News on general world protests

De hele wereld komt in opstand tegen een oorlog in Irak. In Europa, Azië, Afrika, Noord Amerika, Latijns Amerika en Oceanië wordt er in 603 steden massaal betoogd. 15 februari wordt een historische dag in de wereldgeschiedenis. Nooit eerder kwamen zoveel mensen op straat tegen een oorlogsdreiging.

[FR] Le monde s' oppose à la guerre en Irak. En Europe, Asie, Afrique, l'Amérique du Nord, l'Amérique Latine et l'Océanie il y a des manifestations dans 603 villes. 15 février sera une date marquée dans l'histoire du monde. Jamais avant tellement de gens sont sortis dans la rue pour la menace d'une guerre.


World timeline

Déjà plus de 2 millions contre la guerre...
by david


10 Million Join World Protest Rallies From Africa to Antarctica, People Prepare to March for Peace by John Vidal, Guardian/UK

Direct actions


Action directe contre la guerre en Irlande

[Indymedia] [global tv] [global radio]



Cairo [Egypt]


Capetown [South Africa]

[IMC South Africa]

Reunion Island [Overseas Department of France]

Africa : [ohter cities involved]

Asia/Middle East


Hong Kong [China] : 1000

Greenpeace Hong Kong organizes a march on the American consulate.

Dili [East Timor]


Jakarta [Indonesia] : 100.000

100.000 Demonstrate in Jakarta by AP and REUTERS

[IMC Jakarta]


Tel Aviv [Israel]


Baghdad [Iraq]
Demonstration in front of the offices of the UN, asking the UN inspectors to give in to the pressure of the US. The manifestation is organized by the Italian organization "un ponte per Baghdad" and the American organization "Voices in the wilderness". Many international volonteers and delegations are participating, including a japanese delegation that organizes a peace concert.

JAPAN : 25.000

25.000 Rally in Japan for Peace (english) by Peacenik

Tokyo [Japan] 6.000

A manifestation and a peace parade with performances in Miyashita Park

Thousands rally in Tokyo against war in Iraq by AP World - General News


Kuala Lumpur [Malaysia]


Ramallah (Palestine)
[IMC Palestine]


Manila [Philippines] 10.000

Anti-war protests in Manila by Bert De Belder
Manila anti-war rally 2 by Bert De Belder


Taipei [Taiwan]

F15 Anti-war March in Taiwan Taipei city (english) by Taiwan aboriginal workteam

Asia/Middle East : [ohter cities involved]



Austria wants to stay neutral and doesn't want to permit the passing of American troops from Germany to military bases in Italy.

Vienna [Austria]
Manifestation organized by the social forum in Austria.

[IMC Austria]


Bruxelles [Belgium]
[Anti Oorlogsplatform Irak]

[IMC Belgium]


As a member of the security council Bulgary supports the Us. Together with Spain and the UK the 'war block' is now composed of 4 votes out of 9 to let a 'war resolution pass'.

Sofia [Bulgaria]


Prague [Czech Republic]

[IMC Prague]


Copenhagen [Denmark]
De betoging zal eindigen bij de Amerikaanse Ambassade.



Helsinki [Finland] : 10.000

[IMC Finland]


France and Germany are supporting a 'diplomatical solution' for the crisis in Irak. France has a right of veto in the UN security council that enables them to block the voting of a war resolution. France however doesn't exclude the use of violence, but only as a 'last means'. France proposes a new deadline for the inspections : 14th of March.

Demonstrations in 55 cities of France.

Paris [France] : 3.000.000
National manifestation demanding the use of France's veto right in the security council.

[IMC Paris] [IMC Lille] [IMC Nice]


Germany is following the same diplomatical line as France, but doesn't has a right of veto in the security council.

Berlin [Germany] : 350.000
The biggest peace manifestation ever held in Berlin starts from 2 different points in the city and comes together at the Brandenburger where performances take place.

[IMC Germany]

30.000 people demonstrated in Munich by no_war (translated)

Dortmund [Germany] : 6.000

6000 Dortmunder Schüler gegen den Krieg

[IMC Germany]


Athens [Greece]
Departure at 12h in Athens. As Greece is presiding the EU, peace actions are already held in Greece since months.

[IMC Athens]


Budapest [Hungary]

[IMC Hungary]

Reykjavik [Iceland]


Dublin [Ireland] : 40.000
In Dublin the green and socialist parties are protesting together with ONG's, Globalize Resistance and Sinn Fein. A lot of speeches are held, including poetry. Check the site for the number of children dying in Irak.

[IMC Ireland]


Italy is a 'silent' ally of the US. Bush asked Berlusconi for the use of military bases in Italy and for humanitarian aid for the war victims in Irak. But this still has to be voted in the parliament.

Roma [Italy] : 3.000.000

RAI weigert uitzending over nakende massabetoging in Rome
by lize
Rome is getting ready to say no to war by global radio

[global tv]
[global radio]
[IMC Italy]


Luxembourg [Luxembourg]


La Valletta [Malta]


Amsterdam [Netherlands] : 80.000
De socialist party PVDA does'nt participate at the demonstration because they don't want to exclude war 'to save the security council'.

[IMC Netherlands]

NORWAY : 41.000

Oslo [Norway] : 40.000

[IMC Norway]

Trondheim : 11.000


Warszawa [Polonia]
Despite the adhesion to the NATO, the peace movement in Poland is very active.

[IMC Poland]


Lisbon [Portugal]
Manifestation under the motto: "amor sim, guerra nao".

