Twelve Things You Can Do To Support The Cause Of Palestine

Here are 12 suggestions of things you can do for Palestine.

Try to just one of them today.

1) Contribute to those relief organizations which help relieve the sufferings of the Palestinian people. In addition, support those groups, such as the Islamic Association For Palestine , which seek to educate the American public about what is taking place in Palestine. Host a fundraiser event in your locality, or set up a personal piggy bank and drop coins in it on a regular basis. When it is full send it to the organization of your choice.

2) Write letters of encouragement to Senators and Representatives — and even state and local officials — who have been supportive of the Palestinians in any way. Letters should be personal, to the point and signed with respect. Always include a valid address. E-mail is good, but nothing beats a hard copy.

3) Write letters of objection to those who demonstrate blind support for Israel. Those letters, too should be respectful and to the point. The goal is to persuade, not to berate.

4) Contact the White House and voice your concerns over the one sided US support for the zionist state, which has come at the expense of the Palestinian people and also American taxpayers. Contacting the White House

5) Read newspapers, watch television and listen to the radio with a special eye for reporting on what is taking place in occupied Palestine. When someone has done a good job, write or call with praise. When someone has done a poor job and misrepresented the facts, carefully communicate your objections. Local news is as important as national news. Writing letters to the editor is very important. Visit as an excellent example of pro-Palestinian media activism.

6) Support the Palestinian economy by buying Palestinian made products. Actively seek out those shops which sell such products. Let others know where these shops are also. In addition, buy from shops who are supportive of the Palestinian people. If their business is performing well then they will be in a better position to help even further.

7) Support family (and personal friends) members in Palestine with financial and moral help. Call them on a frequent basis. Buy your phone cards from Arab/Muslim owned companies if possible.

8) Make plans to visit Palestine. Put the money away a bit at a time and go to find our firsthand the true situation of what is taking place.

9) Talk to friends and neighbors, particularly those who are not Muslim or Arab. Give them articles that are short and to the point which present the cause of Palestine in a fair and balanced manner. Engage them on the issue. Always be polite as heated arguments are counter-productive and do not help the cause of Palestine.

10) Attend rallies and other pro-Palestinian events whenever you can. There is power — and news value — in numbers, but individuals can make a difference. Volunteer to help as much as you can when help is asked for. Many hands make light work.

11) Keep yourself informed on what others are saying. If you only read and listen to analysis by the people with whom you already agree, you will learn nothing. Know your opponents and educate yourself with information and disinformation from many points of views and agendas. Go to their Web sites and read their material — they’re free.

12) And, last but not least, always, always, always, remember Palestine in your prayers!!!!