ZAC IN THE BUSH (July 13, 2002 version) a T.I.P. (Text in Progress) by ADRIAN MORE According to: 1. La Repubblica, Sept. 13, 2001, p.26: ‘Un rapporto Sisde per Genova’, by Liana Milella; 2., Newsbytes, September 13, 2001, 1:16pm EST: ‘Newspaper: Echelon Gave Authorities Warning Of Attacks’, by Ned Stafford, (based on a report in Germany’s daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) online at: 3. International Herald Tribune, September 25, 2001, p.3: ‘Attacks Found the FBI Ill-Equipped and Unprepared’, by Joby Warrick, Joe Stephens, Mary Pat Flaherty and James V. Grimaldi, Washington Post Service; 4. The New York Times, Sept.30, 2001: ‘British accuse Algerian of role in Attacks’, by Raymond Bonner, online at: 5. International Herald Tribune, October 17,2001,p.9: ‘Money Linked To Suspect in Hijackings’, by Philip Shenon, New York Times Service; 6. The Associated Press, November 23, 07:05 EST: ‘Hijackers’ Legal Status Had Expired’, by Larry Margasak; 7. International Herald Tribune, December 12, 2001,p.3: ‘Pilot Trainee Is First to Be Indicted in U.S. Attacks’, by Brian Knowlton; 8. International Herald Tribune, January 3,2002,p.4: ‘Flight School Official Spoke of Hijack Threat’, by Dan Eggen, Washington Post Service; 9. International Herald Tribune, February 1, 2002, p.3 : ‘Suspect’s Silence Baffled Agents Before Sept.11’ by Dan Eggen, Washington Post Service; 10. Los Angeles Times, Feb.7, 2002: ‘Indonesia Cleric Tied to ’95 Anti-U.S. Plot’, by Mark Fineman and Richard C. Paddock, online at: 11. International Herald Tribune, February 9, 2002, p.3: ‘A ‘Joyrider’ at Airliner School Soon Raised Suspicions of Terrorism’ by Jim Yardley, New York Times service; 12. International Herald Tribune, March 29, 2002, p.1 (continued on p.4): ‘U.S. Seeks Death Penalty For Sept.11 Terror Suspect’, by Brian Knowlton: 13. The Associated Press, May 3, 2002, 22:31 ET: ‘FBI Warned of Arabs in Flight Schools’, by John Solomon; 14. International Herald Tribune, May 4, 2002, p.3: ‘FBI Agent Had Suspicion About Aviation Students’, by the Associated Press; 15. The Associated Press, May 10, 2002, 17:13 ET: ‘FAA Alerted About Hijacker in 2001’, by John Solomon; 16. International Herald Tribune, May 11, 2002, p.3: ‘Web Match on Student Visas is Near’, by Cheryl W. Thompson (The Washington Post): 17. The New York Times, May 15, 2002: ‘Pre-Attack Memo Cited Bin Laden’, by David Johnson, online at: 18. The Boston Globe, May 16, 2002: ‘Bush received general hijacking warning before Sept.11’, by Anne E. Kornblut, online at: 19. The Associated Press, May 16, 2002, 11:32 ET: ‘Lawmakers Seek Hijack Report Probe’, by Ron Fournier; 20. The Associated Press, May 16, 2002, 18:16 ET: ‘Clues Before Sept. 11 Were Plentiful’, by Nancy Benac; 21. The Boston Globe, May 17, 2002, p.A1: ‘Series of warnings detailed’, by Robert Schlesinger and Wayne Washington, online at: 22. The Associated Press, May 17, 13:09 ET: ‘1999 Report Warned of Suicide Hijack’, by John Solomon; 23. The Washington Post, May 18, 2002, p.A01: ‘Aug. Memo Focused On Attacks in U.S.’, by Bob Woodward and Dan Eggen, online at: 24. International Herald Tribune, May 18, 2002: ‘’FBI knew of Qaeda pilot training’, by Philip Shenon (The New York Times), online at: 25. The Associated Press, May 18, 2002, 12:53 ET: ‘Clues Surfaced Before Sept.11’, by Paul Haven; 26. International Herald Tribune, May 21, 2002, p.6: ‘The U.S. ignored foreign warnings, too’, by John K. Cooley, online at: 27. International Herald Tribune, May 22, 2002, p.3: ‘Ashcroft kept president in dark on post-Sept.11 FBI memo’, by David Johnston and Don Van Natta jr. (The New York Times), online at: 28. International Herald Tribune, May 23, 2002, p.3: ‘Midlevel halt to Qaeda inquiry’, by Dan Eggen (The Washington Post), online at: 29. The Associated Press, May 23, 2002, 04:17 ET: ‘White House Was Target of Flight 93’, by John J. Lumpkin; 30. The Associated Press, May 23, 2002, 19:52 ET: ‘Bush Opposes Independent 9/11 Panel’, by Tom Raum; 31. International Herald Tribune, May 25, 2002, p.3: ‘FBI agents cite blunders in Moussaoui inquiry’, by Dan Eggen and Bill Miller (The Washington Post), online at: 32. The New York Times, May 25, 2002: ‘FBI Agent Says Superior Altered Report, Foiling Inquiry’, by James Risen, online at: 33. The New York Times, May 26, 2002: ‘Agent’s Role in Inquiries Is Questioned’, by Neil A. Lewis, online at: 34. The New York Times, May 27, 2002: ‘F.B.I. Inaction Blurred Picture Before Sept.11’, by Neil A. Lewis, online at: 35. The Washington Post, June 1, 2002, p.A02: ‘FBI Whistle-Blower to Testify in Senate’, by Dan Eggen and Steve Fainaru, online at: 36. Time Magazine, June 3, 2002: ‘Coleen Rowley’s Memo to FBI Director Robert Mueller’ (edited version), online at: 37. International Herald Tribune, June 7, 2002, p.3: ‘Notebook of ‘20th hijacker’ could have tied him sooner to Qaeda’, by anonymous (The Washington Post), online at: 38. Associated Press, June 14, 2002, 08:19 ET: ‘Moussaoui Denies Role in 9/11 Attack’, by Matthew Barakat; 39. Associated Press, July 3, 2002, 5:17 ET: ‘Terror Suspect Moussaoui Makes Plea’, by Larry Margasak: 1994: "Muslim militants from Algeria hijacked an Air France jetliner […] It came out THAT THEY HAD HOPED TO BLOW UP THE JET OVER THE EIFFEL TOWER, DEBUNKING THE NOTION THAT A SUICIDAL AIRLINER ATTACK ON A PROMINENT TARGET WAS UNTHINKABLE BEFORE SEPT.11 [my caps]." 