arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Not all Americans support Bush
by Crispian Smith Tuesday June 12, 2001 at 10:07 PM

Not all Americans support Bush

Europe : Please know that not all Americans support Bush or his policies. Many people in America support progressive, international policies that recognize the dignity and rights of all humans – and stand with you in your efforts to create a more humane and healthy world.

Crispian Smith
Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Alaska, the United States

He didn't get 50% of the votes either
by Wednesday June 13, 2001 at 01:07 PM

Most americans even voted against him (and many didn't vote).

Of course we know that!
by Daniel Thursday June 14, 2001 at 12:22 AM

I love americans!


Americans Ashamed of Bush
by Bill Haff Thursday June 14, 2001 at 10:41 PM

As an American I appeal to Europeans to do what you can to oppose Bush's policies and to reach out to Americans who are trying to form citizen opposition groups. If we built up a true international opposition movement much more could be done to rein in his destructive influence.

More and more Americans are becoming aware that the Bush administration is filled with right-wing idealogues and that they think nothing of lying to the American public to help promote their agenda.

Please contact us through and And keep up the fight! Congratulations to European demonstrators!

Bill Haff
Boston, MA USA

Resist Fascism!
by Anonymous Thursday June 21, 2001 at 11:33 PM USA

First of all, it must be clear to the world community that most Americans actually voted for Albert Gore during the election of 2000. However, there has been a velvet coup d'etat, and former Skull and Bones member, King George W. Shrub, is now "leader of the free world."

First, they steal our government, then they march on shredding our Constitution, and then they go on to mess up the entire world.

I am writing from America--and I see the same madness that was present during Hitler's rise to power. What we need is a tremendous amount of international opposition to Bush and company. Keep up the protests!

We must be on guard. Bush spells trouble and disaster for the entire planet.

Remember, as our great President Thomas Jefferson once said, "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God."

Truth, Light, Order!