***************** HEAR PALESTINE ***************** Tuesday, 25 June 2002 Palestinians Killed: Mulazim Muhammad Abu Awad (26 years old), Hebron Ashraf Dib (26 years old), Hebron Khaled al-Tamizi (age unknown), Hebron Unidentified, Hebron Muhammad Abu Marsa (17 years old), Gaza Strip Israeli State Terrorism *Israeli Army Occupies Hebron, Kills 4 Palestinians and Arrests over 120 *Palestinian Youth Shot Dead in Gaza Strip *Ongoing Attacks and Collective Arrests in Occupied West Bank Cities ********************************************************************** The Israeli army invaded and occupied Hebron at dawn today under intense shelling and attack with heavy machine gun fire, mainly targeting the Security Compound, which was raided and over 120 security officials arrested. Four Palestinian security officers were killed in the attack and others wounded, some critically. A Palestinian youth was shot dead near al-Muntar crossing, Gaza Strip, this morning, in ongoing attacks on areas in the Gaza Strip. At the same time, the Israeli army continues to wage attacks in the rest of the West Bank cities (Bethlehem, Beit Sahour, Beit Jala, Qalqilya, Tulkarem, Jenin, Nablus and surrounding villages) and to carry out a wide-scale campaign of home raids and arrests. Israeli soldiers also prevented students from sitting their official Tawjihi exams and opened fire at civilians in Ramallah after a lifting of the curfew was declared. A number of civilians were wounded, one critically. ********************************************************************** Israeli State Terrorism ****************** *Israeli Army Occupies Hebron, Kills 4 Palestinians and Arrests over 120* A large number of Israeli tanks and armored vehicles under the cover of attack helicopters invaded Hebron at dawn today and occupied the city completely. Israeli soldiers surrounding the city's security compound and attacked it intensively with missiles and heavy machine gun fire, before invading it. Four Palestinian security officers were killed in the attack and other wounded, some critically. Those killed: Mulazim Muhammad Abu Awad (26 years old) Ashraf Dib (26 years old) Khaled al-Tamizi Unidentified Over 120 security officers were arrested and taken to an unknown destination. Israeli soldiers also raided the home of head of General Intelligence in Hebron, Major Nitham al-Ja'bari and arrested him and his brothers. At the same time, Israeli soldiers invaded Alya Hospital and searched it. Israeli soldiers also prevented ambulances from reaching the wounded as well as prevented Red Cross ambulances and journalists from entering the city. A curfew is imposed on the residents of the city, while Israeli armored machinery wonder through the city opening fire intermittently in a random manner. Dozens of cars parked on either side of the roads were demolished. Israeli soldiers also blew up two homes that belong to al-Sharbani and al-Qawasmeh families, in the center of the city. At 3:50 am, an Israeli military force invaded Doura town and imposed a curfew on its residents, raided several homes and arrested dozens in a brutal manner. Israeli sources reported that one soldier was lightly wounded in a grenade attack. ------------------------------------ *Palestinian Youth Shot Dead in Gaza Strip* Muhammad Abu Marsa, 17 years old, was shot dead by occupation soldiers near al-Muntar crossing this morning. Medical sources reported that the youth was targeted directly with several bullets to the head, neck and chest. ------------------------------------ *Ongoing Attacks and Collective Arrests in Occupied West Bank Cities* Qaqilya ---------- Israeli soldiers raided Qalqilya Public Hospital brutally today and searched the hospital and its staff in a humiliating manner. Israeli soldiers delayed the movement of ambulances in the city. The curfew was lifted in Qalqilya for a number of hours today following three days of the Israeli military invasion into the city. The city municipality attempted in the meantime to fix water and electricity networks destroyed by the Israeli army. The destruction done to the city is severe. On another front, the city continues to be completely isolated from the outside world and suffers grave losses as a result of inability to export vegetables and fruits, the main income for the city. Jenin ------ The Israeli army continues to wage attacks against the residents of Jenin and to destroy property systematically. Israeli soldiers arrested dozens of Palestinian civilians in the city during brutal home raids today. The Israeli army invaded Arraba town, 14 km to the south of Jenin City, this afternoon and imposed a curfew on the residents. 9 armored vehicles invaded the town and demolished several cars, while opening fire intermittently. Several homes were raided and residents arrested randomly. Israeli Apache helicopters attack agricultural land randomly and intermittently with heavy machine gun fire, especially around the villages of Ijja, Jabi' and Kufer Ra'i, in order to prevent the residents from leaving their villages, which are already placed under tight military siege. Several of the villages' residents were subjected to brutal attacks by Israeli soldiers who spread throughout the fields and vineyards. New military roadblocks are set up to prevent any movement. Witnesses in Arraba village reported that Israeli tanks demolished vast areas of agricultural land near the `Sabo Dotan' settlement and uprooted dozens of olive trees. Bethlehem -------------- Israeli soldiers at dawn today arrested several civilians from Beit Fajjar town, south of Bethlehem. Witnesses reported that Israeli soldiers raided the town and several of its homes this morning and that Israeli soldiers physically attacked the residents during homes raids. Nablus --------- Saed al-Aqra', 25 years old, was assassinated last night in Juneid Village near Nablus but remained unidentified until this morning. Saed was shot dead after he was forced out of the car and the driver Salem Abu Turabi was arrested. Israeli soldiers opened fire at civilians in Askar area wounding at least two civilians. Ramallah ----------- The Ministry of Education declared yesterday that the curfew would be lifted this morning for the sake of the official (Tawjihi) school examinations after obtaining the permission through the civil coordination office. However, the Israeli army breached the agreement shortly after the students left their homes and opened fire at civilians in the city. Israeli soldiers besieged the Lutheran School, opened fire at classrooms where students were sitting for their exams and ordered the students through loud speakers to get out. Three students were wounded in the attack. Israeli tanks wondered the streets and opened fire at those who attempted to buy supplies from shops in the center of the city. A Palestinian photographer and another civilian were wounded when Israeli soldiers opened fire at a group of journalists and civilians in the center of town. The civilian Zaher Rimawi, 26 years old, is critically wounded in the head. ********************************************************************** ---------------------------------- Hear Palestine is a free press service offering daily mailings from the occupied Palestinian territories. Material is analysed and compiled from the Arabic press, radio and television transmissions, and direct interviews by Karma Abu-Sharif. To subscribe send a blank e-mail to: HearPalestine-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To unsubscribe send a blank e-mail to: HearPalestine-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com To browse and search the list's archive of briefings, visit: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HearPalestine/messages For more information, please contact Karma Abu-Sharif at briefing@hearpalestine.org Hear Palestine does not control the content of the brief advertising messages that may appear in Yahoo Groups mailings.