1995: "The AP reported last month [April 2002] that Filipino authorities alerted the FBI AS EARLY AS 1995 [my caps] that several Middle Eastern pilots were training at American flight schools and at least one had proposed hijacking a commercial jet AND CRASHING IT INTO FEDERAL BUILDINGS [my caps; more on this below]". SINCE 1995: "The FBI had been developing evidence that international terrorists were using U.S. flight schools to learn to fly jumbo jets. A foiled plot in Manila to blow up U.S. airliners and later court testimony by an associate of Mr. Bin Laden’s had touched off FBI INQUIRIES AT SEVERAL SCHOOLS, OFFICIALS SAY [my caps]." "FBI officials were told that one man involved in a plot to blow up U.S.-bound airliners had suggested DIVE-BOMBING A PLANE INTO THE CIA BUILDING JUST OUTSIDE WASHINGTON [my caps]. ‘It is a suicidal mission that he is very much willing to execute’, reads one Filipino police report about Abdul Hakim Murad. Murad told of crisscrossing the United States TO ATTEND FLIGHT SCHOOLS IN NEW YORK, TEXAS, CALIFORNIA AND NORTH CAROLINA [caps mine]". "[FBI] agents PARTICIPATED IN THE INTERROGATION IN THE PHILIPPINES OF MURAD [my caps] who had been arrested there". Recap: The Al-Qaida operative Abdul Hakim Murad had trained for a suicide hijacking/jet-bomb attack, Sept.11-style, as he told (let’s repeat it) Philippine authorities AND FBI AGENTS after his arrest in 1995: "their [Murad’s and his accomplices’] ultimate goal was TO HIJACK A COMMERCIAL AIRLINER AND CRASH IT…INTO EITHER CIA HEADQUARTERS OR THE PENTAGON [my caps]." SEPTEMBER 1999: "Two years before the Sept.11 attacks, a federal report warned the executive branch [=Bill Clinton, my note] that Osama bin Laden’s terrorists might hijack an airliner AND DIVE BOMB IT INTO THE PENTAGON OR OTHER GOVERNMENT BUILDING". This report built on Murad’s confession. JANUARY 5, 2001: source nr 1: the U.S. embassy in Rome shuts down for 3 days ON "U.S. ORDERS", because of a feared "ATTACK FROM THE SKY, A MISSILE OR SOMETHING ELSE [my translation & caps]". EARLY 2001: Zacarias Moussaoui, "a French national of Moroccan descent", enters the U.S. EARLY 2001: Zacarias Moussaoui (indicted on suspicion to have been the 20th planned hijacker for September 11) trained as a pilot for three months at Airman Flight School in Norman, Oklahoma, but he flunks out. MARCH 2001 – JUNE 2001: source nr 2: "U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies received warning signals... that Middle Eastern terrorists were planning to HIJACK COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT TO USE AS WEAPONS TO ATTACK IMPORTANT SYMBOLS OF AMERICAN AND ISRAELI CULTURE [my caps]... the Echelon spy network was being used to collect information about the terrorist threat, and ...U.K. INTELLIGENCE SERVICES APPARENTLY ALSO HAD ADVANCE WARNING [caps mine]". SUMMER 2001: Jordan’s General Intelligence Division (GID) headquarters in Amman relay an intercept to Washington, "probably through the CIA", and to German intelligence: "A MAJOR ATTACK WAS PLANNED INSIDE THE CONTINENTAL U.S. […] AIRCRAFT WOULD BE USED." "WHEN IT BECAME CLEAR THAT […] THE INTERCEPT WAS EMBARASSING TO BUSH ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS AND CONGRESSMEN WHO AT FIRST DENIED THAT THERE HAD BEEN ANY SUCH WARNINGS BEFORE SEPT.11, SENIOR JORDANIAN OFFICIALS BACKED AWAY FROM THEIR EARLIER CONFIRMATIONS". JULY 10, 2001: "Two months before… Sept.11… an FBI agent in Phoenix, Arizona [Kenneth Williams, my note], alerted the bureau’s headquarters in Washington that several Middle Eastern men were training at an aviation school and recommended checking with others in the country where Arabs may be studying… Officials said FBI counterterrorism agents in Phoenix were suspicious that several Arab men were seeking airport operations, SECURITY INFORMATION AND PILOT TRAINING [my caps]… The agents were particularly concerned that some were attempting to learn about airport security operations". "The classified memorandum… also CITED OSAMA BIN LADEN BY NAME and suggested that his followers could use the schools TO TRAIN FOR TERROR OPERATIONS [my caps]". "Intelligence sources said […] that AT LEAST TWO NAMES LISTED… HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED BY THE CIA AS HAVING LINKS TO AL QAEDA." Allegedly after 911; but if the thorough screening recommended by Williams had been conducted, the Qaeda links may have been established before 911. And: memo author Williams wrote that the senior Qaeda Abu Zubaydah "had telephone contacts with at least one" of the 8 Arab students at Prescott Flight School in Phoenix whom Williams investigated. That is: the Qaeda link was known by July 10. Therefore: WHY WASN’T AT LEAST ONE OF THOSE 8 ARRESTED THERE AND THEN? AND BY THE WAY: WHERE ARE THOSE 8 NOW? And although, allegedly, FBI director Pickard or his Washington agent who received the Arizona memo [David Frasca] incredibly didn’t provide it to the