arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Porto Alegre: Another World is Possible... Only by destroying Capitalism!
by posted by han Tuesday January 30, 2001 at 05:11 AM

Op het jongerenn kamp werd ook duchtig gedisctueerd over eeen stategie tregen de neoliberale globalisering. Uit die bdiscussies volgfede een soort slotverkalring. De verklaring heeft toch wel meet dan enekele bedenkingen bij de rest van het forum,

Since Seattle, passing Washington, London, Milan, Melbourne Seol, Prague to Nice, time and again tens of thousands of anticapitalist youth have denounced, with direct action, the great monopolies and international institutions such as the IMF, World Bank, WTO, and the European Union. These institutions are responsible for the exploitation of millions of workers, for the destruction of the environment, for relegating millions of persons in dire poverty.

Now, here,in Porto Alegre , at the World Social Forum, the NGO's, the union bureacracies, and the directors of the institutionalized political parties change the content of the struggle of the young anticapitalists to the reactionary policy of "humanizing capital". Humanizing capitalism with the French ministers that persecute immigrants, who form a government that, together with NATO, bombed Yugoslavia, killing thousands of people and repressed the anti-capitalists in Nice. Humanizing capitalism together with the bankers and the multinationals. Humanizing capitalism together with the governments who, like the PT [Worker's Party], continue paying the foreign debt, repressed the strike of the professors of Rio Grande do Sul and the occupation of a federal building in Porto Alegre, and continue repressing the street merchants and the homeless on their squatted land. Governments that continue to make payments to the multinationals.

In truth the "stars" that direct this government and mayoralship, self-proclaimed democratic and popular, interested in the 2002 elections, resolved to serve as a test tube for a new capitalist order. One sustained by a social democracy that permits bourgeouis exploitation and pleases the middle-classes with democratic play-actings such as the Participatory Budget that aims to impede protests via the co-optation of popular movements. Rounding out the picture are the various "left" parties that even while criticising this policy, capitulate before a more thorough questioning.

Humanizing capitalism is utopian and reactionary. Thus, we, anti-capitalist youth from the Youth Camp, form a part of the anti-capitalist movement and stand in solidarity with the youth denouncing the World Economic Forum in Davos. We say: The World Social Forum is a ruse of those who wish to detour the anti-capitalist fight towards the policy of collaboration of classes and elections, continuing to apply the misery of capitalism. Thus we continue our efforts in the contruction of a national anti-capitalist network under the cries of : "Down with the World Economic Forum, IMF World Bank and WTO"; to which the World Social Forum is not an alternative, "down with the plan Colombia!", "Long live the Palestinean Intifada", "No to the payment of the domestic and foreign debts!", "No to the Privatizations!".

Capitalism kills, we will kill capitalism. It is up to the youth, the workers, and the poor anti-capitalists, loyal to the spirit of Seattle, Nice, Prague and Davos to impede the distortion of the anti-capitalist intervention and its use by its enemies.

Juventude e Luta Revolucionaria, Jornal Espaco Socialista, Comite Marxista Revolucionario, Anarco-Punks, Movimento Che Vive (RJ), Coletive pela Universidade Popular (Porto Alegre), Secretaria Estadual de Casas de Estudantes de Goias, Movimento Nacional de Meninos e Meninas de Rua, Federacao Anarquista Gaucha, Grupo Cultural Semente de Esperanca, Acao Global por Justica Local, Resitencia Popular RJ/PA, Nucleo Zumbi Zapatista - ABC Paulista, Estrategia Revolucionaria, Socialismo Libertario Brasilia, Federacao Anarquista Uruguaia, Acao Revolucionaria Marxista (RJ), Frente de Luta Popular, Juventude Avancar na Luta, Ligua Bolchevique Internacionalista, Espaco Cultural Quilombola - Aracatuba - SP, e demais ativistas anti-capitalistas.

Je signe
by Jeune Garde Socialiste Monday February 19, 2001 at 07:13 PM

We sign to destroy the capitalism and for liberty and peace and egality and...