Very very strong and intelligent text. One of the first texts that really show a practical way in which antiglobalists and arab nationalists could join together in One justified battle. And a nice warning to all ignorant 'weekend-'activists, who still don't want to see the bigger (and scarier?) picture. Two things remain aching in my head however: * I still don't see very clearly how 'leftists, centrist religious revolutionaries and progressive nationalists' will be able to collaborate peacefully once the 'empire' has been struck down. Please please how can I visualise a New Society that is built by these three perspectives together? Decentralised cooperating networks where each (sub)culture has as much freedom as possible? How can we see a system of law & order, society structure, economy and politics that combines the thoughts of those parties mentioned above? Personally I truly believe that there is a system that combines the aspirations and dreams of a big majority of people (searching for happiness and safety for their children), but I also believe that this kind of society demands that a lot of revolutionairies should first think a little stronger about that unity. Because I don't really 'feel' this message in most of the revolutionary talks. I hear a lot of (strategic?) polarisation of opinions, I hear demonisation of people, hatred and a lot more. And I fear many many scary nights of vengeance between all these different parties once the Empire is destroyed. Secondly, maybe it is easier to find a connection between a 'religious revolutionary' and a 'progressive natiolist', than between a rebellious Antwerp Muslim youngster and a fascist-thinking (scared) elderly woman of the same city. Isn't it necessary to promote the connection also between the people in the streets, in stead of just focusing on strategic agreements between activists of different wings? It is in that perspective that I am not really convinced yet of AEL's true aims. Sometimes I think AEL goes to far in polarisation between ethnic groups, so far that making bridges between them becomes more and more difficult. Purity-discussions between 'field' and 'house' niggers in the time of malcolm X, enlarged the distance even more. The same is happening with AEL and it's position towards immigrant bridge-builders (?) * A second topic I just want to touch from the surface, is my fear of organisations that dwell on the use of weapons. When I read the above statement, I almost completely agree with the analysis, but the proposed 'remedy' isn't very new and original, is it? It demands to take up weapons against the oppressor from all sides. It demands that we use the same tactics as the empire, the same killing and destruction. First, the Empire at this moment is military very powerful and revengeful, and the way this monstruous thinking behaves, should tell us that its logic of destruction will never stop as long as it is attacked by the same means of destruction and hate. The system already breeds on fear. Maybe we are just helping it by wanting to fight it with violence. We are giving it all the arguments in the world to exterminate every act of resistance against its cruel tyranny. Secondly, who should we use the weapons on? Just like Bush hits the Iraqi soldiers (with wives, children and parents) instead of their 'real' enemy, most of the weapons that would be used in our 'holy' struggle, would cause death and misery not in the families of the evil ones, but in those of the scared servants of the evil ones (soldiers, bureaucrats, civilians). Next to the use of violence, there are so many means of dignified and truthful resistance. Means that can truely give us hope, and strength, and that breeds solidarity between all people of good intentions. At least that's what I hope. Civil disobedience, non violent direct action, satyagraha, the use of symbols and language and truth,... have had some lasting results in the past. As long as AEL is not VERY clear about the WHEN's and HOW's of the use of violence, its message gives me the same cold chills as that of all dark war lords. As long as AEL turns justified anger into possible blind and destructive agression, I cannot possibly see it as an ally of the true antiglobalist movement. I believe, along with AEL, that polarisation of discussion can show where the real resistance lies, but I am always afraid when these linguistic tactics find their way into the minds of frustrated and less intelligent people. THAT is the tragedy of our history, too. in search for a better world Allah is great and good and mysterious greetings pinkje