arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Attached is a photo of a 6ft tall armed-to-the-teeth Palestinian terrorist
by posted by han Monday June 11, 2001 at 02:56 PM

Attached is a photo of a 6ft tall armed-to-the-teeth Palestinian terrorist being arrested by 7 little innocent Israeli kids. You don't believe it?

Attached is a photo ...
palestinian_terrorist____.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x639

Attached is a photo of a 6ft tall armed-to-the-teeth Palestinian terrorist being arrested by 7 little innocent Israeli kids. You don't believe it?

I don't! Nobody would. If the kid -wetting his pants out of fear- is your son, little brother or even neighbor would you just watch? Wouldn't you care?

To show that you really care, forward this message and photo to all your friends.

Let them see how the Palestinian kids are treated by the Israeli occupation.
Let them judge who the real terrorists are.

Then please go to the web site below and sign the petition for an international protection force for the Palestinian people.

So far, more than 100,000 signatures have been collected.I hope that you will take a minute to sign, send, and then pass the following address to those who believe in stopping the injustice.