*************************************************** Global Country of World Peace -- NEWSFLASH for Great Britain *************************************************** SUBJECT: As the democracies in the USA and UK choose the path of destruction, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi calls for a second government using expert intelligence. Global Country of World Peace - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - MAHARISHI CALLS DEMOCRACY A SHAME - "mediocres are running the government" Calls for second government of expert intelligence to create prevention-oriented, problem-free administration "If we are successful, the world will be in heaven" __________________________________________ Maharishi to held global news conferences today, 19 March, 4 pm GMT - details how to connect via Internet, satellite, or telephone - see below ___________________________________________ (19 March 2003) His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi dismissed as "a shame and a child's play" the democratic systems prevailing in the world today because they surrender the leadership of the country "to mediocres and passers-by on the street". Instead, Maharishi said, government should be entrusted to scientists, doctors, and educators of expert intelligence who possess the complete knowledge of Natural Law to create prevention-oriented, problem-free administration. Maharishi's declaration came during his weekly global news conferencelast Wednesday, which was broadcast live to media on all continents via satellite, Internet webcast, and teleconference call. Maharishi's next global news conferences will be held on 19 and 20 March (see below for details). Maharishi cited the money-driven politics of wealthy nations and the corrupt practices in poor countries where politicians distribute blankets or money to collect votes and win elections. "It's not money that will successfully administer the nation," Maharishi said. "It's the expert intelligence - the fully developed mind of the leaders." Second government provides the solution Maharishi's solution calls for every country to establish a second, complementary government to be headed by top scientists, health professionals, and educators. "These leaders will promote the deep scientific principles of Natural Law to create prevention-oriented, problem-free administration. They will also implement practical programmes that have been scientifically proven to prevent problems in all areas of society, including in education, health care, and defence." Maharishi emphasised that the second government will not usurp any of the responsibilities of current administrations. Dr John Hagelin to establish US Peace Government Maharishi praised Dr John Hagelin, quantum physicist and presidential nominee of the Natural Law Party in 2000, for leading the effort to establish a new US Peace Government as a second government in America. "Dr Hagelin's initiative will make America a blessing for the whole world family," Maharishi said. Global Country of World Peace The US Peace Government will be the American affiliate of the Global Country of World Peace, which was established two years ago by Maharishi as "a nation without borders for peace-loving people everywhere." The Global Country of World Peace offers governments the profound scientific knowledge and programmes of total Natural Law available in Maharishi's Vedic Science to promote prevention-oriented, problem-free administration in every country. Dr Hagelin erves as the Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace. Fatal flaw of all political systems Maharishi explained that the fatal flaw of democracy and all other political systems can be found in their man-made constitutions, which are rife with human weaknesses and failings. "Government will always be a mockery as long as human intelligence administers human affairs," Maharishi said. "Human affairs have to be administered by the higher intelligence of Natural Law, which governs the infinite diversity of the universe with perfect order and in the evolutionary direction. Anything less - any limited intelligence - will make a mess of administration." Maharishi added that the positive influence of the second government will be immediate. "Bring in the light and the darkness will disappear," Maharishi said. "Establish a second government of Natural Law and the problems and failures of the man-made government will disappear." Maharishi's plan to bring the support of Natural Law Maharishi's plan to bring the support of Natural Law to man-made governments calls for establishing a group of 8,000 peace-creating experts on each continent and a larger group of 40,000 experts in India. These groups will generate coherent world consciousness - the basis for lasting world peace. In addition, Maharishi's plan calls for establishing 3,000 Peace Palaces in the world's largest 3,000 cities, including 51 cities in the UK, which will be home to groups of 100 to 200 peace-creating experts. The Peace Palaces will also provide courses for the whole population in the peace-promoting programmes of Maharishi's Vedic Science. Everyone will be fulfilled and no one will struggle Maharishi said that his consciousness-based approach to education is key to his plan because it will promote total brain functioning and develop every student's full creative potential. "Education should train a person how to think from the source of thought so that whatever he thinks, he engages the infinite potential of Natural Law to fulfil his desires. This is the kind of education we want to promote in our dear world, so that everyone will be fulfilled, everyone will enjoy peace of mind - and no one will struggle for success." "Whoever has the torch leads the way" Maharishi concluded his news conference by proclaiming the dawn of a bright new future for all mankind. "We are steering the course of time to create a new world of affluence and peace through the knowledge of Natural Law, the knowledge of God," Maharishi said. "Whoever has the torch leads the way. We have the torch of total knowledge of Natural Law and we are prepared to spread the light. Even if it is midnight, if you light the lamp in your own house, you can live in light. Even if the environment is chaotic, you can still be fully enlightened. It is our joy to present this knowledge to all the people in the world." --------------- MAHARISHI'S GLOBAL NEWS CONFERENCES As usual every week: WEDNESDAY 19 March 2003 * 4.00 PM (UK time - GMT) * 9:30 PM (India Standard Time) * 17.00 hours (Central European Standard Time) * 11:00 AM (USA EDT) As usual every week: THURSDAY 20 March 2003 * 10.30 AM (UK time - GMT) * 4:00 PM (India Standard Time) * 11.30 hours (Central European Standard Time) * 5:30 AM (USA EDT) -------------------------------- WATCH THE NEWS CONFERENCES LIVE: VIA INTERNET at http://www.globalcountry.org VIA SATELLITE: EUROPE (including UK) Watch live on The Maharishi Open University Channel in Europe, W. Asia, North Africa - Wednesdays only On Hot Bird 3 at 13 degrees East: Transponder 89; Channel MOU.2; Frequency 12475 MHz; Polarity Horizontal; Symbol rate 27500; FEC 3/4 SOUTHEAST ASIA Watch live on The Maharishi Channel in SE Asia - Wednesdays and Thursdays On Europe*Star 1 Satellite at 45 degrees East: Frequency 11556 MHz.; Symbol rate 5860; FEC 3/4; Polarity vertical NORTH AMERICA AND CENTRAL AMERICA Watch live on The Maharishi Open University Channel in the United States and Canada, Central America, and the Caribbean - Wednesdays only On Telstar 5 at 97 degrees West: Transponder 27; Frequency 12177 MHz; Polarity vertical; Symbol rate 23000; FEC 2/3 --------------------------- LISTEN VIA LIVE TELEPHONE:: +1-512-305-4600, and enter code 55689# (for Wednesdays only) --------------------------- TO ASK MAHARISHI QUESTIONS: Please email your questions for Maharishi, before or during the press conference, to: PressOffice@Maharishi.Net or call (Holland) +31-475-539-569. --------------------------- PRESS CONTACTS: EUROPE Press Office 6063 NP Meru The Netherlands Tel: +31-475-539-569 PressOffice@Maharishi.Net UK Press Office Tel: 01622 815380 ----- INDIA Press Office Maharishi House A14, Mohan Industrial Estate Mathura Road New Delhi 110044, India Tel: +91 120-4562362, 4562363, 4562257, or 4567791 PressConference@Maharishi.Net ----- USA Press Office 2000 Mansion Drive Maharishi Vedic City Iowa 52556 USA Tel: +1-641-470-1344 WorldPeace@Maharishi.Net END _______________________ Media Department Global Country of World Peace - Great Britain info@globalcountry.org.uk Tel: 01622 815380 Fax: 01622 815360 _______________________ To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter please send an e-mail to: info@globalcountry.org.uk _______________________