arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

120 arrested at prisoner solidarity demo
by Uri Gordon Friday December 14, 2001 at 11:47 PM

About 120 activists - including members of the legal team - were arrested tonight at a peaceful demonstration held in solidarity with the people already arrested in todays protests

The protesters arrived around 23:00 at the General Jacques street police station, in southeast Brussels, accompanied by members of the legal team, to express their solidarity with at least 34 people who were arrested during today's d14 demonstration. Police came out and arrested the solidarity demonstrators - *including* the members of the legal team - although their action was entirely peaceful. Anyone up for another solidarity demo?

by Brian Saturday December 15, 2001 at 12:05 AM

I'm a VUB student and have some friends from uni in the legal teams, I guess there is a big chance they are arrested.

I just have one word: DISGRACE

The legal teams are there to *help* the police to keep things quiet and peacefull, and now they are arresting them...who can understand? Unless the police is willingly trying to create riots and chaos.

the etterbeek problems
by vub student Saturday December 15, 2001 at 12:20 PM


the problems that occured last night at etterbeek were fucking unnessecary. Its unbelievable how people, coming on the streets for peace, seem to hate people in police-uniforms. If you know that there are complete assholes between the cops, why the fuck do you go protesting with a hundred anachist-like dressed people in the middle of the night, knowing that this can only makes serious troubles?

As one of the students who worked the shit out off himself to give sleeping places to 500 people, i was able to see and talk to a lot of demonstrators. I can assure you that a lot of the messages i heard were messages of hate and untolerance. How can you people ever make peace when this kind of peace is just for the good ones and those with the right ideas?

You may be demonstrating against bombing Afghanistan. I agree. Even if bombs solve some problems, the wounds that result from this kind of actions are to deep and preserved by history.

You may be demonstrating agains Israelian policies. I agree for the same reason. But who of the people demonstrating tries to understand why Israel does these things? Who tries to feel the historical situation, the fear for attacs and pains of those bombing other innocents now?

There's a nationalist manifestation this morning. Result: an anti-fasco manifestation. Because they're the bad ones and they have to be stopped. Apparently freedom of speech is reserved for those who take the slightest incident to yell all over the streets that there is no freedom of speech.


You think the police will let you yelling and trowing stones at each other? You think a policeman is a kind of machine that acts the best way in every situation? Some of them will kick your ass, and you'll hate them more tomorrow.

So fuck you all. How can you make peace by being radical pro-Saddam, pro-palestinian, anti-fasco anti-crap this and that and all other hate-loaded messages? Where's you own opinion when i see you likking Marx and Ché's asses on the demonstration by thousands? Wheres the solidarity that you yelled for in the VUB-room before going to the police kazerne last night, when five minutes before i hear trotskists talking crap about the anrchists talking crap about the stalinists talking crap about the marxists talki... I can only conclude that lots of people just take any situation to create this instinctif us-against-them crap.

I may be shocked because of the injuries i saw and the traumatic stories i heard from my best friends. Some of those policeman should be punished and forced to resign immediatly, not being able to make order, to be just and to be under controle. But if people would try to understand that this is how people are AND made in this society, stupid things like this wouldn't happen. So maybe you'll laugh with my story, but this is MY moment of dissapointment and anger.

by nhbk Saturday December 22, 2001 at 08:14 PM

1. does anyone know if there are still people in arrest, why they are in prison and from which coountry/city they are?
2. people demonstrating against israel are antisemits
3. cops are volunteers, citizens in capitalist states not.
viva anarchia!