New World Order Attacks American Bill of Rights & Switzerland? Fifteen Dead After Shootings in Swiss Parliament A man wearing a police vest opened fire during a session of Canton Zug's regional assembly on Thursday, leaving 15 people dead – including the gunman. Fourteen people were seriously injured. Three members of government, and 11 members of parliament, were among the dead. Police identified the gunman as Friedrich Leibacher, 57, of canton Zurich, who, they said, had been involved in a legal conflict with local authorities. The attacker entered the parliament building at 10.30am on Thursday and opened fire with an assault rifle in the assembly room. Authorities say he then briefly left, came back and threw a hand grenade into the room, where 80 local representatives were gathered for the cantonal parliament's monthly session. "The man strode through the whole floor, shooting at people," said a Swiss Telegraphic Agency reporter Dominik Hertach. People threw themselves to the floor when the shooting began, and there were loud screams from the injured, he said. The blast of the hand grenade filled the room with smoke, ripped off doors and shattered windows. "It lasted about three minutes, almost like an execution," said Hanspeter Hausheer, a member of the assembly and a banker at UBS Warburg. The assembly room was covered with blood after the shooting and several people lay wounded in the chambers. Police, ambulances and the fire brigade arrived at the scene shortly after the attack. The director of a local hospital said eight wounded had been brought in for treatment. The three government members who died were identified as Monika Hutter-Häfliger, health director for canton Zug; construction director Jean-Paul Flachsmann, and the head of the interior department, Peter Bossard. Letter found Police found a letter left behind by the gunman which spoke of "a day of anger for the Zug mafia". It referred to an administrative procedure and named specific people who were among the victims. They said the assailant used a Swiss-made 5.6mm SIG "Sturmgewehr 90", an assault rifle used by the Swiss army. He also carried a pistol with several magazines of ammunition. Police have also seized a car with Swiss licence plates which was found near the parliament building, which contained a number of weapons. Expressions of shock Swiss President Moritz Leuenberger headed to Zug upon news of the attack, and attended a religious service in Zug's church. "Our democracy and freedom has been put into question," said Leuenberger. "I'm just so shocked I can find no words." Peter Hess, speaker of the national House of Representatives and a Zug native, called for a minute’s silence. "I am shocked this happened in Zug," Hess said. "I cannot remember an attack against parliamentarians in a parliament building in Switzerland ever happening during a session." Leuenberger has ordered all state flags to fly at half-staff for the next three days. The attack in Zug is Switzerland’s worst mass killing on record. The last shooting by a gunman occurred in 1992, when Erminio Criscione ran through three southern Swiss villages ringing bells and shot six people as they opened the door. In May 1991, a businessman killed five members of his family before shooting himself in an alpine valley. *** ACT LOCALLY - ACT GLOBALLY. MORE WORLD - LESS BANK. THIS AIN'T A DEMOCRACY - IT'S AN EMERGENCY! - Jon Chance * US Congress. "Either you're going to go along with your mind and the truth, or you're going to yield to fear and custom and conditioned reflexes. With our minds alone we can discover those principles we need to employ to convert all humanity to success in a new, harmonious relationship with the universe. We have the option to make it." R. Buckminster Fuller, 1895-1983 - Citizens Administration. - Like World Wars? Fight 'Em Yourself. - Inside Covert Operations. - An Option For Success. - Yes! Positive Futures Network. - Understanding Economics. - Home-Made Power. - Who's Bribing Who? - Individual & Community Liberty. - Citizens Intelligence Agency. - Democratic Confederation Works Best. - The Emperor's New Clothes. - Common Sense. - Money: Where's It Come From? - Prosperity Without Pollution.