We live in a world where only those who are wealthy, powerful and influential have full reign to do as they please at the expense of the average working class citizen. We live in a world where Heads of State and politicians are sitting in large rooms plotting and mapping our ways to keep us pre-occupied with daily distractions, where it be working long hours for a pay check; kept in debt; fighting among ourselves based on the artificiality of ‘class’ lines and distinctions for employment, housing or other essentials for subsistence. We live in a world where corporations are the official shot-callers and thus make policies and laws to govern entire nations of people while the International Monetary Funds (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) finance and bankroll militarist wars world wide resulting in millions and millions of lives being taken for the gain of the rich an powerful. Because I dare call people to revolt, to come to arms and fight against the evils that lurk all around us and causes our lives pure hell makes me a violent person? Then let me ask you, is it right to shifts 7 days a week for an average of 6-8 cents an hour - that’s a 70 hour week for $5 U.S. to make plastic toys for McDonalds? With passive pleases and profits - will McDonalds stop this practice of gross exploitation? Is it right for NIKE to employ almost 35.000 mostly wimmin throughout Vietnam slaving for $1.60 U.S. dollars for an 8 hour shift while NIKE sells their inflated shoes for $149 U.S. dollars (as a base price) and up the U.S.? Or the fact that NIKE supports child abuse by their widespread use of child labor does not give rise to direct action which may contain real violence in order to stop the major wrongs being committed? Is it right that 225 families (worldwide) dominate and control the world’s wealth and resources, therefore controlling the living conditions of the people, which include their policies, beliefs, ideologies, social norms, behaviors etc., by also controlling the media (TV, radio, entertainment, mainstream newspapers, magazines and movies)? And except via direct action, do you think the „controllers of excess" will yield to your or my request, demands or demonstrations? How can I, a man who owns or controls nothing, be deemed violent simply because I have the courage to act and call others to act in ways which will be understood? I do not have a standing army, navy or air force to murder and wholesale slaughter people in order to have my way. I do not have any nuclear bombs, atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, mustard gas or biological agents to unleash on millions and millions of people. Those who have these things are violent and dangerous. I do not have police to guard my property with direct orders to kill or maim anyone who threatens or gives the appearance of being a threat to those who own material things. I do not have prisons where I warehouse people [up to 1.9 to 2 millions in the U.S. alone are behind prison walls, jails or under some form of state/federal supervision] and make profit off of their incarceration by using them as cheap sources of exploited slave laborers. Therefore, how am I considered a violent man? Because I am willing to use FORCE to stop being oppressed rather than carry a protest sign that won’t do anything but have the fascist police bash my head in, gas me with their pepper spray, tear gas, run me over with one of the horses they are riding, or beat me over the head with a baton or nightstick? I am not like the World Health Organization (WHO) who’ve allowed untold millions of people in Afrika, South and Central America and other Third World countries to die of AIDS because the kapitalist refuses to make the drugs affordable to the people who need it, or give it to the people FREELY as it should rightly be given. AM I violent to call for direct and hard-hitting action to be lodged against the WHO or pharmaceutical companies that refuse to think beyond their profit margin and instead deny medicine to those who need it so that their lives may be enriched and sustainable? How can you say I am violent when I have never allowed anyone to starve to death, or to be murdered by the state? Yet, the states (various ones in the U.S.) have sanctioned hundreds to die either through electrocution (A VIOLENT ACT); lethal injection (A VIOLENT ACT); firing squad (A VIOLENT ACT) and have participated in the murder of men and wimmin? Am I wrong to call for people to stop all executions by whatever means necessary and is available to get the job done? How am I violent when kapitalism’s survival rest on extreme violence and domination? Creating and representing a status quo system as the norm; bolstering the class system by indoctrinating the repressed class to accept being subordinate of inferior positions, misrepresentation and the devaluing entire segments of people based on race or ethnicity. How can you say I am wrong to want the death of these inhumane social ills and practices? No, I am not the one who is wrong, nor am I the one who is violent. The real violent one *** the real dangerous one *** the real threat to all life on earth are your politicians and heads of state. These are the people, NOT ME, and not those who are like me who only want to see a just and fair world where all people are treated equitably and fairly. Where all people are able to eat. To have a roof over their heads. To have medical care given to them. To have food to eat. To have education and to live their lives as they please as long as they aren’t hurting or harming anyone else. I am not and refuse to accept your blame of being a violent man. I am a man that will strike the rod of truth and if that rod brings down the demise of those who are for the pain and suffering of the people, then label me as you please. Ali Khalid Abdullah #148130 Thumb Correctional Facility 3225 John Conley Drive Lapeer, MI 48446 USA