future sections we will examine Bush's actual visit to the Booker School and his departure from Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport in Florida later that morning. We will also examine the cover stories floated, later on, by Fleischer, Cheney and by President Bush himself.
Associated Press reporter Sonya Ross was one of the journalists covering Bush's trip to Florida on the morning of 9-11. Ms. Ross was either on her way to the Booker School or already there when she learned of the first WTC crash:

"My cell phone rang as President Bush's motorcade coursed toward Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Fla. A colleague reported that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center in New York. No further information.
"I called the AP desk in Washington, seeking details. Same scant information. But I knew it had to be grim. I searched for a White House official to question, but none was on hand until 9:05 a.m. " AP 12 September (3)
Ms. Ross 'searched for a White House official' because she knew Bush's people would be better informed than the Associated Press.
President Bush is not an ordinary person. He travels with an entire staff. They are responsible for receiving, filtering and conveying administrative and military information. Chief of Staff Andrew Card organizes and coordinates these staff members and communicates with the President. In addition, Bush has the Secret Service, which is responsible for his safety.
The members of this support team have the best communications equipment in the world. They maintain contact with, or can easily reach, Bush's cabinet, the National Military Command Center (NMCC) in the Pentagon, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and Secret Service agents who have stayed behind at the White House, etc.
Since Ms. Ross heard about the first WTC crash while the Bush motorcade was speeding to the Booker School, common sense dictates that Mr. Bush knew earlier and knew more.
ABC journalist John Cochran was traveling with the President. He reported on this very matter on ABC TV on Tuesday morning:

"Peter, as you know, the president's down in Florida talking about education. He got out of his hotel suite this morning, was about to leave, reporters saw the White House chief of staff, Andy Card, whisper into his ear. The reporter said to the president, 'Do you know what's going on in New York?' He said he did, and he said he will have something about it later. His first event is about half an hour at an elementary school in Sarasota, Florida."
'ABC News' Special Report (4)
So Bush knew about the first WTC incident before leaving his hotel.
What else did he know?
1) John Cochran reports that President Bush did not respond to Andrew Card. It is inconceivable that a living person could be told that a plane had just ploughed into the biggest building in New York and have no response. So Bush must have known before Card whispered in his ear.
2) This is confirmed by the fact that shortly after Card spoke to him, Bush told a reporter that he would make a statement later. Bush would not have said that without discussing the situation with his Chief of Staff and others.
This question is answered by something Vice President Richard Cheney revealed, probably unwittingly, on MEET THE PRESS, Sunday, September 16th.
Even without John Cochran's report on ABC, Cheney's comments constitute evidence that before President Bush went to the Booker School he knew a plane had been hijacked and then crashed into the WTC.
Cheney was talking with MEET THE PRESS journalist Tim Russert about the flight path of American Flight 77, which struck the Pentagon. Here's the exchange:

"VICE PRES. CHENEY: ...As best we can tell, they [American Flight 77] came initially at the White House and...
"MR. RUSSERT: The plane actually circled the White House?
"VICE PRES. CHENEY: Didn't circle it, but was headed on a track into it. The Secret Service has an arrangement with the F.A.A. They had open lines after the World Trade Center was... "
"MR. RUSSERT: Tracking it by radar.
"VICE PRES. CHENEY: And when it entered the danger zone and looked like it was headed for the White House was when they grabbed me and evacuated me to the basement... (Etc.)" MEET THE PRESS Transcript (5)
It appears that Cheney may have blurted out the crucial fact that the Secret Service had an open line to the FAA, then realized he was talking too much and stopped before completing his sentence. But if he did indeed talk too much, he also stopped talking too late. It is obvious that the sentence should have ended with the word 'hit' or something similar. Thus:

"The Secret Service has an arrangement with the F.A.A. They had open lines after the World Trade Center was hit."
The Secret Service had a special connection with the FAA so that it could rapidly access information relevant to the President's safety. After the first WTC attack, the connection between the FAA and the Secret Service was elevated to the level of open lines.
(In a similar fashion, orders issued by the FAA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff require heightened contact between the FAA and the National Military Command Center (NMCC) during hijackings. See 'Guilty for 9-11, Section 2: Cheney's Cover Story ') (6)
Therefore, by the time American Flight 11 crashed into the World Trade Center, around 8:46, and most likely before that happened, the Secret Service knew what the FAA knew.
So, what did the FAA know?
The FAA admits that at 8:20 it 'suspected' that American Flight 11 had been hijacked. (7) And according to the official story released Sept. 14th:

"8:40 [the] FAA notifie[s] NEADS (the Northeast Air Defense Sector) of NORAD, the military's civil defense system, about Flight 11, [i.e., that it had been hijacked.]" Newsday 23 September 2001 (7)
Therefore, based on the official story, the Secret Service knew by 8:40 or before that Flight 11 had been hijacked. And since the FAA was tracking Flight 11, as was the National Military Command Center, which is notified of hijackings and has access to radar from all over the country, (8) it is definite that at 8:46 the Secret Service knew a hijacked plane had crashed into the World Trade Center.
So according to the official story, before the President entered the Booker School, indeed, apparently before he left his hotel, the Secret Service knew that, for the first time in US history, the country had been attacked by terrorists from the air.
The job of the Secret Service is to protect the President and Vice President. Here's how Richard Cheney described the response of Secret Service agents when they thought he might be in danger:

