arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

by international activist for direct democracy Wednesday December 12, 2001 at 08:21 PM

Foreign Activists will be expelled from Belgium after an Occupation of Headquarters Chemical Lobby


Brussels, 12-12-2001, 8pm.
In connection with the EU summit of Laeken, an international coalition of activists (Belgians, Dutch, Italian and Spanish) promoting a different globalization have this morning occupied the offices of CEFIC, the European lobby group of the chemical industry. The non-violent occupation succeeded and lasted until 12.00 am due to the fact that 10 activists locked themselves on in the office of CEFIC. Only 3 hours after the arrival of the Special Intervention Forces the building could be evicted. 45 activists inside the building were arrested juridicaly . Around 50 others outside with a samba band could walk back and at 4pm there was a solidarity demo in front of the police office where the 45 activists were held.
The police also searched the bus that was used as a transport for the action.
They found personal luggage, and reported to the press about the presence of offensive objects. The police used this as an excuse to claim that the protesters had violent intentions. The juridical authorities decided to expel immediately the foreigners. The objects found are very normal things to bring when you travel abroad, such as camping knives. Even though the police themselves admitted that the occupation was non-violent they still applied the measure of expulsion for EU citizens for reasons of public ordain this way they prevented EU citizens to peacefully demonstrate and freely express their ideas on European policy without being thrown out of the country…this is not a good beginning of the Summit!

The international coalition held the action to denounce the role of the chemical industry in blocking any effective European environmental policy, in a direct and nonviolent way. CEFIC constitutes a symbol of the undemocratic character of the EU, where corporations have a major influence on policy via their lobbygroups. The activist wish to focus on the informal power centers in stead of the official one.

Pictures and images of the action at Reuters, Belga and TV Brussel.

About the participants of this action

Activist occupying CEFIC are mainly Dutch and Belgian but some are Spanish, Italian, German or Greek. Wildgroei is a Belgian direct action group that has opposed various infrastructure projects, such as the closing of the Antwerp Ring Road. ( [Dutch]) The Environment Workinggroup of JNM is campaigner for climate justice, organic agriculture and against genetic engineering. ( A SEED is Action for Solidarity, Equality and Ecological Development, a grassroots network aiming at the fundamental causes of the ecological and social crisis. ( [English]) Green Front, EarthFirst! Netherlands is a convenient banner for uncompromising ecologists, and well known in the Netherlands for opposing the Betuwelijn, the most important European cargo-line under construction from Rotterdam to the Ruhr-area. ( [English/Dutch]) Ecological Projectcentre The Wasp is a radical environmental collective in Leuven (

In sync with this action we are publishing a brochure on Cefic, the European industrial lobby, and more backgrounds behind this action. It is online at