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 *MAJORITY of inmates in USA. DRUGS. 
      *PAROLE violations and drugs. 
      *Federal DRUG OFFENDERS. 
      *U.S. INCARCERATION RATE. Timeline. 
 *Drug War = More HARM than drugs. 
 *PUBLIC domain. 


*6-2000. Washington Post. June 3, 2000. What On Earth? Behind Bars. "At least 8 million people are being held in prisons and jails around the world, ... SOURCES: Worldwatch Institute, U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (for U.S. data), Britain's Home Office Research." Link:

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This web page is good for exposing the true magnitude of the U.S. drug war. Reproduce freely. Copy any or all of it, and distribute. Or just pass on the page description below. 

*The MAJORITY of the 2 million U.S. prisoners are incarcerated due to the drug war! The Drug-War Industrial Complex. The U.S. drug-war inmate MAJORITY is calculated by adding together prisoners who have committed drug crimes, drug-related crimes (such as robbing to get money for drugs that are expensive because of the drug war), drug trade crimes, drug-related parole violations, etc.. The USA has 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's 8 MILLION prisoners. As of the year 2000 the USA again has the world's highest incarceration rate! It is 5 to 17 times higher than all other Western (long democratic traditions) nations. The US rate is almost 4 times higher than in 1980 at the time of Reagan's election. 6.5 million adults, or 1 in 32 adults in the USA, or 3.1% of adults, were under correctional supervision (in jail, in prison, on probation, or on parole) at yearend 2000. Statistics, references, links, and charts:  and  and



2 MILLION U.S. inmates. MAJORITY in due to U.S. DRUG WAR!  [TopLink] 

Republican evil, Democrat obedience, corporatist control: The Drug-War Industrial Complex. 

The U.S. drug war inmate MAJORITY is shown by adding together drug crimes, crimes to get money for drugs, drug-related parole violations, etc..

"Nearly one in four persons (23.7%) imprisoned in the United States is currently imprisoned for a drug offense. The number of persons behind bars for drug offenses (458,131) is roughly the same as the entire prison and jail population in 1980 (474,368)." From the July 2000 report, "Poor Prescription: The Costs of Imprisoning Drug Offenders in the United States." and and

*Number and percentage of prisoners whose primary and/or most serious crime was a drug offense. Based on federal estimates of state and federal drug prisoners. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics. Chart from 1980 on. 8% in 1980. 23% in 1998.  and 

In addition, "The FBI has reported that almost one-third of people convicted of robbery and burglary, and more than one-quarter of people convicted of larceny, committed their crimes to get money for drugs. Moreover, 6.5 percent of the murders in the United States in 1990 occurred in narcotics-related circumstances" (The Washington Post, Jan. 18, 1994).

The Nov. 2, 1995 Chicago Tribune reported: "The latest Bureau of Justice Statistics [BJS] survey of U.S. prison inmates in 1991 found that 27 percent of robbers admitted they committed crimes to buy drugs; 30 percent of burglars said so, and 5 percent of convicted murderers did." BJS report (need free, Adobe Acrobat, reader to view the pdf file): and 

*7-1999. USA. War Won't Solve the Drug Problem. "In 1988, just over half of the murders in the city [New York City] were 'drug-related.' But once the researchers examined the circumstances of the murders, they discovered that the clear majority, 74 percent, were results of the drug trade, not drug use (14 percent) or the need to get money for drugs (4 percent)." Washington Post OPED from Drug Policy Foundation. 



Some RELATED CHARTS.  [TopLink] 

*CHART. Parole violations and drugs. Percentage of violators returned to prison for failing urine tests, associating with drug users, etc..  and                    [TopLink] 

<font face=Courier New>
>  and 
>  and 
> *Data are from the Survey of Inmates in
State Correctional Facilities, 1997. Detail
adds to more than 100 percent because some
inmates may have had more than 1 reason.

*PERCENTAGE of federal prison population who are DRUG OFFENDERS, 1970 to 2000.  and                     [TopLink] 

<font face=Courier New>
>  and 
>  and 
> __
> From the link just above: State and Federal prisoners
totaled 1,312,354 in 2000. Jails held another 621,149.

*U.S. Federal Mandatory-Minimum Drug Sentences. Most states also have mandatory minimums.  and                     [TopLink]  

<font face=Courier New>
>  and 
> ___ 
> 1 kilo is 1 kilogram, which equals 1000 grams. 
> 1 pound equals 454 grams. 1 ounce equals 28.35 grams. 

*U.S. Incarceration Rates Chart. Timeline. Drug War Incarceration Nation.  and                     [TopLink] 

<font face=Courier New>
>  and  

*Drug war CHART web pages described. With QUICK LINKS to all of them. New chart pages. Old chart pages. All chart pages.  and   

*Incarceration rates. World. 1985-1995. By nation. CHART. U.S. and Russian rates updated for the year 2000 and 2001. At the change of the millennium, the USA (aka Babylon), became number one again. Links to 1999, and later, rates for many nations.  and  



Drug War = More HARM than drugs.   [TopLink] 

The failed drug war causes far more harm than drugs. 

"Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -Mussolini

The U.S. Drug-war Industrial Complex causes the world's highest incarceration rate; years wasted in brutal prisons; broken, one-parent families; many kids orphaned; bloody drug-trade turf wars; high violent crime rates relative to all other Western nations; many property crimes to get money for drugs (that are expensive due to the drug war); lower inner city property values; insane prison, court, and police spending; spending cut from education and healthcare; violent criminals released early to keep in non-violent drug offenders with longer mandatory minimum sentences; many unnecessary deaths from impure drugs; racist drug law enforcement and sentencing; racial profiling; private prisons for profits; powerful prison guard PACs supporting ever more prisons; rampant corruption; drug-funded, CIA-aided, death squads throughout Latin America for decades; Bill of Rights being shredded in the USA ... 

Expanding interlocking corporate-government control by playing both sides of the Drug War: Private prison corporations; prison guard and police unions; money-laundering banks; paramilitary drug-funded death squads controlled by the wealthy; military-paramilitary-police underground cooperation; selective drug law enforcement concentrating on political, university, and union organizers; Nixon's COINTELPRO-type control of society; 1000+ station, corporate-mega-media nationwide hate-radio drug warriors such as ClearChannel creating ever more drug war hysteria; politicians and judges dependant on FoxNews and ClearChannel-type corporate campaign donations and airtime; etc., etc.. 

Corporate rulers love drug wars and any increase in police, prison and intelligence assets that can be used to keep people down. The USA needs multi-party proportional representation, electoral reform, breakups of mega-media, an increase in true democracy, and an end of the one-party pseudo-democracy called Republicrat corporatist control. 

"The only difference between Bush and Gore is the velocity with which their knees hit the floor when corporations knock at the door."
 --Ralph Nader (Green Party presidential candidate. Election year 2000 quote).

"The great mass of Latin American citizens have no illusion -- unlike their US neighbors -- that governments are sincerely fighting a war on drugs. The consensus-manufacturing machines broke in the latter part of the 20th century: the violence, corruption, collusion and dishonesty by State, media, banking and other powerful sectors are all too clear to the great majority of Latin Americans." 
 --Al Giordano, publisher of 

The U.S. Democrat Party is a fully-owned subsidiary of corporate America just like the U.S. Republican Party.  

"An honest politician is one who, when he's bought, stays bought." 
 --Simon Cameron. 19th Century Pennsylvania Republican political boss. 

Until there is a legal separation between corporations and the state the insane drug war may not end in the USA. A constitutional separation as strong as the First Amendment separation between church and state is needed.  

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." 
 --Thomas Jefferson. 1812.  

"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling power. Among us today a concentration of private power without equal in history is growing."  
 --President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. (One Thousand Americans, George Seldes, page 5.)



PUBLIC DOMAIN. Not copyrighted. Reproduce freely. It is free to use, copy, edit, change, or pass on any, or all parts, of the article. Use it anywhere.     [TopLink] 



The QUICK LINKS box below has full-URL absolute links to a few site pages. Drug war, corporatism, fundamentalism, government failings, etc.. Go to the main Quick Links page for many more links. The links below open up into a new browser window. So click away. Links are in alphabetical order.      [TopLink] 

Art Bell vs. Pat Robertson
Black voter disenfranchisement
Bush 2000 coup d'etat
CHARTS. Links to all
CONTACT. Feedback
Corruption in the USA
Electoral systems worldwide
Email lists, Usenet, archives
Forums, boards, IndyMedia

"Good Republicans."  
Green Triangle. Past, present
Greens. Drug reform platforms
Greens. World drug reform activities

Harm Reduction and drugs
Ideology, idiot-ology, politics, economics

IMAGES, compilations. Free
John Ashcroft. Republican
Luna Tree
MAJORITY of inmates. Drug War
Medical cannabis. Many links

MMM cannabis rallies worldwide
News. Sites, sources, feeds, search
NRA's prisons. Nonviolent offenses

Petrochemical-pharmaceutical Complex
Politics 101
POWs of drug war. Families, too
Prison gulags, brutality, torture

Quotes. Revolutionary
Religion 101 and Drug War
Republican drug war. Timeline

Republican inquisition. Medical cannabis
Republican-to-English glossary
Republicans 1998. Newt et al
Search drug reform sites and press
SEARCH this website
Tobacco harm reduction

US Terrorism. Death Squads worldwide

Worldwide drug reform links


CHART PAGES. Full URLs. The CHARTS COMPILATION page has many of the charts on one page. The "MORE CHARTS" web page has quick links and short descriptions of all of the chart pages, including new chart pages not yet listed in all the chart quick link boxes.        [TopLink] 

MORE CHARTS. Descriptions

Average Sentences. Drugs, etc.
Deaths. USA. Drugs, diseases, etc.
Federal drug offenders. Percent

Holland versus USA, UK
Homicide Rates. By nation
Incarceration Rates. US

Incarceration Rates. US. 666
Incarceration Rates. By nation

Inmates total. USA and Territories
Mandatory Minimums

Number of the Beast. 666. :) 
Other charts on the web
Parole violations and drugs
Poverty rates. By nation
Probation, Parole, Prison, Jail
Racism of drug war. USA
Technical notes on charts
Universal Healthcare. By nation