CIA back then (but source nr 26 says they did: who’s lying, Mueller or Tenet?); and although the CIA (Tenet) is saying that even if they had gotten the memo in July 2001 they "are not sure that they could have linked the two names to al Qaeda" then: WELL, IT WAS WORTH TRYING! FORMER FBI DIRECTOR THOMAS PICKARD ("ACTING DIRECTOR IN THE SUMMER OF 2001"): WHY DIDN’T YOU OR YOUR WASHINGTON AGENT WHO RECEIVED THE MEMO, DAVID FRASCA, SHARE IT WITH THE CIA? OR DID YOU? WHY ARE YOU NOT IN JAIL YET? "Government officials said [...] that Kenneth Williams [...] had sent the memorandum directly to the attention of Mr. Frasca. Mr. Frasca was also the liaison in Washington for the Minnesota field office’s requests about Mr. Moussaoui." In other words: THE FUCKING WASHINGTON FBI AGENT DAVID FRASCA SABOTAGED BOTH THE PHOENIX AND THE MINNEAPOLIS INVESTIGATIONS! DID HE ACT ALONE? EXTREMELY UNLIKELY. UNDER ORDERS? EXTREMELY LIKELY. More on the traitor Frasca below. Suffice it to add for now that David Frasca is the head of the FBI’s Radical Fundamentalist Unit (R.F.U.). A midlevel cog in the wheel. A convenient scapegoat (albeit not an innocent one) to deflect criticism from the Bush/Ashcroft/Pickard/Mueller/ chain of command. By the way, Mueller – better declassify that Phoenix memo: this is supposed to be an open society, not the stalinized U.S.S.R. you and your slavemasters have turned it into. Of course, then FBI director Thomas Pickard did nothing at all; his worthy successor Robert Mueller had only just begun "discussing conducting a nationwide canvass of flight schools when the hijackings occurred"! Pity that Pickard & Mueller were most arguably under orders from Bush to allow 911 to happen – otherwise they would have acted on the Phoenix tip immediately: they would have run checks on all Middleastern flight school students in 2001; and, at the very least, they would have had Hani Hanjour (AA77, Pentagon) arrested. And probably Ziad Samir Jarrah (UA93, Pennsylvania) too. If only they’d at least canvassed Arizona. Just only Arizona! Mueller said to the Senate in May 2002 that Pickard and CIA director Tenet were not aware of the Phoenix warning, and neither was Attorney General John Ashcroft. WHEN WILL AN INDEPENDENT CONGRESS INQUIRY SUBPOENA FBI AGENT DAVID FRASCA WHO RECEIVED THE PHOENIX MEMO IN JULY 2001 TO TESTIFY AS TO WHY HE ALLEGEDLY DIDN’T INFORM PICKARD/ASHCROFT? ESPECIALLY AFTER GENOVA (see below)? Hani Hanjour, according to the FBI, piloted the plane that hit the Pentagon. He had trained at a Phoenix flight school between January and March 2001, and maybe he was training at another in July. And although, according to the Associated Press, his name was not in the (classified) Phoenix FBI memo, he could have been arrested and deported (had the flight school canvass been conducted) because he was in the U.S. illegally. Just like Moussaoui. Moreover, if the Phoenix-recommended canvass had been conducted in July 2001, the FBI would have interviewed Peggy Chevrette, then manager of the JetTech flight school in Phoenix; asked if she remembered any suspicious Arab students, Ms Chevrette would have told the FBI THEN (in time) what she’s saying now (too late): THAT SHE "CALLED THE FAA INSPECTOR WHO OVERSAW HER SCHOOL THREE TIMES IN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 2001 TO EXPRESS HER CONCERNS ABOUT HANJOUR. ‘I COULDN’T BELIEVE HE HAD A COMMERCIAL LICENSE OF ANY KIND WITH THE SKILLS THAT HE HAD’". MOREOVER, HANJOUR COULDN’T "SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY AS REQUIRED TO GET A U.S. COMMERCIAL PILOT’S LICENSE". Now: guess what FAA inspector John Anthony did? You’d have expected him to have Hanjour expelled and reported to the FBI. But no – Anthony suggested getting "A TRANSLATOR TO HELP HANJOUR" – TO HELP A RETARD WHO COULDN’T FLY OR SPEAK ENGLISH WORTH A DAMN GET A LICENSE FOR BOEING 737 JETLINERS! I AM ONLY WAITING TO KNOW WHY ANTHONY HASN’T BEEN ARRESTED YET ON SUSPICION OF COMPLICITY IN 911! AND NO FUCKING CONGRESSMAN IS EVEN THINKING ABOUT SUBPOENAING HIM TO TESTIFY, SINCE THE FBI WON’T DO IT! WE ARE GOVERNED BY A CORRUPT BUNCH OF TRAITORS AND TERRORISTS – THE REAL MASTERMINDS OF 911!!! As for Ziad Samir Jarrah, who according to the FBI was one of the 4 hijackers on UA Flight 93 (Pennsylvania crash): "Some witnesses have also said they believe another hijacker, Ziad Samir Jarrah, TRAINED ON AN ARIZONA FLIGHT SIMULATOR IN THE MONTHS BEFORE THE ATTACKS". And though he didn’t turn up (allegedly) in the (classified) July 2001 Phoenix memo, Jarrah would have been screened, had the flight school canvass been conducted. And his record was not clean. He was a member of Mohamed Atta’s Hamburg cell, which had been monitored by Spanish and German intelligence for years (see my essay ‘THE TWIN COWARDS’). JULY 11, 2001: Italy: the Sisde (Italian intelligence) writes report nr "2001ter0011183", based on "a qualified foreign source": according to that report, islamist extremists in London were plotting to use "PLANES" to kill Bush at the Genova G8 summit. This prompted Italian interior minister [secretary of state for the interior] Scajola to have "ANTIAIRCRAFT