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Brussels d14 Map [itineraries explanation]
by red kitten (belgium.indymedia) Friday December 07, 2001 at 03:20 PM

All you ever wanted to know about the itinerary of December 14th demonstration, but -of course- never dared to ask! Here's a small map + notes to make it a bit more clear.

Brussels d14 Map [it...
laeken-map-02-trajects.gif, image/gif, 607x507

On the map:
-D14-A- (blue) First itinerary asked by D14 coordination (ending up in Parc Stuyvenberg)
-D14-B- (green) After the police refused the first proposal, because it was ending straight in the middle of the red zone, D14 proposed a itinerary going a bit along the palace parc walls. This has been refused aswell.
-BRU.-C- (red) The authorities make "an alternative proposal" to D14/Another Europe Network (*): a demonstration in the middle of industrial zones, far from the Royal Palace! This have been totally refused by D14/etc, and they begun a campain for democratic rights, etc...
-BRU.-D- (black) This itenerary have been given by authorities Thursday 6th.
The D14 coordination statement about that itinerary is about this:
-The authorities had to move back because of the pressures we've done, that's positive,
-Still, this itinerary is imposed and anti-democratic,
-We'll go that way, but everybody have to feel free to make actions to claim this itinerary is anti-democratic.
[i think that's it, if someone want to correct me > "add your comment"]
(*) Network "another Europe for another world" is a network created after the October 19th's demonstration in Ghent, when ATTAC (International) and a couple of big NGOs (NGO forum) decided to demonstrate the 14th, with the D14 coordination.
The network is united around a statement (declaration):

C'est un abus de pouvoir
by Arty Friday December 07, 2001 at 07:08 PM

Il est scandaleux que la population se voit refuser le droit de manifester dans certains endroits pourtant publiques de la ville.

L'argument de sécurité n'est pas recevable comme argument pour interdire l'exercice du droit de manifestation dans certaines zones publiques : ce sont les services publiques (la police entre autres) qui doivent adapter leur organisation aux demandes des manifestants, et non l'inverse.

C'est un abus de pouvoir flagrant, motivé par des intérêts politiques.

Y a marre, marre, marre que nos élus foulent au pied les principes élémentaires de la démocratie !!!

L'histoire montre que la répression injustifiée ne fait qu'exacerber les tensions.

Les autorités ont pris une lourde responsabilité.
