PLEASE, VISIT THE LEFT PARTY (PARTIDO DE IZQUIERDA) SITE AND LET US KNOW YOUR OPINION Algunos de los materiales tambien son accesibles en español. INTRODUCTION TO REVOLUTIONARY POLITICS: "We live in the epoch of the senility of the capitalist system. Unable to advance the economic, social and political forms of society internationally for the benefit of humanity and the environment, the ruling class is now rolling back the democratic gains of the revolution that brought it to power, as well as the past gains of the mass movement of workers and the oppressed. Following the program of imperialism to its conclusion will sharply divide the world into fortress-nations of the rich surrounded by a vast sea of impoverished countries. The "Bush Doctrine" is an expression of this senility. This doctrine, this so-called "war on terror," amounts to an unending political/military offensive against the workers and peasants of the world, with domestic and international objectives that change with the moment-to-moment needs of the US ruling class." Read the article at: 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 WHERE WE COME FROM? "In March 2002, several branches of Socialist Alternative (SA), US section of the Committee for a Workers International (CWI), joined activists in the immigrant rights, labor and community movements to form a new political organization of the international left. This grouping included all of SA’s electoral candidates, many of its young members, every Latino immigrant member (including the entire editorial board for its Spanish language journal Oposicion Socialista), most of the writers for SA’s English-language newspaper Justice (including its editor), and most of its trade union activists. Seasoned activists and new, young members looking to build a new type of left organization comprise our ranks. We come from different historical and organizational backgrounds and will strive to continue unite with others from different currents of the revolutionary movement" Read the article at: 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 WHAT WE STAND FOR: "Left to its own dynamic, capitalism will lead us to brutal systems of exploitation, backwardness in social and political regimes and governments and the destruction of the environment. As was the case in 1914 and 1938, the main problem facing the working class and the oppressed to resolve the crisis in their favor is the lack of an international revolutionary socialist leadership. This will eventually boomerang to the US, and we will enter yet another conjuncture. This platform tries to address the fundamental tasks facing the mass movement and socialists in the US in the present conjuncture. We submit it as part of the debate to advance both the movement and the strategy of building a new leadership of the working class, both domestically and internationally. We offer this text as part of the necessary debate to bring socialists into a common organization and to fight in the mass movement for its adoption though the experience of common struggle and debate." Read the article at: 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 CAMPAIGNS OF THE LEFT PARTY IN THE ANTIWAR MOVEMENT, UNIONS, WORKING CLASS COMMUNITIES, AMONG PEOPLE OF COLOR, IMMIGRANTS, STUDENTS AND YOUTH AND OUR EFFORTS TO UPDATE AND DEVELOP MARXISM. Read the article at: DOCUMENTS ONLINE (Both in English and Spanish): 1. Record of the Discussion on the Necessity of a New Kind of Revolutionary Organization 2. Discusion Sobre la Necesidad de un Nuevo Tipo de Organizacion Revolucionaria 3. Argentina: Crisis, Revolution, Counter-revolution and the Left. Interview and dialogue with Carlos Petroni 4. Argentina: Crisis, Revolución, Contrarrevolución y la Izquierda. Entrevista con Carlos Petroni 5. Argentina: Historical and Political Background Notes, Political Parties and the Left 6. Argentina: Notas Antecedentes políticos e históricos, los partidos políticos y los partidos de izquierda Read the documents at: 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 NINE KEY DEBATES WITH THE COMMITTEE FOR A WORKERS INTERNATIONAL (CWI) Read the debates at 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 MARXISM 101 The basic understanding of the historical movement of the working class Read the course at: Links, cartoons and a form to join in the common struggle for internationalism, working class politics and socialism. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 The Left Party (Partido de Izquierda) publishes the newspaper Frontlines (both in Spanish and English) and may be read at: To join, for more information or to direct your comments, write to: 00--00--00--00