USA trickle-down theory, and practice; in a capitalistic stock market. THE BIG CAPITALISTIC GOVERNMENTS: MILITARISTIC-CORPORATE "SQUEEZE" OF CONTROL. 1). Corporate Executive Capitalists (the "super rich") get a very high percentage of the stock - in their companies - upon "initial" offering. 2). The "super rich" sell small amounts of this stock for their opulent lifestyles - to their employees and the public, - and "hold" the rest. (The "super rich" sell it in the stock market at a "good" price to the "public" - the same "arena" that made them super rich through the "initial" stock offering.). 3). The "super rich" keep 30% of their assets in cash (after and from the "initial offering" of stock), waiting to buy the stock back at a discount - from their employees and the public, when their employees can no longer afford to "hold" onto the stock. (Hence all the layoffs and the "bailing out" of the corporations; - It forces the laid off employee to sell their stock at a discount, and the public soon follows; - as payments come due on their over-extended business, and lifestyle, - of credit and debt - in a "faltering" economy. This does not affect the "super rich" lifestyle as they spend their 100 or 200 million dollars, which they can easily maintain - as "the big squeeze" is put on the employees and "other" smaller share holders. The "super rich" then "buy back" the stock at a discount - with low interest loans and government bailouts, and the money from their employees and the public; - they received from the "initial" offering.! 4). This then starts the "trickle down" cycle all over again, as "new" employee's are hired, and everyone starts making their payments again - while the employees own much less - or no stock! Options and contracts on the stock are then offered as incentives to "new" employee's. 5). When "employee's" and the "public" again own too much of a percentage in the stock market - look again for this stock market crash! - They are very predictable; it is all in the numbers in this pyramid scheme!! And the "super rich" have those #'s of stock and dollars to bail themselves out, and get "richer" in the process! As soon as the "public" own 40% to 50% of the "public" stock market, it is amazing how fast it goes down in one of those "corrections", and the stock gets "bought back" by the corporations and the "super rich" - who manipulate the corporate capitalistic government, interest rates, and loans! They make it even easier for the public to go into debt, and harder to get out of it! While the "super rich" squeeze lemonade, out of the capitalistic system in the recession; the "public" and employees only get lemons. The "public" and the former "employees" - will have to borrow the sugar, - from their "super rich" corporate neighbor! The "owner" of the pyramid scheme-stock market, and who own the numbers of stock and dollars necessary to sustain "the middle class" - stock market dream of the "super rich"! Sincerely, The inventor of the pyramid scheme: Your favorite "super rich" capitalist! (I wish to remain anonymous - behind a large wall with my own security force...). Thanks! A PEACEFUL WORLDWIDE PROTEST AGAINST WAR - WAR is TERRORISM! Sell Your Corporate Stock for PEACE! SUFFER THROUGH PEACE - NOT WAR! by Kenn Dzaman 3:19am Mon Sep 17 '01 JUST-is as JUST-does + WITNESS SOCIETY OF SEATTLE. PO BOX 85503 SEA WA 98145-1503 WAR is TERROISM! A PEACEFUL WORLDWIDE PROTEST AGAINST WAR AND U.S. ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENTAL WAR POLICY. 911 - 2001 . An EMERGENCY call asking for HELP in STOPPING U.S. World Capitalistic and Militaristic Domination. Sell Your United States Corporate Stock for PEACE! (And before they are worth less.) Embargo and Sanctions AGAINST the United States for any Military WAR ACTIONS! Sell Your United States Corporate Stock for PEACE the week of September 17, 2001! Sell Your American Corporate Stock for Peace, attack oppressive world trading policies and practices, - without blowing up a world trade center! World Trade practices and behaviors of the United States and its over-consumption, has created a militaristic regime of procurement for its mass's, - that is nothing more than the bullying repetition of history. September 19, 2001 SIGNATURES: 146,957 GOAL: 1,000,000 DEADLINE: Ongoing ... CALL FOR PEACE & JUSTICE! We the undersigned, endorse the following petition: CALL FOR PEACE & JUSTICE! Target: George W. Bush President of the United States The US Government URGENT! In the aftermath of the ruthless attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, we implore the leaders of the United States to ensure that justice be served by protecting the innocent citizens of all nations. We demand that the President maintain the civil liberties of all U.S. residents, protect the human rights of all people at home and abroad, and guarantee that this attempted attack on the principles and freedoms of the United States will not succeed. We plead for a thorough investigation of the terrorist events before any retaliation. We call for PEACE and JUSTICE, not revenge. In Solidarity, The Undersigned