arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

by Akis Tuesday November 13, 2001 at 11:28 PM

Massive Anti-war demonstrations took place in every major Greek city on Tuesday, November 8. In a country where virtually everyone condemns the US war on Afghanistan, anti-war dissent is sure to continue and possibly grow even more.

On Tuesday, November 8, coordinated anti-war demonstrations took part in every major Greek city. The demonstrations, supported by the whole spectrum of left-wing parties and groups and the many anti-war coalitions that have been created since the S11, were massive and vibrant, living up to the expectations of the organizers. As usually, however, there was little or no coverage by the mainstream media.

In Athens, more than 10.000 people marched from Sintagma Square to the American Embassy, in a passionate rejection of the U.S. led bombing on Afghaninstan. Most of them accounted for trade unionists and anti-war coalitions friendly to the Greek Communist party, while there were big numbers of students, far-left organizations' supporters, anti-globalization activists anarchists and immigrants. Anyone could feel the great energy, born from rage, that was coming out of the people, chanting the classic "Americans, killers of the people" and "Bush, fascist, murderer". You could also hear some new and interesting slogans like " Not Bush, neither Taliban, solidarity to Afghanistan" and " Bomb Qatar, not Kandahar". Outside the Embassy , hundreds of riot-police were standing in full gear, ready for a repetition of the 1999 attack on the American Embassy, by demonstrators opposing the war on Yugoslavia. But that did not happen, since the demo was totally non-violent.

In Thessaloniki, many thousands marched to the American consulate, in the same passionate way. Outside the consulate, a sirene started screaming and, smoke flares were used and girls wearing black burgas just lay down on the street, in an act representing the killing of innocents in Afghanistan. Others burned American flags, but there was no violence there, too. it was the biggest anti-war demonstration in Thessaloniki since the S11.

Thousands more demonstrated in Patras and every other major Greek city. In a country where virtually everyone condemns the US war on Afghanistan, anti-war dissent is sure to continue and possibly grow even more. The next massive mobilization will take place on November 17, an emotionally charged annual anniversary of the 1973 student uprising against the U.S imposed dictatorship. There are anti-imperialist demonstrations every year, on that date, but this time it seems they will be bigger and even more raged.

Disturbing news from Greece
by Geoffrey Wasteneys Friday November 16, 2001 at 03:18 AM

I have never been comfortable with the use of aerial bombing to bring a small Nation to terms. I was involved in I was involved in the bombing of Germany in the 1939/45 war that was a rather different mat
matter. In this case, however, as distinct from Yugoslavia, that was insupportable, Bush did
have a case.TheTalibans (Students) were holding the Afghans hostage.and they did support
Bin Laden, or at least refused to condemn him. As it has turned out, Bush has" lucked out'
Now if he will only leave the Afghans to their own devices after providing food aid and getting
Bin Laden., if he can.

What is disturbing is to hear that the demonstrators claimed to be 'Communists', a highly
discredited economic system the Soviet Union tried to impose on Afghanistan, with
disastrous results.The Soviet's behavior towards their supposed Allies was atrocious.
In theory, communism sounds.o.k. as long as it is a voluntary system, but as is well know,
it has always been the most savage with sheer indifference to human life. How odd that
these people did not come out in the same masses to protest the bombing of Yugoslavia.
by NATO.

Where is George Orwell
Geoffrey wasteneys

Disturbing comment from Geoffrey ;-)
by red kitten Friday November 16, 2001 at 06:17 PM

No, i'm kidding, just to little comments!

[1] Lot of Communists were against the USSR invasion of Afghanistan.

[2] There's been HUGE protests against NATO war against Yugo in Greece! There even have been direct actions of the population against military trains and bases.

It's seems that you should study a bit history before talking about it... (sorry!)