ISOLATION IS AN INSTRUMENT FOR DESTROYING PEOPLES' BELIEFS THE DESTRUCTION OF THOUGHTS IS THE DESTRUCTION OF THE MIND ISOLATING HUMAN BEINGS IS A FORM OF TORTURE THE USA AND THE EU ARE GLOBALISING ISOLATION NO TO ISOLATION The USA and the European Union view as hostile all countries, peoples and organisations that they find intractable, and those who have different opinions or a different way of life are seen as a particular threat. And they use all the weapons at their disposal to destroy anything they see as hostile. If need be, they use aircraft, ships, chemical and even nuclear weapons. . If they deem it necessary, they unleash military coups against the governments of countries they exploit. They determine their finance and their units of currency, indeed the whole of their economy. They do not shrink from using such means as threats and extortion. If they think it necessary to defend the security of governments that collaborate with them, they instruct them in Gladio and counter-insurgency methods, in torture as an art form, teach them how to forbid basic rights and how to intimidate human beings with repression and terror. Isolation is also used for this purpose. The aim is to intimidate those seen as the opposition by using isolation torture, removing their thoughts and annihilating them. The USA and the EU have built new prisons with this purpose in mind. They are not simply intended for imprisoning people in the physical sense. They are intended more for besieging and imprisoning the mind. Prisons in general are meant to prevent social production, but the ISOLATION PRISONS are meant to take away minds and beliefs which are the source of social production. THE PURPOSE: not just to annihilate one's own opposition, but any potential for an opposition to develop. In this way, a unipolar world and homogeneous beliefs can be fashioned. Isolation means the destruction of thoughts through loneliness. That contradicts the nature of human beings. HUMAN NATURE IS AGAINST INJUSTICE Our current world is full of injustice, oppression and barbarity. The peoples of the earth are constantly hemmed in by arbitrariness, bans, threats and sieges. ISOLATION is a form of siege, which seeks to wear down and destroy a human being's powers of resistance. Wherever there is injustice and exploitation, there has also been the search for JUSTICE. The search for justice and resistance will exist under all circumstances. ISOLATION WAS CREATED AND ENCOURAGED BY THE USA AND THE EU. On the one hand, the USA and Europe are globalising the system of exploitation, and on the other they are globalising the means which are needed in the event of someone rebelling against exploitation. So they are trying to spread the ISOLATION PRISONS, which are common in the USA and Europe, to the whole world. In Germany, Italy, Spain and Ireland, the isolation prisons are widespread and function efficiently. In some places they are built as H Blocks or high security prisons, but at their core and architecturally they are identical. All of them are trying to physically and psychologically destroy and bring about the surrender of opponents of the system who were jailed for their opposition. The core of isolation torture is making people lonely, separating human beings from other human beings and breaking their personalities. Imagine people who are held for years behind the four walls of a prison; human beings kept far from their families and friends, cut off from news, deprived of everything in life that makes you a human being. LET US GLOBALISE THE STRUGGLE AGAINST ISOLATION Just as we oppose all the methods whereby the imperialists and capitalists would like to bring the world to its knees, just as we oppose the exploitative policies for impoverishing the peoples, just as we oppose the degeneration whereby everyone thinks of their own advantage, oppression and terror, we also oppose what they are seeking to do to peoples' minds with the isolation prisons. The anti-globalists, as they are called because they are against the globalisation of imperialist policies, now represent a serious opposition, and their developing mass movement causes alarm to the imperialists. So all Europe's right-wing politicians are now calling the anti-globalisation movement a terrorist movement, and are talking of constructing new prisons. As a consequence of the counter-propaganda emanating from September 11, all class and social movements are being characterised as terrorist. In parallel with this demagogy, existing democratic rights and laws are being replaced with new anti-democratic laws containing bans and restrictions. Isolation prisons are being built as a natural consequence of these policies. SPEAKING OUT AGAINST ISOLATION, ISOLATION PRISONS AND ISOLATION TORTURE means saying no to the inhuman imperialist and capitalist system. WE SUPPORT THE STRUGGLE AGAINST ISOLATION Let us use solidarity to render ineffective the weapon of isolation torture, which is being used against all class and social movements. Up to today, isolation torture has been used in many European countries. It has been resisted and the resistance is continuing. Turkey is the country where isolation is used the most. In Turkey, such prisons are called F-Type prisons. Political prisoners have fought isolation since December 19, 2000, when these F-Type prisons were introduced. In this struggle numerous prisoners were murdered with blows from clubs or gunshots or were burned to death, while many others have died on hunger strike to the death in protest against the isolation cells in these prisons. So far, 91 people have lost their lives in this struggle. And still the hunger strike to the death and other forms of struggle against isolation continue. To support them means opposing torture. Supporting them means opposing the imperialist and capitalist system. The slogan NO TO ISOLATION should become an everyday component of our struggle. THE STRUGGLE AGAINST ISOLATION should become established as a slogan of the anti-globalisation struggle. NO TO ISOLATION DHKC International (Revolutionary People's Liberation Front)