Press release from PCN-NCP and Anti-nazi Group « European Resistance / Europaïsche Widerstand » 13 december 2001 THE NEO NAZI GROUP "L'ASSAUT" IS AUTHORISED TO DEMONSTRATE IN BRUSSELS THIS 15 DECEMBER : DOES BELGIAN GOVERNEMENT LOOKS FOR PROVOKING INCIDENTALS ? During the antiglobalisation demonstration of Gênes in July 2001, the Italian police ignored deliberately on the preparation and the arming of about hundred agitators elements, called the "Black Block ", a small anarchist group infiltrated by the European political polices, and on their actions. These elements, of which no one imagines that they would be unknown of police services in Europe, that file everybody since 2 years, were able with impunity to multiply aggressions and depredations. Following a very well known script, the police let during 3 hours the free field to members of the " Blacks Blocks ". Then the police forces attacked those who were not part of this group. Observers and press have all denounced the strategy of terror that inspired the conduct of the police forces, whose objective is to put the responsibility of violences and material destructions on anti-mondialists demonstrators. Since the beginning of the XXth century, the czarist political police, the terrifying OKHRANA, used infilrations and provocations to discredit and to dismantle the revolutionary organizations. Following its example,all political polices use these illegal methods to cut down adversaries of the System. Since the "Years of lead " and the "strategy of tension", NATO and particularly Italy have a tragic experience in this domain. Today, it exists in every European country small groups infiltrated and controlled by the political polices, when they are not entirely fabricated by them. These agitator small groups act in impunity and are protected by the political polices or directly by the special services of NATO and sometimes the Israeli MOSSAD. Artificially presentated as neo-Nazi extreme-right, as extreme-left or under the red-brown "flags", these small groups and their ringleaders prepare Europe to repression. AFTER GENOA, BRUSSELS ! Meetings organized by the Belgian presidency of the European union are the opportunity to tempt to limit the political liberties and to reinforce the Europe of the repression and polices, that constructs itself around INFOPOL. Belgium especially distinguishes itself by a set of law projects aiming to criminalize the political opposition and to limit the public liberties. For instance, the offense of "fence breakage" becomes liable of one firm jail year. And jurisdictions of exception, the "snelrecht", where one judges in some hours, at most absolute contempt of defense rights, are already taking effect. Here too, the agitating groupscontrolled by political polices are settled down to work. The role devolved in italie to the pseudo "anarchists" is played here by a so-called "red-brown" group and actually authentically neo-nazi, descended from the Nazi private militia "THE ASSAULT", that recruits skinheads. Since last June 13, and under cover of a ghotstly "nationalistic Committee against NATO", the neo-nazi agitators have managed to disrupt a demonstration against the arrival of Georges Bush in front of NATO's seat. Directly protected by the police forces, the parapolicery agitators, controlled by old militaries and civil belgian servants ina ctive employment, were able in total impunity to insult and to attack the pacifist demonstrators, the police dispersing and stopping pacifists. The police even facilitated the retirement of neo-Nazis, which left without being worried. A script that announced Gênes ! For demonstrations of the reunion of Laeken, the same group specially created another ghost committee "Nationalists against Globalization ". It’s this "committee", opportunely constitued, and of which one sees here the utility, that already allowed VERHOFSTAD to accuse the anti-globalizations of sympathy for theses of the far-right, in his arrogant "open Letter" of last October. It’s this neo-Nazi "Committee " that the Belgian authorities allowed to demonstrate this 15 March in Brussels (to 11h - departure corner of the Av. Albert II and of the Bld Baudouin, close to the Place Rogier, to about hundred meters of the entrance of Laeken) where it rameutes neo-Nazi and skinheads groups coming from France and Holland. Therefore there will be this 15 December in Brussels about tens of néo-Nazi authorized to provoke anti-globalization demonstrators, that will infiltrate the official demonstrations to provoke incidents. WE ASK ONLY ONE QUESTION : DOES THE BELGIAN GOVERNMENT DELIBERETALY LOOKING FOR PROVOKING SOME VIOLENT INCIDENTALS ? We require: - The interdiction of the neo-Nazi demonstration of December 15, - The opening of investigation commissions in european Parliament and Belgian federal Parliament on the protection of which beneficiated neo-nazi group "L''ASSAUT" ant its progeniture, and on the conditions that drove to allow him to demonstrate this 15 December. WE DEMANDS TO ALL PROGESSIST TO PROTEST AND TO BE VIGILANT ! PRESS OFFICE OF THE PCN-NCP : Email: