SOLANA INITIATIVE NOW MANDATED FOR MID-EAST PEACE ABDULLAH'S POSIT PROVIDES AN OPPORTUNITY FOR EUROPEAN UNION LEADERSHIP WITH USA AND ARAB PARTICIPATION TO CREATE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE A TEAM OF INTERNATIONAL SPECIALISTS TO CREATE A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BACKED BY THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY WITH A STRONG MILITARY COMPONENT TOGETHER TO ASSURE SECURITY, IMPLEMENTATION AND AGREEMENT. My vision and concept for a constructive pragmatic approach for resolution of the current impasse mandates the creation of: An INTERNATIONAL TEAM, with strong leadership by some one of the spirit of Cris Paten or Nelson Mandela, backed by the European Union, U.N., USA, and Arab States with a commitment to economic, political and military support as necessary (including help with resettlement of Palestinian refugees and Jewish settlers), VERY SOON placing THE TEAM'S (third party) force on the ground (comprised of military, economic, medical, administrative specialists, etc.) to assure security as this INTERNATIONAL TEAM quickly develops a comprehensive overall plan covering all essential issues for submittal to the Israeli and Palestinian people in the form of a referendum for approval. (Hopefully followed to reflect public approval, by government approval and formal treaty between, and among the parties.) All interested parties, governmental, business, religious, and other venues, should have an opportunity to advise positions and concerns, however I would expect the final plan to reflect the concepts and spirit of the U.N. Partition Plan of 1947 for a Palestinian State, an Israeli State, independent with secure and recognized borders for both, and also as mandated by subsequent U.N. Resolution 242 etc. The plan should facilitate collaboration for trade, infrastructure, development, labor, and use of resources (such as water and off-shore gas, etc.), assuring the new State of Palestine open borders with Egypt, and Jordan, and free access to Lebanon, Syria, between Gaza and The West Bank, and for viable access to the Mediterranean and Red Sea. I expect the "plan" would establish "the principle of the right of return or compensation" with specific numbers (say 50,000 or 75,000 per year for ten years) of Palestinian refugees specified for return to the territory of Israel (so limited in recognition of the so called "demographic challenge" and the original intent of the Partition Plan to facilitate creation of a "homeland" for the Jewish people.) The formal commitment taken by Crown Prince Abdullah, now provides a unique opportunity for international collaboration for creation of the "team" as noted above, providing assurance that the neighboring Arab States will join this effort and find a mutual advantage for friendly treaties, trade, and collaboration with Israel and the new Palestinian State. I would also expect opportunities volunteered to accept Palestinian refugees in the USA, the States of the European Union, the Arab States and by others, as well as helping with housing, jobs, education etc. for all the refugees including those integrated as full citizens with homes in The West Bank and Gaza. The history of Israeli policy and the current Knesset and leadership of Israel suggests their strong opposition to the concept outlined above. I would hope that they may be persuaded to accept the beginning of the creation of "the team" and a "team sponsored force" put on the ground to provide (as best they are able) a strong measure of security for the Israeli and Palestinian people, as well as a vision that the political resolution of the current madness was underway. My concept leaves acceptance of the final comprehensive plan to a vote of the Israeli and Palestinian people. There's another element in my vision: Some formal way for forgiveness of past errors, transgressions, violence, acts of terrorism, state terror, "elimination", "pre-emptive" aggressions, etc. Seeking trials and punishment without agreement on history, ideology, the difference between justified rebellion and terrorism, security and abuse defies resolution. Thank you R.M. SACHERE