Milosevic haalt scherp uit naar aanklager Delponte wanneer ze hem beschuldigt van oorlogsmisdaden. Hij stelt dat alle getuigenissen alleen bewijzen dat er een wrede oorlog woedde tussen het leger en de Albanese separatisten van het UCK. “What I heard here is indeed insulting to the average intelligence of any person on this planet. You are preparing to prove here that the suffering in war is great, that people get killed during the war, that people get wounded during the war, that victims suffer greatly during the war. Everybody knows that. To prove all of that here, (…) is only in order to evade the real issue and that is: How come there was a war? How come there was this crime in Yugoslavia?" "It is nonsensical and malicious to show us to be in favour of a military solution. What we were doing was to try to effect a political agreement. (…) The only point that there was disagreement on was that we asked that the political solution be founded parallelly on the equality of citizens and the equality of national communities. Because in Kosovo, as was partially mentioned in what we heard here, we have Albanians, Serbs, Turks, Muslims, living together, as well as the Goranis, the Romanies and Egyptians, seven national or ethnic communities. We had a very normal and concrete approach that it should be implemented in such a way that the house -- that the Assembly of Kosovo should have two Chambers, the Chamber of the citizens and one man/one vote was applied here, where the vast majority would be in fact Albanians and nobody had anything against that because they were the majority population in the province. And a second house or Chamber, the Chamber of national communities or ethnic communities, in which each of the ethnic communities, Serbs and Montenegrins - who were taken to be one ethnic community and not two ethnic communities - as well as the Albanians and Turks, and Muslims, and Romanies, and Goranis, and Egyptians would have a parity relationship and would have their own members elected. (…) It was not to be accepted because the plan was not to accept anything, to find a pretext for an invasion on Yugoslavia."( pag 266 –267) “Het leger bevocht de terroristen en beschermde de burgers” “The army and the police defended their own country with honour and chivalry. Armies and groups that may commit crimes exist anywhere in the world and are condemned and prosecuted anywhere. Such dirty crimes cannot be ascribed to an army, a police, a people, a nation, a country, their government. It is precisely the members of this army and the police who know the best how many terrorists had escaped from them precisely by mingling with civilians. They would actually see them from a few hundred metres away and they would easily recognise them in the masses of civilians because usually they were only wearing their underwear, having thrown away their uniforms so that they could escape. They all managed to escape because there was a strict prohibition from the top downwards because nobody was allowed to fire even at terrorists if this would endanger the civilians or even lead to their killing. A multitude of them escaped. The American representatives knew that full well, those who were criss-crossing Kosovo. And we talked to them about this. And of course the terrorists knew that as well. (…) And they easily escaped that way, having just taken off their uniforms. (…) The task of the military and of the police was to neutralise the actions of terrorists and to protect civilians at the same time, to protect citizens.(pag253-254) “Paramilitaire groepen waren verboden” "There are orders, orders proving; orders on treatment of captured terrorists, (…) an order prohibiting burning of Albanian houses, prohibiting looting abandoned houses, treatment in accordance with the rules of international war law in the army of Yugoslavia. (…) These were orders that were respected and which were implemented by all. What else can a Supreme Command do but give orders that that is how people should be treated, that rules should be respected and the perpetrators arrested and brought to justice? (…)There was an order on not to allow paramilitary formations. Every unit had an order, and all these are orders of the Supreme Command which are in existence, that every paramilitary formation should be arrested and disarmed. And if anyone, a citizen as a member justifies his presence in that formation with some kind of patriotism and the wish to assist the country, unless he committed a crime, in which case he would be sent to prison, he would be sent to register as a volunteer and to be deployed in a particular unit but never in groups. We never allow the formation of any paramilitary formations. Paramilitary formations usually consist of looters and not patriots. (…) There is evidence that during the combat activities in the NATO aggression when there was looting and rapings and killings committed by a soldier here and there, even a lower-level officer or a policeman or a civilian, those were arrested and punished. (…) There had to be such consequences in the chaos of war and bombings, if this even happens, what else can you expect an authority to do, a Supreme Command to do but all of this and to act in accordance with these provisions?" (pag 415-420) Citaten zijn afkomstig van de officiële verslagen van de verdediging van Milosevic op 14, 15 en 18 februari 2002. Ze zijn terug te vinden op onder ‘Transcripts’. Citaten zijn uittreksels uit de letterlijke transcripties van (de Engelse vertaling van) deze eerste uiteenzetting van ex-president Milosevic, waarvan de pagina’s zijn genummerd van 225 tot 509.