WSF Multimedia Overview
World Social Forum in Porto Alegre

Official forum: Reports on all the activities on the official forum (=World Social Forum)

Reports on everything happening in the youth camp except for the things organised in the intergalactica forum/workshops

Intergalactica: Meetingpoint for idea's and ways of working (=labaratory) for people who are active in the social movements

Alternative forums:
Forums organised outside of the official structure of the World Social Forum

Demonstrations / actions / Marches:
There are a lot of actions and demonstrations taking place during this forum. Here you'll find reports on them.

Non IMC links

Official forum [top]
  1 - 2 - 3 | Stallman pressconference

interview with Michael Hardt
Chomsky about the WSF
Pressmessage Belgian delegation
World Social Forum Begins in Brazil
Via Campesina & Porto Alegre
Tower of Babel' Aims to Give Birth to a New World
English translations of articles on imc-brazil
letter from Brazil's unions
arab world is at porto alegre
Porto Alegre: Participants to Assemble to Debate Problems with the WSF
Food Irradiation: Do you know where your dinner has been
Pieces of Giant Jigsaw Puzzle for Global Justice


Um stalinista no FSM 2002
FSM não deixa algumas pessoas participarem
PUC - Shopping Center da Ësquerda

  [SP] A palestra do linguista Noam Chomsky começou com tumulto no FSM

Communiqué de presse de la délégation Belge
Citoyens et ONG demandent davantage de cohérence à leurs élus
Jet Set Française à Porto Alegre
Le Forum Social Mondial commence au Brésil
Porto Alegre, 2e édition : un défi pour une autre communication
Ce que Verhofstadt n'a pas pu accepter
L'Autre Davos, 'Public Eye on Davos' et Forum Social Mondial 2002
La troïka Verhofstadt, Di Rupo, Deleuze à Porto Alegre
Budget participatif : outil pour un dialogue à armes égales
Altermondialisme et démocratie directe
critique de la FAG et journées anarchistes
Citoyens et ONG demandent davantage de cohérence à leurs élus
critique de la FAG et journées anarchistes
les liaisons dangereuses de l'opportunisme
Voir Porto Alegre et se faire élire

  [IT] reactions on wsf 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
il Fronte Armato per la Rivoluzione Colombiana a Porto Alegre
forum si guerra no
riunione dei movimenti sociali a porto alegre
"Plan Colombia"
  [NL] Persconferentie met Richard Stallman
Verhofstadt 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Wereld Sociaal Forum en 'Het Andere Davos'
De sociaal-democratie en de 'Seattle-beweging'
dagverslag 0 Porto Alegre - bericht van jullie Porto Alegre gangers
persbericht belgische delegatie
Chomsky over belang WSF
Media en water
Verhofstadt organiseert zelf conferentie met 'andersglobalisten'
Forum social mondial à Porto Alegre contre Forum économique
Monsieur Attac KO en direct chez Ardisson
Andere wereld
Nix ´andere wereld´
Mstg-Bacia krijgt nog 30 dagen tijd voor ontruiming door leger
Aan de Belgen in Porto Alegre: zo ziet De Morgen jullie
Internationale instellingen en duurzame ontwikkeling
Financing for development: niet blij met een dode muis
Oesters voor Oxfam-Wereldwinkels?
Verslagen van Oxfam Wereldwinkels
Youth camp [top]
  Youth camp 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
opening speech
  [IT] intervista ad agnoletto ed appuntamenti
  [Nl] Spontane avondlijke betogingen
Intergalactica [top]
  Indymedia Workshop / Intergalactica 1 - 2
  [SP] Richard Stallman en el Laboratorio Intergalactika Porto Alegre
  [NL] "Vrije Software" en alternatieve media workshop
Alternative Forums [top]
  [PT] Anarchist counter convention
  [NL] Leen Laenens evalueert parlementair forum
Marches / Demonstrations / Actions [top]
  youth march 1 - 2 - 3 | Rebel march & squat 1 - 2 - 3

There were three marches in the opening of the WSF
Anarchists squat building article
letter from Brazil's unions
Several reports on squat/march + pics

  [PT] Anarchist counter convention
PT usa imagens do Indymedia para fazer documentário
Esclarecimento rebelde!
  [FR] Des anti-capitalistes occupent un squat à Porto alegre
  [IT] in piazza con gli Argentini - ultime da porto alegre
Marcia di Ribelli in Porto Alegre
che se vajan todos
  [NL] Spontane avondlijke betogingen
openingsmars WSF - jeugdkamp
PGA actie tijdens openingsmars
Non Imc coverage [top]
    Memorial FSM Links
Attac on wsf
Le monde diplomatique
International Software Livre Forum 1 - 2
MST (landless farmers) En - Pt
Chomsky on the WSF in ZNet