"THE OVERTHROW OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC, Part One The purpose of several attempts to pull off a coup was NOT to install a junta [pronounced HOON-tah], that is, an evil military dictatorship. Rather, to restore by necessary force the American Republic, which has gone down hill since the overthrow, by the American secret political police, of the U.S. government, by way of the murder in 1963 of President John F. Kennedy Two days before the Oklahoma bloodshed, on April 17, 1995, a plane-load of top military brass were murdered when their sabotaged plane blew up near Alexander City, Alabama. It was a real life version of "Seven Days in May". According to federal grand jurors we interviewed, there was an attempt, later blocked, by a grand jury to investigate this aborted coup. It was actually part of a series of events involving twenty four Admirals and Generals, some of the most patriotic flag officers in the history of this Republic. They vowed, under the Uniform Military Code, to arrest their Commander-in-Chief Bill Clinton, for his various acts of treason aiding and abetting sworn enemies of the United States, such as Red China and Iraq. If Clinton had them arrested for mutiny, they were prepared, if not assassinated, to defend themselves with their heavily documented charges of his treachery against the U.S. Constitution and the people of the United States. Some of the coup plotters, deciding to be out of uniform, took up residence in a Paris suburb. The French CIA, aware of all this, used it to blackmail advantages out of the U.S. government. Suchas, to blockade the U.S. Justice Department, itself a highly corrupt entity, from prosecuting some fourteen French nationals, resident in the U.S., who stole U.S. industrial and financial secrets. [The French used similar blackmail threatening to publicize their knowledge of Iran's complicity in the missile attack on TWA Flight 800. Eigh t top officials of the French CIA along with some 60 other French nationals died in the plane that had been scheduled for Paris. A top official, however, of the French CIA at the last minute refused to board Flight 800. The Clinton White House had a secret business/peace deal pending with the Teheran oligarchs which the missile disclosures would have wrecked.] In the months and years that followed the Alexander City incident, some ten like-minded Admirals, Generals, and other officials and former officials, were assassinated. Such as, Admiral Jeremy Boorda, Chief of Naval Operations, the highest naval officer in uniform. Such as General David McCloud, head of the Alaska Military District. Such as, former Director of Central Intelligence, DCI, William Colby. Our interviews with their family members, relatives, and confidants convinces us of the validity of our reports. The monopoly press wrote of f their demise as "airplane accidents", "suicide", and "boat accident". Because of my analyses of the current emergency, I should, I suppose, expect to be heckled and reviled by some well-meaning but poorly informed fellow Americans. Notwithstanding the pronouncements of the American secret political police, the FBI and CIA, and the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press, and the White House, the plot to destroy the American republic is entirely based WITHIN THIS NATION. ...The Elder Bush during the Gulf War, wanted the American public to falsely believe that putting the head of Saddam Hussein on a platter and delivering it to the White House, would cure every domestic and foreign problem of the U.S. On July 17, 1993, Saddam Hussein murdered some ten of his top military officers who were plotting, he said, to overthrow him. The Clinton White House, with Bill Clinton as a Bush Family crony, had apparently committed treachery in leaking CIA details to Saddam of the plot against him. Working on investigating both Clinton and Bush as to this treasonous leak, was FBI Director William Sessions who wasunceremoniously sacked on frivolous charges two days later, all to protect the treachery from being disclosed of Bush/Clinton. The very next day, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., Clinton White House Deputy Counsel, who also knew what had happened, was assassinated and clumsily disguised as a "suicide". In 1991, the Elder Bush, as President, put some half a million Americans in harm's way, by way of Bush instigating a fight over Gulf oil properties with his former business partner, SaddamHussein. Together, in the 1980s, as known to the participants in the lawsuit mentioned, Saddam and Bush, as business partners, split billions of dollars extorted from the oil-soaked weak sheikdoms of the Persian Gulf. The same as done by gangsters who would extract "protection money" from shopkeepers and tax-cheating auto dealers. As a sizeable stockholder of a unit of a French firm, American LaFarge, the Elder Bush was implicated in reportedly supplying the ingredients for poison gas to be manufactured by Iraq, to be used against Iraq's domestic dissidents, namely, the Kurds, as well as against the Iranians, during the Iran-Iraq War, 1980 to 1988. A Director of American LaFarge, naturally, was Hillary Rodham Clinton, wife of the Bush Family pal.