"...under these circumstances, they just move. They don't say "sir" or ask politely. They came in and said, "Sir, we have to leave immediately," and grabbed me and...
"MR. RUSSERT: Literally grabbed you and moved you?
"VICE PRES. CHENEY: Yeah. And, you know, your feet touch the floor periodically. But they're bigger than I am, and they hoisted me up and moved me very rapidly down the hallway, down some stairs, through some doors and down some more stairs into an underground facility under the White House, and, as a matter of fact, it's a corridor, locked at both ends..."
NBC MEET THE PRESS 16 September 2001 (9)
Here is what we can state with certainty:
1) Before President Bush left his hotel, the Secret Service knew a hijacked plane had ploughed into the World Trade Center, a building that symbolized US power.
2) The President is the most obvious individual target for a terrorist attack.
3) The President was scheduled to visit the Booker School that morning. The visit was of no importance - that is, he could easily cancel it. His schedule was publicly known, down to the time he would give a talk at the school - 9:30. (10)
4) Assuming the official story was entirely true, there was every reason to believe that a terrorist had flown a plane into the WTC. Therefore, of course, a terrorist might fly a plane into the Booker School to kill Bush - arguably a bigger victory than ramming the WTC. And if the WTC attack signaled the start of a broader terrorist attack, it was certainly possible that heavily armed terrorists would attack the Booker School on the ground.
Given the Secret Service's obligation to protect the President;
Given the Secret Service's open line to the FAA and therefore its knowledge that a plane had been hijacked and subsequently ploughed into the World Trade Center;
Given the potentially deadly threat to President Bush if he proceeded to a public place, on schedule, as announced the day before and known to everyone in the region;
There is only one explanation for the Secret Service allowing President Bush to take the deadly risk of going to the Booker School on the morning of September 11th.
George Walker Bush knew the plans for 9-11. And because he knew those plans, he knew that nobody was going to attack the Booker School.
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1) The stand-down of U.S. forces on 9-11 was first documented in Section 1: 'Guilty for 9-11: Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers, Section 1: Why Were None of the Hijacked Planes Intercepted?'
[Posted 14 November 2001] It can be read at
For links to many Emperor's Clothes articles on 9-11, please go to:
Alternative address is
1a) See 'CHAIN OF COMMAND of the U.S. MILITARY' which can be read at

2) Regarding public knowledge of Bush's plans for 9-11, See Sarasota Herald-Tribune, September 11, 2001 Tuesday All Editions - Pg. A10 [HEADLINE:] 'Lessons for the president; In visit to Sarasota school, he should look beyond the photo-op' can be read at
3) The Associated Press Wednesday 12 September 2001 "Flying with President Bush on a day terrorists hit hard" by Sonya Ross. For link to exact quote, in context, go to:
4) ABC News Special Report 'Planes crash into World Trade Center' (8:53 AM ET) Tuesday 11 September 2001
For link to exact quote, in context, go to
5) For link to exact quote, in context, go to 'NBC, Meet the Press' (10:00 AM ET) Sunday 16 September 2001.
Original transcript of MEET THE PRESS can be read at: )
6) To go direct to reference to FAA, NORAD NMCC communications during hijackings, see 'Guilty for 9-11, Section 2: Mr. Cheney's Cover Story''
[Posted 20 November 2001]
7) Newsday 23 September 2001, 'Air Attack on Pentagon Indicates Weaknesses' by Sylvia Adcock, Brian Donovan and Craig Gordon
For link to references go to
Original at:
8) Regarding the NMCC's access to radar all over the U.S., see 'Guilty for 9-11, Section 2: Mr. Cheney's Cover Story''
[Posted 20 November 2001]
(9) For link to exact excerpt, in context, go to
original at: )
(10) FEDERAL NEWS SERVICE ADVANCE SCHEDULE FOR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 For FNS report that it will be taping President Bush at 9:30 at the Booker School, go to

Denk aan Poetin ...
by jpe Sunday January 20, 2002 at 03:15 PM

Victor, ik had dit artikel al gelezen en heb zelf over de kwestie geschreven in DIOGENE(S) nr 3. Eigenlijk is het naief om leiders niet van zulke zaken als het terroriseren van de eigen bevolking te verdenken. Er staat voor hen te veel op het spel en doorheen de geschiedenis hebben dictators hun bevolking dan ook geterroriseerd. Denk aan de manier waarop Poetin in Rusland aan de macht kwam, na die mysterieuze aanslagen op appartementsgebouwen in Moskou, aanslagen die zich sindsdien niet meer voordeden.

Maar nu denken dat we Bush gaan doen vallen met deze info ... dat is te optimistisch. Wat niet wil zeggen dat we deze informatie en de twijfel over Bush' betrokkenheid én de wetenschap over de voordelen die hij er uit putte, moeten blijven verspreiden. Opdat de Amerikanen zeker niet nog eens voor deze schurk zullen stemmen.

by Victor Smala Sunday January 20, 2002 at 04:28 PM

Bedankt voor je commentaar JPE,

Als iemand weet dat een misdaad gaat gepleegd worden en hij/zij doet niets om dat te verhinderen dan is die persoon strafbaar. Als blijkt dat de president van de Vs weet had van een eerste crash, en dan een tweede en nog altijd niets doet om het derde vliegtuig te intercepteren of zelfs integendeel de gangbare interceptie-procedure bij kapingen verhindert met de dood van meer dan drie duizend VS-burgers tot gevolg dan kan je je inbeelden dat een empeachment procedure niet zo fantasistisch is. Er zijn al politici voor veel minder moeten aftreden. (Nixon ?) Ik weet niet of die info verspreiden voldoende is, het moet vooral in de VS verspreid worden, maar we kunnen maar proberen.


emperors mailing list
by Guido Sunday January 20, 2002 at 05:30 PM

Ik stond een tijd geleden op de emaillist van emperors clothes en ben daar dan gewoon afgegooid zonder enige uitleg. Weet iemand hoe ik er terug opgeraak?
Hun nieuwsbrieven zijn echt wel leuk.

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by christophe Sunday January 20, 2002 at 05:47 PM

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