[IMC Portugal]


Moscou (Russia)
[IMC Russia]


Lubliana [Slovenia]


Barcelona [Spain]
Strong mobilisation of bikers to ask attention for a new culture for the use of energy [more (catalan)]

[IMC Barcelona]

Madrid [Spain]
A wave of people, starting from the end to the head of the manifestation simulates an air attack.
Both left wing opposition parties PSOE and IU (Izquierda Unida) are participating at the manifestation and ask Spain not to participate at a war. Also the biggest trade unions CCOO and UGT take part at the manifestation. The local unions of Madrid let know that they will go into strike when the war starts. The manifestation will be headed by artists and intellectuals, whom alos occupied the Spanish parliament some days ago. [more (spanish)] [manifestation map]

[foro sociale Madrid]
[IMC Madrid]

Rest of Spain :
81 manifestations in all 17 autonomous communities of Spain : [noallaguerra]


Stockholm [Sweden] : 25.000

[IMC Sweden]

Göteborg : 20.000-30.000
Malmö : 5.000


Bern [Switzerland]
The coalition 'not in my name' unifies hundreds of organizations, unions and parties for a big manifestation n Bern.

[IMC Switzerland]


Het strategisch gelegen Turkije vraagt de VS miljarden dollars om hun grondgebied als uitvalsbasis voor de oorlog te gebruiken. Als lid van de NAVO vraagt Turkije bescherming tegen een eventuele tegenaanval van Irak. Dit werd door Duitsland, Frankrijk en ook België tegengehouden.

Istanbul [Turkey]
Despite the repression and the limitation of civil rights a manifestation is held in Istanbul against the logistical function of Turkey in the war against Irak.

[IMC Istanbul]


Londen [England]
A manifestation of five kilometers, from two different points in the city with coming together at Piccadilly Circus and Hyde park where a mass sit-down will take place. More than a million people are expected. Personalities from the cultural and the political world- also the mayor of London - participate at the demonstration.

BBC-journalisten mogen niet naar anti-oorlogsbetoging gaan! by Guido


Glasgow [Scotland]
The manifestation will end at the congress building where Tony Blair will held a speech for the Labour Party. If the war starts, a lot of direct actions will take place, such as the blocking of the city centers.

[IMC Scotland]

Europe : [ohter cities involved]

Latin America & the Caribbean

Buenos Aires
[IMC Argentina]


Sao Paulo (Brasil)
A big manifestation in Sao Paulo, different action in de verschillende deelstaten van Brazilië:
Alagoas: Maceió; Bahia: Salvador;Ceará: Fortaleza; Distrito Federal: Brasília; Goiás: Goiânia; Minas Gerais: Belo Horizonte; Paraná : Curitiba; Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro; Rio Grande do Norte: Natal; Rio Grande do Sul: Caxias do Sul, Porto Alegre, Santa Maria; Pelotas; Santa Catarina: Blumenau, Florianópolis

[IMC Brasil]


Santiago [Chile]
4 different manifestations in Santiago de Chili : on from the social forum, the communists, the anarchists and attac

[IMC Chile]


Quito [ Ecuador]

[IMC Ecuador]


Mexico City [Mexico]
Rally on the American embassy.
Rest of Mexico : actions in Tijuana, Monterrey, Ciuad Juarez Chihuahua, Mérida, Cancun, Puebla, Guadalajara en bij de piramides van Teotihuacan en andere gemeenten in de staten van Mexico, Morelia, Cuernavaca Tepoztlán, Cuautla, Taxco, Acapulco, Zihuatanejo, Hermosillo, Torreón y SLP

[IMC Mexico]


Lima [ Peru]

[IMC Peru]


Montevideo [ Uruguay]

[IMC Uruguay]

Latin America & the Caribbean : [ohter cities involved]

USA and Canada


Calgary [Canada]

Edmonton [Canada]

[IMC Alberta]

Montreal [Canada]

[IMC Montreal]

Ottawa [Canada]

[IMC Ottawa]

Toronto [Canada]

[IMC Ontario]

Vancouver [Canada]

[IMC Vancouver]


Chicago [USA]

[IMC Chicago]

Colorado Springs (USA)
[IMC Rocky Mountain]

Detroit (USA)
[IMC Michigan]

Eugene (USA)
[IMC Eugene]

Lansing (USA)
[IMC Michigan]

Los Angeles [USA]

[IMC La]

New York [USA]

Betoging in New York verboden ! by lize

[IMC New York city]
[IMC New York capital]

Philadelphia (USA)
[IMC Philadelphia]

Phoenix (USA)
[IMC Arizona]

Sacramento (USA)
[IMC San Francisco]

San Francisco [USA]
Betoging op 16 februari

[IMC San Francisco]

Seattle [USA]

[IMC Seattle]

USA and Canada : [ohter cities involved]



Aotearoa [New Zealand] 13.000

Thousands march for peace around Aotearoa by IMC Aotearoa

[IMC Aotearoa]

AUSTRALIA : 250.000

14 manifestations
in the most important cities of the country from 14 to 16 february

Melbourne [Australia] 200.000

200 000 March Against War by IMC Melbourne
Melbourne anti-war protest draws record crowd by Steven Stevenson

[IMC Melbourne]

Sydney [Australia] 50.000

10-15.000 at Canberra anti-war rally (english) by David Pope
No war rally in Newcastle - 20.000 - 'ONE OF the LARGEST' by tom griffiths
Two more BIGGEST EVER in Lismore (6.000)+ Byron Bay (2.500) by Kath and Matt
Bellingen : 2.500 Huge anti-war rally in small country town, Australia by Pip Wilson

[IMC Sydney] [IMC Brisbane ]

Oceania : [ohter cities involved]