BATTERIES" installed at the Genova airport for the G8; and to close Genova’s airspace for 5 days. The intelligence report said they didn’t deem the attack feasible/believable: but Scajola thought otherwise, and had guns in place and closed the airspace. All of this 2 MONTHS before 911. AND STILL DAVID FRASCA DIDN’T FOLLOW THROUGH ON PHOENIX’S TIP (and on the subsequent, additional Minnesota tip: see below)! HIS WAS A DELIBERATE STAND-DOWN POLICY IF THERE EVER WAS SUCH A THING! AUGUST 6, 2001: president Bush is warned by the CIA, in one of the daily morning briefings, "that Osama bin Laden was seeking to hijack aircraft". "It was not clear why the White House waited eight months after [911] […] to reveal what Mr Bush had been told". This news broke in mid-May 2002. On May 16, 2002, Bush’s propaganda parrot, the liar-for-a-living Ari Fleischer, had the straightface to lie that "the president did not – not – receive information about the use of airplanes as missiles by suicide bombers. This was a new type of attack that was not foreseen." AS IF BUSH HADN’T JUST RETURNED FROM GENOVA’S INFAMOUS G8, WHERE ANTIAIRCRAFT GUNS HAD WATCHED OVER HIS ASS!!! Not to mention Murad 1995, the January U.S. embassy shutdown and the Echelon warnings and and and… Who do you think you can fool, Fleischer? GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR LIVES, YOU AND YOUR SLAVEMASTER! YOU BOTH BELONG IN MOUSSAOUI’S JAIL CELL!! And anyway, what did Bush allegedly do with the CIA’s warning? He allegedly "notified the appropriate agencies". Another arguable Bush/Fleischer lie: Source nr 17: "Asked about the White House comments, Jose Juves, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Port Authority, said […] ‘THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NEVER PASSED DOWN ANY INTELLIGENCE REGARDING HIJACKINGS [my caps]’ to Massport." Source nr 19: "’American Airlines received no specific information from the U.S. government advising the carrier of a potential terrorist hijacking in the United States in the months prior to Sept. 11, 2001’, a statement from the company said." BUSH – A TRAITOR, WHO NEVER EVEN MADE THE WARNING PUBLIC – THUS SENDING UNAWARE LAMBS TO THE SLAUGHTER. Fleischer – a whore. MID-AUGUST 2001: Zacarias Moussaoui "took pilot training" in Eagan, Minnesota, at the Pan Am International Flight school. "The instructor wondered why someone who was not a pilot and had so little experience was trying to pack so much training INTO SUCH A SMALL AMOUNT OF TIME [my caps]." "He wanted to learn FAST [my caps]." MID-AUGUST 2001: Zacarias Moussaoui alarmed flight school instructors "by his request to learn how to fly large jet aircraft – BUT NOT HOW TO TAKE OFF OR LAND" [my caps]. "There was discussion [among flight school employees] ABOUT HOW MUCH FUEL WAS ON BOARD OF A 747-400 AND HOW MUCH DAMAGE THAT COULD CAUSE IF IT HIT ANYTHING" [my caps]. AUGUST 15, 2001: The "Minnesota flight school reported to the FBI that Mr. Moussaoui had been acting suspiciously". "The manager was concerned that Mr. Moussaoui might be planning a hijacking." "…instructors…told the FBI that they were suspicious of his demands to learn to use a Boeing 747 simulator even though he had flunked out of another school’s course for beginning pilots." MID-AUGUST 2001: "A Pan Am vice president told two lawmakers that it took four to six telephone calls to find an agent who would help. The caller finally warned an FBI agent that a Boeing 747-400, which Mr. Moussaoui was seeking to learn how to fly, COULD BE USED AS A BOMB [my capitalization]". FBI director Robert Mueller denied ever having heard of the jet-bomb possibility. Even if this were true, it didn’t take Einstein to connect a guy who wants to learn how to control a flight but not take off or land with a jet-as-bomb concept. If Mueller isn’t lying, he’s stupid and should be fired. If he’s lying, he should be fired and prosecuted for treason. In either case he must be investigated, along with his predecessor Thomas Pickard (Mueller reportedly took office on Sept.4, 2001). AUGUST 15, 2001: "An FBI agent and a Minnesota flight school official discussed the possibility that Zacarias Moussaoui was part of a hijacking PLOT BEFORE THE SEPT. 11 ATTACKS [my capitalization]…The official with the Pan Am Flight Academy in Eagan…talked about the threat…with a Minneapolis FBI agent on Aug. 15". AUGUST 16, 2001: Zacarias Moussaoui is arrested on an immigration violation ("for overstaying his visa") by an "FBI special agent, Dave Rapp, and an immigration agent". Also a friend of Moussaoui’s, Hussein Attas, who had driven "Mr. Moussaoui from Oklahoma to the Minnesota flight school", is arrested on a visa violation, "but was freed on bond" – only to be rearrested after Sept.11. He is now "being held in New York as a material witness". But before being freed (that is BEFORE SEPT.11) Hussein Attas, unlike Moussaoui, "talked at length with investigators, DESCRIBING MR. MOUSSAOUI AS A HOTHEADED RADICAL WHO FREQUENTLY SPOKE OF MUSLIMS BEING KILLED AROUND THE WORLD" [my caps] wherefore Moussaoui was "suspicious" to him too. AUGUST 17, 2001: "THE FBI IN MINNEAPOLIS ALERTED COUNTERTERRORISM OFFICIALS IN WASHINGTON [my caps]" [David Frasca + Michael Maltbie, see below] AUGUST 17 – SEPTEMBER 10, 2001: "Among the new details that have emerged ABOUT THE EARLY MOUSSAOUI INVESTIGATION…IS THAT CONCERN ABOUT MR. MOUSSAOUI REACHED THE TOP ECHELONS OF THE FBI [my caps]": PICKARD KNEW, MUELLER KNEW. AUGUST 17 – SEPTEMBER 10, 2001: "FBI HEADQUARTERS IN WASHINGTON TWICE REJECTED REQUESTS FROM AGENTS IN MINNEAPOLIS FOR A WIDER INVESTIGATION [my capitalization]". LATE AUGUST 2001: "A classified cable IN AUGUST [my capitalization] from the French intelligence service said Mr. Moussaoui had radical Islamic beliefs and identified a friend as having fought in Chechnya with an Algerian Muslim group that included a known Bin Laden associate, U.S. officials said". And though this French cable "did not tie Mr. Moussaoui directly to Qaida or to any other terrorist group", it should have rung the alarm, coupled with the report that Moussaoui wanted to pilot but not take off or land. If the French cable and the flight school reports weren’t grounds enough for a Foreign-Intelligence-Surveillance-Act search warrant, they certainly were for the wider investigation requested by the Minneapolis FBI. "French intelligence was aware of Moussaoui AS EARLY AS 1999, WHEN HE WAS PLACED ON A WATCH-LIST FOR ALLEGED LINKS TO THE ARMED ISLAMIC GROUP, WHICH CLAIMED RESPONSIBILITY FOR 1995 BOMBINGS IN THE PARIS SUBWAY": IS IT CREDIBLE THAT THE WESTERN ALLY FRANCE WOULDN’T SHARE THIS INFO WITH CLINTON/TENET/FREEH? Obviously, the U.S. government terrorists won’t say: "Whether that information was shared with U.S. officials is not clear". WILL ANYONE ASK THE FRENCH? WILL ANYONE SUBPOENA ALL AUTHORITIES INVOLVED TO TESTIFY? Conclusion: the well-known terrorist suspect Moussaoui "was granted a U.S. visa to train as a pilot in the United States." MID-AUGUST 2001: "But according to documents and senior U.S. officials, investigators in Minneapolis immediately viewed Mr. Moussaoui as a terrorist suspect BUT WERE FRUSTRATED IN THEIR ATTEMPTS TO LEARN MORE [my capitalization]": what, who frustrated them? "[FBI] agent Coleen Rowley, who works as a lawyer in the Minnesota office that arrested Moussaoui" wrote in a May 2002 letter to FBI director Mueller and the Senate Intelligence Committee THAT "THE AGENCY’S [=FBI] HEADQUARTERS HAMPERED THE PRE-SEPT.11 TERRORISM INVESTIGATION OF […] MOUSSAOUI [my caps]". "Rowley also wrote […] that evidence gathered in the Moussaoui case, combined with an FBI warning of July 10 that Al Qaeda operatives might be taking flight training in Arizona, should have prompted stronger suspicion at FBI headquarters THAT A TERROR ATTACK WAS PLANNED [my caps]". "THE BOTTOM LINE IS THAT HEADQUARTERS WAS THE PROBLEM [my caps]", an official said. Coleen Rowley "accused a supervisor [David Frasca] at […] Washington’s headquarters OF ALTERING A REPORT IN A WAY THAT MADE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR INVESTIGATORS TO OBTAIN CRUCIAL EVIDENCE IN THE CASE OF ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI […] BEFORE THE SEPT.11 ATTACKS [caps I]". A grave, plausible accusation. A brave agent Rowley. (Except you could have written that letter 8 months ago ; but then again, better late than never, as long as the truth does come out). On with Rowley’s memo: "As the Minneapolis agents’ reasonable suspicions quickly ripened into probable cause, which, at the latest, OCCURRED WITHIN DAYS OF MOUSSAOUI’S ARREST [Aug. 16, 2002, my note] WHEN THE FRENCH INTELLIGENCE SERVICE CONFIRMED HIS AFFILIATIONS WITH RADICAL FUNDAMENTALIST ISLAMIC GROUPS AND ACTIVITIES CONNECTED TO OSAMA BIN LADEN, THEY BECAME DESPERATE TO SEARCH THE COMPUTER LAP TOP THAT HAD BEEN TAKEN FROM MOUSSAOUI AS WELL AS CONDUCT A MORE THOROUGH SEARCH OF HIS PERSONAL EFFECTS. THE AGENTS IN PARTICULAR BELIEVED THAT MOUSSAOUI SIGNALED HE HAD SOMETHING TO HIDE IN THE WAY HE REFUSED TO ALLOW THEM TO SEARCH HIS COMPUTER [caps mine]" And: if the search of Moussaoui’s PC + belongings had been granted, the 911 plot would have been stopped dead in its tracks: - a notebook and correspondence of Moussaoui’s linked him to the same Malaysian Qaeda cell that had hosted alleged AA77 hijackers Almihdhar & Alhazmi, under CIA monitoring since January 2000 at least; "The host of the meeting in Kuala Lumpur was the alleged Al Qaeda associate [Yazid Sufaat, my note], who eight months later would provide Moussaoui with lodging and a letter of reference discovered among his possessions." Part of this CIA info had been shared with the FBI, says the CIA; and on August 23, 2001 (1 week after Zac’s arrest) the CIA issued an all-points bulletin to the FBI to hunt down Almihdhar & Alhazmi; - Zac had a PC disk with the phone number of Atta’s roommate in Hamburg, Germany: a Qaeda cell under Spanish surveillance since 1998 [see my essay ‘The Twin Cowards’ for sourcing/discussion of this]. "Officials who have seen Ms. Rowley’s letter say it accuses the supervisor [David Frasca] of ALTERING THE APPLICATION [for a search warrant for Moussaoui] TO PLAY DOWN THE SIGNIFICANCE OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY FRENCH INTELLIGENCE OFFICIALS ABOUT MR. MOUSSAOUI’S