Successful peace demonstration in Leiden, The Netherlands On Monday 8 October, the day after US and British military attacks against Afghanistan began, there were a successful peace meeting and march in Leiden, The Netherlands. The Leiden Anti War Committee [founded in 1999 to protest the NATO Balkans war] had organized it. In spite of the extremely short notice, between 80 and 100 people gathered on the Stadhuisplein, the square next to the 16th century city hall. A big sign said: No to war, no to terrorism. There were Arab Dutch families with small children; pensioners; anarchists with a black flag; feminists; Driek van Vugt, member of the First Chamber of Parliament (Senator) for the Socialist Party; and many others. RTV West, regional radio, reported on the event. The introductory speech said that George W. Bush and the Dutch government say people should believe in war. However, to believe in war as a solution (to terrorism, or anything else) is similar to believing in quackery as a solution to AIDS or cancer. In war, the results are still much more deathly than with quackery. Just look at the results of the Gulf War and the Yugoslavia war, at what these “solved”. Gulf war: Saddam Hussein still there in Iraq; over a million civilians dead; women in Kuwait cannot vote; violence against Palestinians worse than ever. So far the New World Order of Daddy Bush. Look at Kosovo now: still no human rights; war expanded to Precevo and Macedonia. If we let Baby Bush have his way, the war in Afghanistan will probably have a similar outcome. Either many dead civilians, and the Taleban still in power. Or a pro-US American regime, as cruel as the Taleban, but more servile to big oil companies. If they turn out to be less servile, then, in a few years, the Afghan people may have to suffer from US American bombs again. The lesson of history is: Give peace a chance! Not war! We must do everything for a big grassroots peace movement, everywhere in the world. Who put the Taleban and Bin Laden into the saddle? The CIA of Daddy Bush. So, if Baby Bush threatens violence against anyone with links to terrorists, then he can begin with his father. Or with his brother. The plane hijackers lived in Florida, where his brother is Governor. Bush spoke of a crusade. Well, during the real medieval first crusade, the crusaders slaughtered all citizens of Jerusalem: Muslim, Jewish, Christian. The Australian government supports Bush. The same Australian government, which uses armed forces against Afghan boat people, refugees from the Taleban. Stop hatred against Muslims, against Sikhs, against everyone! George W. Bush, it is better to build homes for poor people in the US, than to destroy them in Afghanistan. George W. Bush, instead of contemplating invading Yemen, free political prisoners in the US! Like Mumia Abu Jamal! Free Imam Jamil (formerly Rap Brown)! Free Leonard Peltier! George W. Bush bombs electricity plants. These are civilian; it is illegal to attack them, according to international law. George W. Bush, while you are busy with electricity: do something better; abolish the electric chair for death penalties! Not more pollution with depleted uranium; for a real policy for the environment and climate! In the long run, things should not depend on people like Bush. Things should depend on us, the hundreds and hundreds of millions of peace loving people all over the world. With active anti war committees in every school, university, business, neighbourhood, the politics of war will be unable to prevail. After this, there was a short speech by Ms Margje Vlasveld, local councillor for the Green Party. Also others used the open microphone, including an anarchist peace activist. A Dutch Arab lady emphasized the suffering of Palestinians by Israeli government sponsored violence. A reply agreed with her, while we must distinguish between the Israeli government and the common people of Israel, like we should not equate the inhabitants of the United States with their militarist government. Ms Marrie Kardol read a poem by a US American peace activist. Herman de Tollenaere read two poems of his own: on Milica Rakic, three year old victim of the NATO bombs on Belgrade in 1999; and Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi, neo-Crusader and ‘hero’ of Genoa. Then, we were silent to commemorate all the innocent dead, whether in the Twin Towers in New York, Kabul, or elsewhere. Someone proposed to march. The proposal was carried. People gathered for a spirited march to the monument for the World War Two resistance fighters. They shouted: Stop the wear, peace now! Not one man, not one woman, not one cent, for the army! War-no; terror-no; racism-no, no, no! Racists out, foreigners stay! They decided to march again on Thursday 11 September, again at 19 h. from the city hall.