arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Heeft iemand onze mikrofoon/ Has anyone seen our Microfone?
by Kees Tuesday December 18, 2001 at 05:59 PM 00-31-(0)20-6279661

During the D15-demonstration in Brussels some militant demonstraters took away our costly microfone, we hope someone found it and will give it back

(Even in het Engels, zodat zoveel mogelijk mensen mee kunnen lezen...)

Please, if someone found our microfone in Brussels, give it back.

During the demonstration on December 15th in Brussels, our camera-team was harassed by a few militants. At that moment some bank around the corner of the Bockstael-place was being trashed, and we were filming it. Our little team (one camera + man, one soundman) was filming this, as we have been filming lots of other aspects of the demonstrations. We succeeded in calming down the hysterical militants, which wasn't easy, but alas... But in the turmoil someone must have grabbed the microfone that was on the camera and disappeared with it. The thing costs some 800 guilders (350 USdollars), and as we don't get paid for anything, (we're not corporate media!) it's a lot of money for us. Now we hope that someone might have found the microfone, or brought it to indymedia or something. In that case we would of course appreciate to get it back. It's a Sennheiser MK416, dark grey, and had a windsocket around it (you know, the fluffy thing, grey also) with the words Beyer Dynamik in white on it.

If somebody knows about it, please give us a call at XminY in Amsterdam, Netherlands, tel +(00-31)(0)20-6279661 or email: Of course we'll be happy to pay any costs such as postage.

We are making a video about the movements against neoliberal globalisation, the video is meant to be "agit-prop" for people in Holland, to motivate them to join the demonstrations. We have been filming at lots of demonstrations (Cologne, Prague, Genoa and now Brussels, amongst others). In Genoa we were working with two camera's and Yup, using one of them, was severely attacked and wounded by the Italian police. You might have seen the footage of the attack, as Yup continued filming untill he collapsed or the camera stopped working. The camera was also severely damaged. To repair it will cost thousands of dollars, which we don't have by the way and we started legal procedures against the Italian state that did not result in anything so far...

(Greetings, Kees, XminY Solidariteitsfonds,