LINKS TO ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS [caps me]." So, thanx to David Frasca the stonewaller: "the FBI did not obtain a search warrant to examine his [Moussaoui’s] computer and other belongings until after [911]". "The issues ‘are fundamentally ones of INTEGRITY’, Ms Rowley wrote, making her points in capitals." "Ms Rowley wrote that the evidence [needed to issue the search warrant for Moussaoui’s PC + belongings] was so persuasive at the time that the bureau could not hide behind a ‘20-20 hindsight is perfect’ argument." Rowley’s memo again: "Also intertwined with my reluctance in this case to accept the ’20-20 hindsight’ rationale is first-hand knowledge that I have of statements made on September 11th, after the first attacks on the World Trade Center had already occurred, made telephonically by the FBI Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) who was the one most involved in the Moussaoui matter and who, up to that point, seemed to have been consistently, ALMOST DELIBERATELY THWARTING THE MINNEAPOLIS FBI AGENTS’ EFFORTS […] EVEN AFTER THE ATTACKS HAD BEGUN, THE SSA IN QUESTION WAS STILL ATTEMPTING TO BLOCK THE SEARCH OF MOUSSAOUI’S COMPUTER [my caps]"!!! This other Washington supervisor who thwarted Minneapolis’ efforts was, according to my source nr 35, MICHAEL MALTBIE. Next question is: WHY HAVEN’T DAVID FRASCA AND MICHAEL MALTBIE – THESE ASSHOLES AT BEST, CO-TERRORISTS AT WORST – NOT BEEN FIRED + ARRESTED YET? WHY ARE THEY NOT BEING INTERROGATED YET AS TO WHETHER THEY INFORMED PICKARD/MUELLER/ASHCROFT OR NOT? FRASCA DENIED HE KNEW ABOUT PHOENIX AND MINNEAPOLIS BEFORE 911: WILLAMS/ROWLEY: DID HE OR DIDN’T HE? AND, MOST IMPORTANT: IT IS NOT PLAUSIBLE THAT FRASCA AND MALTBIE ACTED ALONE IN MESSING WITH PHOENIX AND MINNEAPOLIS (unless they are nutcases or Qaedas): IT IS VERY PLAUSIBLE INSTEAD THAT THEY WERE UNDER ORDERS FROM THE BUSH/ASHCROFT/PICKARD/MUELLER CHAIN OF COMMAND TO ALLOW 911 TO HAPPEN! Rowley accused Mueller harshly: "I have deep concerns that a delicate and subtle shading/skewing of facts BY YOU AND OTHERS AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF THE FBI MANAGEMENT HAS OCCURRED AND IS OCCURRING [my caps]". "I feel that certain facts […] have, up to now, been OMITTED, DOWNPLAYED, GLOSSED OVER AND/OR MIS-CHARACTERIZED IN AN EFFORT TO AVOID OR MINIMIZE PERSONAL AND/OR INSTITUTIONAL EMBARASSMENT ON THE PART OF THE FBI AND/OR PERHAPS EVEN FOR IMPROPER POLITICAL REASONS [caps mine]". "Before the attacks, the Justice Department had refused an FBI request to search Moussaoui’s computer. The computer files, searched after Sept. 11, showed no direct link to the attacks but did contain data related to jetliners, crop-dusting planes and dispersal of chemicals." Interesting, in our context. Not decisive maybe. But: in August 2001 noone knew (allegedly) what those files contained, and given Moussaoui’s profile, THERE WAS EVERY REASON IN THE WORLD (probable cause + circumstantial evidence + witness) TO ALLOW THE SEARCHING OF THOSE FILES RIGHT AWAY! Not to mention the disk and notebook (see above) which would have led to unraveling the 911 plot or a large part of it. EARLY SEPTEMBER, 2001: "An agent speculated in notes […] that MR MOUSSAOUI MIGHT BE PLANNING TO FLY A PLANE INTO THE WORLD TRADE CENTER [my caps]." FIRST WEEK OF SEPTEMBER, 2001: Again, "French law-enforcement officials…say that they TWICE ALERTED THEIR U.S. COUNTERPARTS, IN THE FIRST WEEK OF SEPTEMBER, TO HIS [MOUSSAOUI’S] SUSPECTED LINKS TO QAEDA [capitalization by me], the daily Le Monde reported". And that makes 3 warnings from the French alone, with the August cable. Warnings such as these are typically sent to Washington [=Pickard/Mueller] not Minneapolis. Not enough: the French "say they also alerted authorities in Britain, where Mr. Moussaoui had lived on and off for years". A critical mass of evidence for charging Moussaoui with planning terrorism was therefore available BEFORE SEPT.11. Let’s put it all together: 1. "Since 1996, the FBI had been developing evidence that international terrorists were using U.S. flight schools to learn to fly jumbo jets" - also for the purpose of slamming them into U.S. buildings; 2. In 1999, Clinton is warned by a report of suicide-hijacking-with-jets-as-bombs possibilities; 3. Zacarias Moussaoui trained at U.S. flight schools just like Qaeda operative Murad whose goal had been a suicide hijacking/jet-bomb attack 7 years earlier; 4. U.S. intelligence had received Echelon warnings of terrorist plans to use jets as bombs; that FBI directors Freeh, Pickard & Mueller wouldn’t be told just isn’t plausible; 5. Because of a feared Qaeda attack with planes on Bush at the G8 in Genova, airspace over the city had been closed and antiaircraft guns set up; 6. The Phoenix FBI had warned Washington that Arab students at local flight schools were being suspected of terrorism; 7. Bush had been warned by the CIA about threatened bin-Laden hijackings, and had allegedly "notified all appropriate agencies" [some "appropriate agencies" (FAA, Massport, airlines) say it’s a lie; the FBI though don’t; therefore we can assume Pickard & Mueller were told]; 