The conference is being held in he South, at the same time as the World Economic Forum. Our purpose, however, is quite different; we are not trying to strengthen the existing stranglehold of transitional corporations and national governments. Our hope is to free the oppressed, protect our common heritage, ensure the respect and rights of all people, regardless of race, age, sex. I came because I have organised three conferences on \"Strategies to Transform the Global Economy\"; and have been passionate about \"Reinventing Money, Restoring the Earth, Reweaving the Web of Life\" for years. As an organiser, activist, journalist, I couldn\'t resist coming and trying to help, learn, and participate. There are so many people here that there are many simultaneous events, including a gathering of Parliamentarians, a youth camp, an indigenous people\'s camp, concerts, and over 400 workshops. On the first day, we learned that the number of delegates,(3347) far exceeded the 2500 person limit of the auditorium. Earphones were available for English, French, and Spanish speaking delegates. There were short speeches, and welcomes to delegates from 67 countries. Brazil, Cuba, Argentina, Uruguay and Mexico were most warmly greeted. When the United States was named, I was surprised to find myself standing, almost alone, and heard \"boo.\" I tried not to take it personally. There are 349 Europeans and 39 North Americans (according to official press releases). An indigenous woman, costumed and painted, bare breasted, made the most eloquent statement, in dance, movement, gesture and word. There was also drumming, music, a parade of people, including lots of children, marching across the stage, slowly changing from downtrodden to active, participating while images of the homeless, forgotten, suffering were flashed on two large screens on both sides of the room. In the spirit of Seattle, Prague, Melbourne, Seoul, we were all encouraged to join in a march for life, a march of solidarity. Well, I wasn\'t able to go to those protests, but I have been in many others. Not speaking the language, I just followed some children and a three-headed hydra, representing the IMF, World Bank and the WTO. I got on a bus which was half filled with children, they sang beautifully, spontaneously, with enthusiasm, songs of solidarity (I think). We arrived and the street was filled with people. I saw a guy struggling with three banners and asked if he needed help. I recognised the words \"another world is possible\" and \"women\'s rights,\" so I helped carry the banner, almost the whole way. The march ended at a large park by the river where there was an open air concert and a beautiful sunset... The \"work\" for delegates began on the 2nd day when people had to choose which issues, themes, and sessions to attend. With four plenaries happening simultaneously, it was hard to choose LEARNED TODAY, HOWEVER, THAT ALL THE SPEECHES WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THEFOUR MAIN LANGUAGES ON THE WEBSITE AT <. Target=_blank>>.In the afternoons, people have to self organize. The official program list of workshops is daunting, there are so many issues and variations multiple themes. Some are with translation and some without. Some are listed and some are not. The changes can be broadcasted with flyers and by word of mouth, but beyond one small list of program changes, there is no formal process for creating \"new dialogs over direct actions and new proposals.\" There are some very justifiable complaints that the hierarchical structure of the event has diffused much energy and not allowed the more radical energy to be expressed in a bold, creative and inspiring way. For example- \"The Landless Peasant’s Movement\" wanted to do a direct action, but instead they gave tours to visiting delegates. \"In the workshops, I had varied experiences. I am so glad that I have come and have learned a great deal about a range of global issues, but especially in the area that I am passionate about- local currency or social currency as it is called here. However I was very disappointed by the lack of real dialogue, written questions only and alienating style of many panels. (I like circles and talking sticks.)There is the challenge of creating new synergies, developing genuinely new models of organizations, opening us to possibilities previously unvoiced. Here is an incredible richness of accumulated experience from around the world, as well as the experience of the indigenous groups. The local government is not in alignment with the national government. The workers party (PT) has been in control in Porto Alegre now for 12 years. It now has the highest quality of life of any city in Brazil. The street children here do not get shot (like they do in Rio de Janeiro). They have a participatory budget where the local people have say in how the revenues are spent. The synergy is so great that people need to be reminded to get some sleep. Relationships, networking, flowing ideas, hopes, proposals fill our hours and minds. Organizing is happening around opposing \"Plan Colombia,\" the Free Trade Agreement of the America\'s, water, food, land, women... A declaration is being drafted at this moment and direct actions are being planned. Since there is a large organizing committee, it is unclear whether the next World Social Forum will be in Port Alegre or somewhere else next year, but surely there will be another one, somewhere in the South.