arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Doe mee an een e-mail lijst tegen de WTO/OMC!
by Comrade Black Wednesday May 30, 2001 at 05:29 PM

On 9-13 November 2001 the WTO will hold its bi-annual ministerial conference in Doha, Qatar. We must oppose these meeting with international action!

On 9-13 November 2001 the WTO will hold its bi-annual ministerial conference in Doha, Qatar. After the debacle of 1999's conference in Seattle at which activists managed to effectively shut down the meetings, the WTO has done the cowardly thing and decided to meet in a far off state, with very little tolerance of dissent and a lack of respect for freedom of speech and assembly. We must respond to this brazen action by holding demonstrations internationally. Whether this means everyone staging a local action or tens of thousands of activists converging on several regional centres around the world, we must not be silent this fall!

To help plan tactics for these actions and to develop a consensus as to where we as a movement wish to stage them I encourage all who are interested to join a newly created e-mail list for this purpose. To join the list send an email to:

Anyone interested in stopping the WTO this fall is welcome to join.

In Solidarity,
Comrade Black