arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Pie Attack by Indymedia inside the israelian parlement
by Rony Thursday July 05, 2001 at 05:17 PM

Indymedia activists from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem went yesterday morning into Israel Parlement Hall and threw a pie on the face of Rubi Rivlin, the Communication minister.

The local Indymedia group is on the first steps of a campign against the monopolization of TV infrastructure and
contents. The 3 cable TV companies are on their way to merge into one monster which also owns the major newspapers and magazines in Israel. But the 5 families which hold the Israel economy don't work alone. They are supported by politicians which work on modifing existing laws not only to allow the merger, but to allow them to get the wide-band
wires where they could sell also phone and Internet services.

The rich get the full support of the right wing miniter of communication. Today he was finishing another meeting of the Economic Commitee in the Parliment, when he got pied by an Indymedia activist, now under arrest with 2 other friends. The main stream media is trying to focous on the "violent" action and criticise our "undemocratic" tactics. We face these in many interviews by denouncing the
undempcratic nature of the Parliment.

The campaign we promote is on the future of media in our society. I beleive as Kalle Lasn from ADBUSTERS wrote, that the fight over the media will be the biggest fight of this century. Our local campaign is against the merger, and centralization as well as calling to open and fund the public access channels on TV and Radio.

In solidarity with all anti-capitalist, media, and micro power activist,


nice, nice
by a german anarchist Friday July 13, 2001 at 03:27 PM

great! how does he look with the pie covering his angry and vulnered face? what was about his dress?
and the media have been reporting about it and given you the chance to give interviews?
and how is it possible to enter the israelian (the israelian!!!if an arab would do this, carrying a bit of dynamite with him...) parliament? where did you hide the glorious pie?