8. Zacarias Moussaoui alarmed flight school instructors in Minnesota "by his request to learn how to fly large jet aircraft – but not how to take off or land"; 9. therefore, the flight school "manager was concerned that Mr. Moussaoui might be planning a hijacking", and reported so to the FBI; "an FBI agent and a Minnesota flight school official discussed the possibility that Zacarias Moussaoui was part of a hijacking plot before the Sept.11 attacks"; 10. "a Pan Am [the Minnesota flight school] vice president told two lawmakers [democratic representatives Martin Sabo and James Oberstar, both from Minnesota]…that [he] finally warned an FBI agent that a Boeing 747-400, which Mr. Moussaoui was seeking to learn how to fly, could be used as a bomb"; 11. Moussaoui’s friend Hussein Attas "talked at length with investigators, describing Mr. Moussaoui as a hotheaded radical who frequently spoke of Muslims being killed around the world"; 12. "A classified cable in August from the French intelligence service said Mr. Moussaoui had radical Islamic beliefs and identified a friend as having fought in Chechnya with an Algerian Muslim group that included a known Bin Laden associate, U.S. officials said"; 13. "French law-enforcement officials…say that they twice alerted their U.S. counterparts, in the first week of September, to his [Moussaoui’s] suspected link to Qaeda"; Now: the above THIRTEEN reported facts should have been "probable cause that a crime had been committed" (the crime of planning terror attacks) and should have warranted a wider investigation and a search warrant for Moussaoui’s PC and belongings for any FBI director who wasn’t Robert Mueller or his predecessor Thomas Pickard – because Robert Mueller and his predecessor Thomas Pickard were arguably under orders from Bush to allow September 11 to happen. And although it’s too late now to prevent Sept.11, it is NOT too late to fire Robert Mueller and arrest him and his predecessor Thomas Pickard on suspicion of co-conspiring to massmurder thousands of Americans and other people on Sept.11. For if the FBI directors had been honest FBI directors and not traitors, they would have thought: - wait a minute, maybe Moussaoui was planning a suicide hijacking with a jet as bomb: that’s why he didn’t need to learn how to take off or land; - let’s remember the Qaida Murad owning up to planning suicide hijacking in 1995; - let’s remember the recent Echelon warnings and G8 threats; - and maybe there’s Moussaoui’s planned co-pilot training somewhere else now; someone, that is, who could replace Moussaoui if he failed to control the plane; - and maybe Moussaoui or his masterminds have planned for more than one pilot in case one gets arrested; - and maybe there’s a plot for a whole bunch of jets-as-bombs: after all that’s what Japanese kamikazes did so often in World War 2; - so, to start with, let’s get the search warrant for Moussaoui and have a thorough screening of all Middleeastern U.S. flight school students real fast: the wider investigation requested by the Phoenix and Minneapolis FBI is absolutely and urgently necessary. And indeed, just as an example, a stateswide 2000/2001 flight-school canvass (which had been in progress "at several schools" since 1996; and to finish which there was all the time in the world: 2 MONTHS between the Phoenix report and 911; 25 DAYS between the Moussaoui arrest on Aug.16, 2001 and 911) would have led to the arrest of at least 5 more Sept.11 hijackers: Mohammed Atta, the ringleader, who had done everything he could to raise suspicions himself; Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, both of whom the CIA had reportedly linked to Qaeda as early as January 2000; Hani Hanjour, who was in the country illegally; and Ziad Jarrah, who was training on an Arizona flight simulator in the months before the attacks, and had been a member of Atta’s Hamburg ‘sleeper’ cell, linked to Qaeda by Spanish intelligence well before 2001; or at the very least the wider investigation would have led to identifying those 5 or more, starting a massive manhunt, providing their names to all airlines, placing all airports under maximum alert, putting more sky marshals on more flights: in short: 911 WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED! And this was NOT about screening "20,000" flight school students, as Mueller lied to corrupt senators pretending to "tough-question" him; it was about checking the Arab students, as specifically requested by the Phoenix FBI memo: a fraction of the total. The only difference between Zacarias Moussaoui and FBI directors Pickard and Mueller appears to be that Zac may have tried to make September 11 happen but failed – FBI directors Pickard and Mueller (and the rest of the Bush gang) may have tried and succeeded. P.S. My readers may have noticed that so far I have scrutinized for the most part official/mainstream sources. And I have pointed out their blatant contradictions and lies. My underlying thesis has been: ASSUMING that 911 happened the way the Bush thugs say it did – then they allowed it to happen. Allowed it to happen. IF 911 happened that (implausible) way: 19 islamist hijackers