The Jews of Palestine have just as much a right as anybody else does to live there in peace, unmolested by their neighbors. This is not just a basic tenet of Zionism, but a basic tenet of human justice the world over. People, *all* people, have a right to live anywhere they can make themselves welcome, regardless of who their mother was or what name they use for their deity. This includes Jews, Arabs, Druze, Armenians, Circassians, Samaritans and anybody else who lives in Palestine, or for that matter, lives anywhere. What the Zionists do not have, however, is the right to lord it over non-Jews or to take their land by force. The greatest crime the Zionists commit is to pervert the the self evident right of Jews to live unmolested, into an excuse to treat their neighbors the way Nazi Germany treated hers. It’s a lame excuse, but a great many people have swallowed it, hook line and sinker. Chief among them are the millions and millions of white, Christian Americans who are justly appalled at the terrorist atrocities committed against Jews, but turn a blind eye to the equally repugnant atrocities committed by Jews. They are Zionism’s greatest enablers. Their double standard is quintessentially American. America was, after all, founded on the deeply racist principle that white people have a right to take land from non white people by force. Maybe that why so many ordinary Americans like Israel. They see more than a little of themselves in the Zionist venture. The American ruling class, however, supports Israel for purely economic, geo-political reasons. It’s traditional. Sharon is just one more tin horn despot in a very long line of the type FDR once called “our son of a bitch.” America will support any old son of a bitch if it thinks there’s enough money in it, all the while spouting patent falsehoods about liberty and justice for all. Hypocrisy is as American as apple pie. As its first victims learned too late, “Great White father speak with forked tongue.” Unlike many Americans, we here at SF-IMC try very hard to avoid a double standard regarding the conflict in The Land With Two Names. It’s difficult, very difficult. For one thing, people on both side use vulgar, racist invectives. Often, they post them faster than we can take them down. For another thing, the issue is by no means black and white. Not all Israelis are evil and not all Palestinians are righteous. Nevertheless, it is abundantly obvious to all those whose minds are not befuddled by race, religion and nationalism, that Israel is clearly the aggressor here. This doesn’t mean that every Israeli is an aggressor, far from it. Many are strident activists for peace and reconciliation. We not must confuse the People of Israel with the State of Israel. The People of Israel, like the people of any nation, are a mixed bag. Some are righteous, some are evil, and most are in between. But the State of Israel is clearly in the wrong. It is an embarrassment to righteous Jews the world over. It behooves every Jew to keep this in mind the next time the Zionists come around looking for money with which to “plant trees.” But nothing that Israel has done, and it’s certainly done plenty, justifies the murder of Israeli women and children. The wanton slaughter of innocents lowers the moral stature of the terrorists who do it to that of their enemies. This hurts the entire Palestinian cause. Most people can no more tell one Palestinian from another than they can tell one Jew from another, one Swede from another, or one Thai or one Hausa or one Dene. Like it or not, when a human being of any ethnic persuasion takes action, to the vast majority of humanity, they are representing their People. This is a fact of life. It's part of the human condition, and will be for a very long time. These bus bombers make every Palestinian look bad in exactly and precisely the same way that the the IDF makes every Jew look bad. Nazis make Germans look bad. Klansmen make white people look bad. Bus bombers make Palestinians look bad. That's how it is. They are no better the Irgun. They sully the honor of every Palestinian. Palestinians cannot afford the embarrassment. Palestinians need all the friends they can get, particularly in America. Blowing up women and children is not the way to make friends. he Palestinian people should yank these guys’ leash, and soon. And if the Israelis are a smart as they think they are, they will do the same to the terrorists in their own ranks. And yeah, while it may come as a surprise to most Americans, it’s well know to the rest of the world that there are Israeli terrorists, too. Chief among them is Arik “The Butcher” Sharon. The man is a monster. I would suggest he should be hung for his many, many crimes, except that he’d probably break the rope. But if ever a man deserved a one gun salute, it’s this SOB. Anybody who rejoices in the demise of Yahya Ayyash and Salah Shehade, but does not call for he death of Sharon, is a hypocrite. Speaking of double standards, why is it that “Could it be?” is not as upset about what’s happening in Chechnya as he is about what’s happening in Palestine? What Israel has done to Palestine pales next to what Russia has done to Chechnya by every standard. Aside from the difference in the scale of their crimes, there is only one difference between Russians and Israelis. The Russians are white Christians and the Israelis are Jews. “Could it be?” lets Russians off the hook, but rails against Jews. Coincidence? Perhaps. And speaking of white Christians, why is “Could it be?” here, on this site, railing against some of the staunchest supporters of the Palestinian cause on the internet? Why is he not on one of the many, many more white Christian websites, railing against them? For every IMC, there are thousands of white Christian websites. Wy is “Could it be?” here and not there? There are literally scores of millions of white, Christian Americans who rank among Israel’s most ardent and adamant supporters. Without their support, Israel could never collect the American welfare that makes its crimes possible. Why does “Could it be?”, a self professed white Christian, not go rail at them? They are his own people, yet he lets them off the hook in favor of railing at us. Why? I have a theory. Perhaps he is one of those who call themselves Christians but neither put into practice the actual teachings of Jesus nor, in most cases, even know what they are. Wise up, brother. Read your Bible. Start with Matthew 7:3