This is what I wrote in response to Sune Nordwall, a Swedish Anthroposophist: Dear critics, I guess Sune Nordwall has not read my four long articles in Dutch on the use of antisemitic stereotypes by the Dutch conspiracist Peter Edel (who, by the way is very much opposed to Anthroposophy). So it is a mystery to me on what exactly Nordwall's view is based. After all, he wrote: "Zegers also thinks that not only the views of Peter Edel [not a Jew] and Israel Shahak, but also of Noam Chomsky are expressions of Jewish self hatred [I never used this word] and that Shahak has misused the Rabbinic literature as a foundation of his criticism of Zionism." He even gets elementary facts the wrong way. I don't see what my criticism of Edel and Shahak (I didn't criticize Chomsky) has to do with my criticism of Steiner. Or maybe he just wants to discredit me by alleging that I see every person as an antisemites (Nordwall writes: "Mr. Zegers, you need not see enemies of Jews and Jewry everywhere"). I never said such a thing, I have always been very specific. In one of his articles Peter Edel wrote that he got a note from Noam Chomsky. When I asked Chomksy to authenticate the letter, he wasn't able to do so. He wasn't sure if it was he who wrote it or not, but he was sure he hadn't given permission to Edel to publish any of his letters (speaking of integrity). If Chomsky did write this letter, it is strange that he didn't contact me (he obviously had to rely on Edel for information if he wrote the letter since he doesn't read Dutch). "Chomsky" wrote: "few people have the deep knowledge of the Rabbinic literature that would be required to have any judgment on the matter." Neither Shahak nor Chomsky are trained talmudists, so this judgement includes them as well. It is very strange that allthough Nordwall and Dottie don't read Dutch, they are absolutely certain that Peter Edel is right. Edel is convinced that the Zionists helped Hitler to power and actually planned the Holocaust in order to get their state of Israel. He was sued some years ago by a Dutch Jewish organization for upholding the accusation that the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith supports the Ku Klux Klan and the Neonazis. He also said in this article from 1995 that the Nazis Alfred Rosenberg (whom he called Albert), Richard Heydrich and Adolf Hitler were of Jewish descent. He was acquitted because the judge ruled that Edel was speaking about the American branch and not the Dutch branch of B'nai B'rith that sued him. For those of you who are interested in this whole affair, you can find Edel's and my articles at: (Dutch). My first article appeared in November 2000. The others in February, March and April 2001. I have been working on Israel Shahak's book "Jewish History, Jewish Religion" for over a year now. I am still busy researching Shahak's accusations against the Talmud and the Kaballah. In due time I will return to this topic. For now I only want to mention that his book has been published by extreme right wing antisemites in Italy, France, Sweden and Germany. You can also find his book at the website of Radio Islam, an antisemitic organization that also offers the Protocols of the elders of Zion and wants to outlaw the Old Testament (like some Nazis). Best, Peter Zegers And: Dear critics, One more remark on Shahak. Nordwall seems to think that the discussion is about the issue that "Shahak has misused the Rabbinic literature as a foundation of his criticism of Zionism." Nordwall is dead wrong as usual. The issue is that Israel Shahak argues that Judaism (Talmud) and the Jewish tradition as such are racist/xenophobic. This, of course has a long history in European history. He gives some quotes from the Talmud to prove his point of view. This also has a long history, dating back to the eightteenth century. Some of the same quotes he gives have been used by notorious antisemites. To give just one name in this long list: the catholic priest August Rohling (1839-1931), writer of the infamous "Talmudjude" [Talmudjew] (1871). Rohling's work was continued by Theodor Fritsch (Hammer Verlag, a notorious antisemitic publishing house) and Julius Streicher (editor of "Der Stürmer", the extreme antisemitic paper and executed as a war criminal in 1946). Maybe it is of interest for Nordwall to know that Lars Adelskogh translated Shahak's book into Swedish. Adelskogh is an extreme antisemite in Sweden and leader of a Theosophic cult. Best, Peter Zegers For those who are interested in the 'debate' Peter Staudenmaier and myself had with the Norwegian and Swedish Anthroposophists, here is the url of our replies to Peter Normann Waage: or: