arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

D14: first news of the demo
by indymedia dispatch-update Friday December 14, 2001 at 11:26 AM


Police says about 7000 demonstrants, our sources think there are a smaal 10 000 people present.
The agreements were that the NGO's should take the lead of the demo, followed by Attac. But the NGO-group is so small (about 400 people), that other groups, like the English SWP and other anti-capitalist organisations, are trying to take over the lead.

Bloody typical...
by GAIA Friday December 14, 2001 at 12:17 PM

If you look at the SWP front organisation 'Globalise Resistance' website, they have been advertising nationwide that the Brussels demo was going to be finished today, on the 14th. THis gives them the excuse to bus in a load of people, tell them that they can't leave the group or they'll get lost, and then claim that all the people walking with them are members... look at the genoa pictures, all they show is SWP flags. GR is to anticapitalism what the ANL is to antifascism; a recruiting tool controlled by the SWP.

In Prague they did the same thing, bussing in people from around Europe, but of course they ended up going on a different march from what they had agreed they would, with far less numbers than they had claimed, causing major trouble because numbers were down on one side of the conference centre.

Most SWP/GR coaches will be getting there the morning of the 14th and going back in the evening; they are falsely claiming that there are only two days of action, the 13th and 14th.

I can't help thinking that they do not want to stay longer because of the anarchist demo on the 15th, or indeed take the risk of their group of (mostly non-SWP) people getting involved with anything which is outside the control of their leaders. I think Prague showed this best, the leadership claimed to have taken the 'executive decision' to change routes 5 minutes before it happened. If you ask me they just enjoy the feeling of power.

Glasgow Anarchists

Where's is the info?
by How how Friday December 14, 2001 at 12:26 PM

No more news from the demo?

Has the demo started? Or ended? Where are the protesters?

We don't have any information. Is there anyone from Indymedia on this demo reporting what's currently happening?

BruXXel radio is on air. But is talking about about a lots of things... except from the today demo.

Come on, guys! Do we have to rely on officials medias to know what's happening in our demo?

See Ya