w/ boxcutters and plastic knives, the "pilots" among whom couldn’t fly worth a damn, steered 4 planes off course and 3 into buildings. But now it’s time, high time to move on, critically/logically/rationally as usual, to the next step: that the terrorist Washington establishment DID NOT ALLOW 911 TO HAPPEN AFTER ALL: THAT BUSH & HIS BANDITS PERFORMED 911, AND THAT THE "19-ISLAMISTS" HYPE IS ONLY A WARMONGERING LIE – A RACIST AND GENOCIDAL LIE. As usual I’ll offer a rich documentation/news analysis/circumstantial evidence/probable cause in support of my new line of research. A research line (Bush-&-co-did-not-allow-it-to-happen / Bush-&-co-did-it) which others have been exploring for months. But I have my own original contributions to offer to it. Let’s get going. Equipped with healthy skepsis to guide us thru regime disinformation fog/ smokescreens. Source nr 38: "Moussaoui, now his own attorney, told a federal judge that HE HAD NO CONTACT WITH THE SEPT.11 HIJACKERS [my caps] and said if he would just be given two minutes to explain everything, the judge would be compelled to set him free." "U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema did not give Moussaoui the two minutes he sought at Thursday [June 13, 2002]’s court hearing". Source nr 39: "Zacarias Moussaoui said he wants to tell lawmakers that the FBI had him and the 19 hijackers under surveillance before the attacks and was responsible for letting them happen." "Moussaoui said the U.S. government chose not to arrest hijacker Hani Hanjour last summer because that would have tipped off the attackers that the FBI was watching them." Now, judge Brinkema: why don’t you let Zac talk about all this, possibly on live, prime time CNN? Why didn’t you give Zac the two minutes? Thus denying him in substance his right to defend himself? What’s the point of granting him self-representation rights if you then silence him? You don’t make sense at all, judge Brinkema. Are you and your terrorist Attorney General Ashcroft afraid of what Zac might say? Has all the "evidence" reportedly tying Zac to Hamburg + Malaysia been planted on him? Has he been set up? Is he your patsy? I JUST DON’T KNOW WHO’S LYING: IF Zac or you or both. So why don’t you let Zac talk? Zac said that the government "has been engaged in a cover operation against me" and that the government "knew I was not in contact with these people who had done the hijacking". ALLEGEDLY "done the hijacking", a critical thinker would add. You called all this "courtroom theatrics", judge Brinkema. How do you know, if you don’t let him speak? Your assertion is pure dogmatic drivel, and can’t help but generate strong suspicion, reasonable suspicion about your judicial fairness and independence. Just because of that baseless "courtroom theatrics" you ought to be fired on the spot, judge Brinkema. Because only assholes judge what they haven’t heard. So give Zac those 2 minutes to explain – it’s a most interesting thing he was trying to say! Even the written motions Zac has filed may be redacted by the feds in their sensitive parts. So we’ll never know. But I must say my reasonable suspicion is growing stronger and stronger that Zac himself may be just ACTING/PRETENDING to be a fool, on behalf of that very same terrorist establishment whose puppet you too are, judge Brinkema. You ruled that Zac is not crazy, therefore he is competent to represent himself. But, objectively, Zac’s request to fire his attorneys and represent himself is a huge favor to Bush & co.: because while his lawyers were cleared to receive classified info, Zac isn’t. Therefore info potentially damning for Bush’s "19-hijackers-did-it" hype will not come out of this trial. Zac is saying he wants a Muslim lawyer to act as standby counsel, but "it’s unclear […] if […] his standby counsel could gain the necessary security clearances." And Zac won’t be able to mount an effective defense. So why is he hurting himself? Does he wanna die? No, he said he’s innocent. So again: why? Why did he deliver a 50-minute speech in which he prayed for the destruction of the U.S. and Israel? He did prosecutors/Bush & co. the hugest PR favor he possibly could. Does he wanna die? No, he says he’s innocent. So again: why that speech? Why self-defend? All Zac has done so far is OBJECTIVELY in Bush’s interest. Even his statements about the FBI letting the 19 hijackers perform 911 do nothing but corroborate the official story, which is absurd and unproven (see my essay "Mr Push, where is your wife?"). If, per hypothesis – that only biased dogmatics would rule out – Zac really is a U.S. govt. agent, then his courtroom behavior would make perfect sense. Actually, his ENTIRE BEHAVIOR since he first set foot in the U.S. in 2001 would. As a convenient smokescreen to divert attention from the arguable, much more arguable probability that Bush DID NOT ALLOW 911 TO HAPPEN BUT HAD IT PERFORMED. July 13, 2002 edition; I wrote the first version on January 28/29, 2002. ADRIAN MORE poet/songwriter-singer/essayist No rights reserved. This material MAY and OUGHT be published, broadcast, rewritten and redistributed, as long as Adrian More is credited as author.