As WSF III Draws Near, Mobilisations Intensify

World Social Forum 2003 - Porto Alegre, Brasil

After the unfolding of innumerable regional social forums, the third annual World Social Forum (WSF) is set to begin in Porto Alegre, Brasil, and run from January 23-28. The WSF is a meeting of unions, leftist political parties, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and various social and political movements from throughout the world to discuss alternatives to corporate globalization and neoliberalism. At the forum, leftist autonomous organizations will conduct conferences, workshops, and parallel events.

The WSF was conceived as a counterpoint to the World Economic Forum (WEF), which takes place annually in Davos, Switzerland during the same time period. The WEF gathers representatives from corporations, banks, governments, and multilateral organizations to discuss the status of the global economy, network amongst the Northern elite, and issue recommendations for economic and political policymaking.

This year, the World Social Forum will be held in four spaces: the PUC building, the Gigantinho gymnasium, the harbor quay, and the Acampamento da Juventude (Youth Camp). The complete schedule of events is available the the WSF website. Many of the young participants who come to Porto Alegre will once again find housing at the International Youth Camp and in Parque Harmonia (Harmony Park), which is expecting to host 30,000 people.

Indymedia will also be present at the forum. The network has rented a large building in order to set up a lab with 30 computers for indymedia activists to use. The address in Porto Alegre is Rua Visconde Do Herval 1383, and the phone number is 30245511. Persons attending the World Social Forum are encouraged to stop by and particpate in making media.

Among the autonomous parallel events to be held, some highlights include Anarchist Journeys II (pt), Meeting of the Revolutionary Left III, Latin American Meeting of Popular Autonomous Organizations (pt), Libertarian Journeys of Protest (pt), and the WSF Critical Mass Bike Ride (pt). The Forum will also include the Intergalactika space (laboratory of global resistance) [ 1 | 2 (es) ], and the Life After Capitalism (en) seminar.

Brazilian President Lula has announced his participation in the Forum, where he will give a speech at the Por do Sol theater. He has also announced plans to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos, which has caused some embarrassment and displeasure within the Brazilian institutional left.

Read: special coverage from USA

[ CMI Brasil | World Social Forum | Acampamento da Juventude ]