ACTION IN LA PLACE BETHLEHEM MANY FAMILIES CAME WITH THEIR CHILDREN TO SUPPORT THE RESISTANCE ON SUNDAY!! WHY DO WE IN AEL SUPPORT THE RESISTANCE Press Release 23 06 02 Brussels- AEL Brussels division organized today a familial gathering in support of the Palestinian resistance at the Bethlehem square in Brussels . Between 200 and 300 people (mainly women and children) took part in a peaceful show of solidarity with the Palestinian people and its resistance that is accused of terrorism by the EU. Resistance songs, theatre sketches, slogans, testimonies, stands, it was a small but efficient and diversified gathering and the young AEL division in Brussels proved its creativity and sense of initiative. It needs courage to come out in support of the resistance especially when it is accused of terrorism and condemned by the government of the country you live in, but always a “brave few” open the way for the rest. It was no surprise to see that the brave few were mainly women who brought their children with them and participated zealously in all the activities, women do feel more than anyone else the suffering of mothers in Palestine when their children are slaughtered by Israeli tanks or F-16 warplanes, and at the same time they can also understand the pride of mothers when their children are resistance heroes defending their freedom and motherland. The AEL will never stop its support to the Palestinian resistance in all its factions from left to right and from the secular to the religious. When the fight is for survival, ideology have to make place for solidarity and a front of all resistance factions have to be formed. We do not expect the Europeans to support the resistance, but at least they should realize that condemning it is condemning a people that is trying to stop genocide against it, and that is using any means under its disposal to do so. The choices that a resistance movement has sometimes to make can be difficult, but nonetheless they do prove necessary. Not resisting, and not building a balance of terror would mean security for the oppressor and its population and doom and extermination (or deportation) for the oppressed. Violence is not a solution but it can open a way to a solution because it can deter other violence. The naïve opinion that a war is always to be rejected has been historically proven wrong, if wars have not been fought against Hitler, or the Japanese militarism or the Napoleon megalomania the World would be a worse place today! If wars have not been fought against colonialism in Congo , Algeria , and South America millions of people would still be enslaved today. War is a difficult choice, but it is sometimes the only choice. Israel , a criminal State that is illegally built upon Palestinian soil and that exists only through ways of deceit, ethnic cleansing, oppression, apartheid and genocide has to be stopped. And it has to be stopped by any means necessary. If suicide bombings were not necessary, in the sense that other alternatives were available to the resistance, than they should have been solemnly condemned. But this is unfortunately not the case, the Palestinian people is unarmed and no protection is available to it against the blind terror of the Israeli state and war machine. Therefore the Palestinians have the right to use any kind of violence against the colonial power, its army, its politicians, its infrastructure and its settlers (colonizers). The murder of children should however be condemned under any circumstances and regardeless of the context, it is unacceptable out of our religious convictions as Muslims. The killing of adults who are by their conscious choice living in an illegal colony (or illegally occupied city) on Palestinian ground and by doing so are actively participating in Israeli occupation and the oppression and systematical dismantling and extermination of a whole people is more than justified. Those settlers and colonizers should not be mistaken for “innocent civilians”, most of the time they are armed and actively participating in the military effort of Israel . But even if they were unarmed, they are extremists who are cherishing a racist and murderous ideal “Zionism” and ACTING in function of that on daily bases. They make part of the crime of occupation-colonization and they should leave the land they occupy illegally and by force or face the consequences. Once again, we do not expect anybody to accept our logic or that of the resistance in Palestine , but we hope that the EU and the rest will understand the consequences of criminalizing the resistance. As long as there is no JUSTICE, there would not and SHOULD NOT be peace