COCKBURN CRITIQUE MANDATES ACTION - (The Nightmare in Israel) Alexander Cockburn's scholarly critique - most timely - now mandates meaningful constructive action by all who can bring themselves to understand the realities of history and the current madness underway. It's a privilege to have the opportunity to supplement Cockburn's article with my recommendation that you refer to several of my earlier comments (and other references noted therein) where I suggest the initiatives I believe are now critical for creation of an INTERNATIONAL TEAM, likely to be successful in formulating a COMPREHENSIVE OVERALL PLAN for an "End Game" for peace and security in the Middle-East, then submitting "The Plan" to a vote of the Israeli and Palestinian people. We may then expect the officials representing the elite and governments of Israel, Palestine, the USA, European Union, UN, Arab States to provide the political, economic and military support and influence to assure implementation of the "plan", the INTERNATIONAL TEAM having placed military and other specialists "on the ground" soonest, to establish both confidence and security, with follow through including critical actions to realize and assure implementation of relevant treaties and Agreements. Mr Javier Solana, Colin Powell, Hosni Mubarak, and Crown Prince Abdullah are key players at this moment, requiring some inspiration from constituencies as yet not awake to the differences between ideology, myth, habits of self delusion, hopes, fear, and pragmatic proposals for action that can be realized to bring peace and security to the people (repeat - the people) of the region, and also serve the critical interests of the USA as well as all the other interested nations. Thank you, R.M. SACHERE