My Daddy said that one has to understand that the Bush Dynasty has served to gather all of the supporters of this perverted form of Zionism that is known as the "revolt of Jacob"(Mic. 1:5; 2:12; 102423 & 179472). In their current attempt to sacrifice some of their own people by villifying war protesters, Bush Daddy Tribe is encouraging lawless behavior and chaos at war protests. The "Serpent" that is Zionism has surfaced throughout history; but the chemical-mongering poopeating BDT that descended from the Hitlerites has emerged as God's chosen people by behaving like they were God on earth to an extreme(132033, 166317, & 174299). Along with the help of Nicholas Exarchou and Hitler's Storm Troopers(62371), BDT made Secret Service into an "arm" of Zion's Secret Police that engages in lawless behavior with abandon(238771). Since I was born, BDT has tried to control my destiny, saying that they were not going to let me do anything. They thwarted my efforts in swimming(Melbourne IMC Id=7378). My wood-splitting must have spooked them good(245686). When they rigged me for disaster(42982 & 43171), BDT was convinced that the knighting of Bush Daddy was proof that he was going to be a king; and Secret Service seemed to start obeying Bush Daddy rather than Bill Clinton. Since then there has been no argument addressing Bush Daddy's brilliance(224404 & 229357), for BDT will kill anyone who opposes them. Acting on the upcoming reign of Bush Daddy, Secret Service, by itself, literally put Bush Daddy's kid in the White House, and they now apparently have him fighting a war for the sake of fighting a war. They locked me up with Nicholas Exarchou in order to get Bush Daddy's kid in the White House(25099), and last week Secret Service comes with "20 questions" like I was born yesterday. I wrote over 400 letters to Bush Daddy when he was in the White House, hand-delivering most of them to Secret Service at the Executive Mail Office. If you could read those letters, you would find that I was more or less setting the policy for the first Bush Administration because Secret Service was trying to give me the impression that Bush Daddy was listening to me. In fulfillment of the prophesized curse of Malachi 4:6; BDT has murdered millions of people who were not opposing anyone, especially since Elijah arrived here in 1995(James 5:6; 234632); thus Bush Daddy claims that Sarah Hajney and Jennifer Bolduc were murdered because they were too confident(93509). The Bush Dynasty and their supporters became the last Israelite-wannabes left in the land when they murdered those two girls(Mic. 7:2). There are no pardons forthcoming since BDT has shackled justice(Hab. 1:4; 212672); plus the hunt is on(239878). Those who take up the sword never to put it down are destined to bring the "dwelling of violence" on the feebleminded chemical-mongering poopheads of BDT(Matt. 26:52; 44378 & 303566); thus maybe BDT can arrange to die like Israelites as Sarah and Jennifer did if the Bear Lord decides to cut off their "Head" and "Tail" in a single day(Is. 9:14). The chemical-mongering "Modus Operandi.." of BDT will continue, for that is the "hallmark" of Bush Daddy's reign as the uncrowned "king of Babylon"(Is. 14; 24603 & 24988). BDT will also continue to "point the finger" and "wag the tongue" in attempts to criminalize innocent people. If the dummkopf Nazi criminals of BDT have been promised asylum in Bush Daddy's Kingdom, they were probably never told that they would be serving Bush Daddy, the Great Dead King of Israel. If anyone in BDT admits that they are sorry for their crimes, they may be ready for Step #1 of the Path That Leads To Life in Hooterville(231491). It doesn't matter if you start preparing the slaughtering block for BDT, the Bush Dynasty is not going to die. Memories of their stupidity will live forever. Haven't you had enough of such stupidity? Referenced (#s) are Id#s for articles on; i.e. Global IMC Open Newswire. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter". Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger