NEW WEB SITE, NEW LOOKS, NEW SECTIONS, UPDATED DAILY In English and Spanish 0-0 NUEVO SITIO EN LA RED, NUEVAS SECCIONES, SE AGREGAN ARTICULOS A DIARIO En Inglés y Español 0-0 Daily Newswire, with an invitation for you to become a correspondent 0-0 Boletín de Noticias con una invitación para usted para que sea nuestro corresponsal. 0-0 NEW ARTICLES IN ENGLISH, FRONTLINES NR. 6 Más abajo está la descripción del contenido en Español EDITORIAL: The Lies of Mr. Powell Does anyone out there still think that the United States really thinks that Saddam Hussein has nuclear, biological or chemical weapons in his possession? Does anyone out there still think that these alleged weapons pose a threat to the US? 0-0-0 Real Direct Action Tactics, Please Step Forward! By Anne Bacon Through the streets, amidst rumbling drums, and hoarsely shouted chants and songs, banners were pulled taut as people scurried under and around them, peering back over their shoulders to read what was printed on the front. There were more than 100,000 people, carrying as many intentions as signs, who had come to San Francisco on January 18 to lend their presence to a budding antiwar movement. 0-0-0 INTERNATIONAL: The Latin American Turn to the Left: The Progressive Side of World Polarization since Sept. 11th By Gina Alvarez The projected US war against Iraq, the conflict in the Middle East, and, to some extent, the Palestinian peoples’ fight have partially obscured other important events in the international class struggle. Other important recent conflicts in Central and South Asia (the mobilizations in Pakistan against the US, the potential outbreak of war between India and Pakistan, etc.) have had an essentially reactionary character, reflecting an increase in the ideologically regressive forces of fundamentalism, both Islamic and Hindu. On the other hand, the large mass struggles in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Mexico, the revival of the mass movement in El Salvador, the recent general strike in Uruguay, the massive mobilizations in Peru against the privatization of water and the struggles that continue in other Latin American countries have a character that indicate fast approaching pre-revolutionary situations. 0-0-0 Korea in the Crosshairs By Jesse A. Powell While the US is engulfed in a controversy with Europe about their planned invasion of Iraq, another crisis is unfolding as a consequence of the US government’s reckless policies: a possible nuclear confrontation with North Korea. Last October, the US government made public statements that the floundering, decaying Stalinist regime of North Korea has resumed its nuclear program in violation of a 1994 “agreement” to get rid of them and allow international inspectors to monitor the abandonment of nuclear weapons. 0-0-0 CAMPAIGNING AGAINST THE WAR: U.S. Unions Opposing the War Against Iraq By Gina Alvarez The US media is constantly trying to minimize and demonize the antiwar movement, presenting it as an exclusively youngish, new age movement, mainly led by ‘communists’ or essentially marginal elements of society. This, of course, is false. The 300,000-strong demonstration last January 18 was an eloquent denial of this assertion. Left wing organizations, human rights groups, mainstream environmental organizations, layers of the Democratic and Republican Parties, Greens, religious groups, peace organizations, community groups, the city councils of 97 cities and towns and even some newspapers are part of this growing opposition to Bush's war plans. 0-0-0 NO WAR FOR EMPIRE: A Long Term Strategy for the Antiwar Movement By Sebastian Robles “America has no empire to extend …” -George W. Bush, June 2002 “[America] has no territorial ambitions. We don't seek an empire.” -George W. Bush, November 2002 US President George W. Bush’s assurances notwithstanding, the global antiwar movement has managed to delay the US’ imperial plans to attack and occupy Iraq for over a year and widened the differences among various imperialist countries, a major tactical victory. Now the question is how to keep this tactical victory from being co-opted by imperialist rivalries and thus transformed into defeat, and how to advance to the real solution to war, poverty, desperation, terrorism ...How to secure the strategic victory of workers and youth. 0-0-0 SAN FRANCISCO POLITICS: Matt 4 Mayor By Abel Mouton Being a politician comes with certain responsibilities. It is not the same thing as being an administrator, although administrative and organizational skills can be helpful. No, first and foremost, being a politician is about recognizing the interests of your constituency and representing those interests, even when it is hard. Frontlines is in the habit of judging politicians by what class they represent. 0-0-0 Should Progressives Administer Budget Cuts? A progressive guide to San Francisco recession relief. …and many others. 0-0-0 Latest additions in Frontlines International Newswire: Perry Anderson got something right in sarcastic piece; George W. and the War Budget: how many Democrats will vote for it?; Shock and Awe: achieving rapid dominance; March 15 antiwar actions: we must to reverse the growing atomization; European Labor moves against the war … updated daily. EN ESPANOL: Newswire en Español: Noticias publicadas por corresponsales en ciudades de EEUU y alrededor del mundo. Las noticias se renuevan diariamente. Además: la edición en español de Frontlines con los artículos de fondo que se publican en inglés y material original sólo publicado en español. 0-0-0 Vote in the poll: Who’s George W.’s favorite poodle? Vote en la encuesta: Quien es el perro faldero favorite de George W. 0-0-0 Activities, campaigns, demonstrations / send your item for the online calendar. Actividades, campañas, manifestaciones / envies u información para nuestro calendario en la red. 0-0-0 Books can be read online in Frontlines website. Libros que pueden leerse en la red en el sitio de Frontlines. 0-0-0 We already published a report on March 15’s demonstrations around the world. Ya publicamos un informe de las manifestaciones del 15 en todo el mundo. For comments, articles and contact: