Well, wasn't that special!!!!! Once again, a few quasi-Neanderthals with an axe to grind, decide that they have the balls to jump up onto the porch and kick the big dog in the nuts just to get a reaction. It is truly unfortunate that Islam, fundamentalists and otherwise, didn't have a caveat written into their Koran about what happens to silly fucking assholes who piss off the BIG DOG. Don't you people ever learn. What genetic damage have you all suffered over the millennia that keeps you begging for more grief and sorrow. Yes, you certainly hurt us today, Yes, our hearts feel the pain of you attack (if that's what you want to call it), and YES, now that BIG FUCKING DOG is getting up off of the porch. You just don't get it do you. Even during the Persian Gulf (Read stupid little sand box filled with a bunch of dirty little sand rats) we didn't really show you just how hard and ruthless we can be. We let you off with a smack on the wrist, hoping a glimmer of intelligence would begin to creep into your too tightly bound kaffiyahs. But NOOOOOOOOOO! We didn't bomb your cities, we tried to keep your civilian dead to a minimum. We care greatly for the non-combatants, unlike you, obviously, and now you are going to reap that which you have sown. Someday soon, one of your children will walk out into the middle of your yard, point a finger at the sky, and you will hear from their very innocent voice, " Look mommy, there's an airplane in the sky!" You will know what it is because the hair on the back of your neck will stand up, the breeze will stop blowing, there won't be a sound in the air at all. The static discharge as the bomb releases from the aircraft will hush most animals, they can feel those things you know. By now two or three beats of your heart will have passed and the bomb will be clear of the aircraft, all of its electronic interlocks begin closing, radar altimeters powers up, all of the optical strobes on the detonators talk to one another, they say they are alright! The deuterium is injected between the enriched plutonium sphere and its core and just think, the bomb is still following the aircraft and its only about 250 feet below the aircraft. The bombs onboard computer says a short goodbye to its mother as she gently banks away from the target. Now 1500 feet below the aircraft and slightly behind, the bomb releases a small supersonic ribbon parachute that alters its trajectory in a calculated manner, nose of the weapon hungrily seeking stupid people to consume. The nose passes through 45 degrees and the radar altimeter begins to get a picture of where it is in relation to the ground. The onboard GPS system confirms position and the final interlocks release and the weapon is now committed. By now your child thinks he sees someone falling to the ground in a parachute and you all rush out to see who it could be. Light reflects off of the highly polished sides of the bomb as it makes its descent into oblivion, you know what it is and who it's from. Before you take another breath, your mind tells you that your hate is about to be consumed. All that you knew is about to dissappear in an instant. All that you loved will die with you. Everything around you that was familiar will be transformed. The bomb will make a few last checks, it's almost time, time enough for one more system check. Everything is fine, not long now, critical altitude is coming up fast, less that 5000 feet to go. Bomb speed is approaching 1300 feet per second, just about 4 seconds until detonation. High voltage battery begins to power up the strobes and upon finishing that task, the strobes answer back that they are full. Final interlock is removed and you are about to witness the power of the sun up close and personal. You see, we Americans maybe don't export all of the goods the world needs because even though we are good, we aren't that good. But one of the things that we export better than anyone on the face of this planet is sudden and violent death. The final bomb sequence is committed and within the blink of an eye a small sun grows from that object in the sky. The light and heat reach your child first and burn onto your retina the image of your child evaporating in front of you. They say a human takes with him to eternity that last image that was burned into the eye at the moment of death. Not something I would want just before I got to have a chat with Allah or whoever. So now I ask you, was it worth it? Was it really necessary to jump up on that porch and kick that fucking dog? If you thought that we is, was, were, the GREAT SATAN then I have a message for you and everyone like you. While we slept on the porch we dreamed of our families, what we were going to do the next day, what we were going to eat for dinner. We didn't dream of killing lots of little Arabs, frankly, they aren't much of an enemy. But consider this, we didn't jump up on your porch and kick you, hell we don't really care one way or the other about you. But this time you have so seriously fucked up that I want you to do me a favor tonight when you sit down at dinner with your family. Look at them, look into their eyes, and know that in the hearts of every AMERICAN that they have become a target. Count how many of them are with you at dinner tonight and know that in 10 years you will be lucky to have half of them there with you. Know that any death caused to you by us is heartfelt, with intent, and without remorse!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! I hope that kicking the BIG DOG was worth it!