For the 4th time in a month people gathered in the Flemish city of Ghent to protest Zionist aggression and show support for the populations in Palestine. Although hardly any appeal had been spread about 250 people of all age and background showed up. None of the questioned participants was aware the initiative had been announced during Friday prayer in Muslim ("Arab") community. Still a visible amount of Muslims was present. While seemingly absent the week before 'communists' were present again this time. They staffed the car with loudspeakers on its roof. At first some speeches were held. When an imam, teacher of Islamic religion, and known for his support of these initiatives, wanted to speak he was questioned whether he was going to turn this protest into a religious feast. Clearly many participants were upset about such comment. During previous protests communists militants had tried to intimidate muslim participants by summoning them to stop shouting slogans in Arabic. The speaker, lightly upset, replied this was a protest march not aimed against the Jewish people but against the war policy of Sharon. Against a state who denies UN resolutions. Against the murderers of Shabra and Shatilla and now Jenin. The imaam said he was aware there were many people, also in Israel, who also wanted peace but that the present policy is a treat for peace, even worldwide. During the speeches the role of the USA was exposed as a supporter or Israel's state terrorism. A speaker from Palestine thanked the participants for their active support. He reminded us this protest was only one initiative in a global flood of protest against the Zionist policy. After 30 minutes the march took off. The rain couldn't stop the flaring feelings of anger about what Zionists are doing to the Palestine population. That Sharon and Bush are killers can't be denied any longer! During this peaceful protest march several Muslims were questioned. Questions asked were how they were organized, what their opinion was about "fundamentalism", whether they opposed "anti-semitism", how they managed to created post signs, how came up with the slogans, who was in charge,... Clearly some had other concerns as showing support for the Palestinian cause ! Regarding "anti-semitism": also Arabs descend from Sem, a son of the prophet Abraham (Ibrahim). Thus it would be absurd to try to pin Arabs (or Muslims in general...) down on "anti-semitism". Clearly all participants oppose Israel's murderours policy based on the ideology of Zionism. Zionism is far out of line with the religion of the Jews: Judaism. Slogans seen and/or shouted include: ------------------------------------- "Bush - Sharon murderers" "One State: Palestine - One capital Al-Qudus (Jerusalem)" "Free all political prisoners !" "To silence Human Rights = To silence own rights" (Banner) "Warsaw 1943 - Jenin 2002" "Recompensation" (cf. Germany paying for the harm it caused the Jews,…) "Sharon = murderer - Le Pen = Thief" (cf. French politics) "Boycott Israel" (also handed out on a flyer) "Support the Palestinian people in their struggle against Zionist terror state Israel" (Banner) No police was present besides a few to regulate traffic. Few riot police was held hidden some streets further. As if riots might appear out of a meeting with so many Muslim women and children present. Lenin's analysis that "Imperialism is the highest form of capitalism" clearly come true in US/NATO/Israel's policy. We all are aware and we all should strive to strenghten the forces opposing this murderous policy ! After an Islamic prayer and while hard rain started to fall the meeting broke up. Initiators decided to abandon Friday meetings. New initiatives ahead. We will never give in on supporting what's good. Inshallah. SF Other report on this event: ---------------------------- Pictures & reports from previous actions: ------------------------------------------ Earlier reports from Flanders (Belgium) Boycot Israël (barcode 729): -----------------------------