arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

police provocation at tourntaxis
by bushman Saturday December 15, 2001 at 08:07 PM

policeprovocation at tourntaxis

I was at tour n taxis at the time the police started there raid .In the beginning everybody could just walk trought, suddenly from a street at the left they came and blokked the street. At this point I can still understand they wanted us not to walk in the streets where people lived and wanted us to stay at tourn taxis or go to the station. but then 2 watercannons came out of this street, while we where there with only 50 people who wanted to walk freely, then the watertrucks came to us standing between the line of policemen, the started to push us back in the street, even I was schocked of this provocation. So people started to sit on the ground. If they would have yust stayed there without watercannons telling us they just wanted no big groups of people in the steets around tourn taxis I would have understand, but driving Us back like that was a real provocation to everyone even they who where not there to trow with things. they wanted us to react on there provocation and it worked. I think if we would have yust stayed siting on the street demonstrating our idees without answering there provocationg, sitting with our backs to them drinking hot coffee and eeting sanwisches we would have been the provocars wthout doing anything wrong.
Salaam oealaaikoem. bushman