As part of our plan for political action we here at ameriCON™ incorporated are sending out letters to political figures and governmental agencies. We feel it is important to express our ideas to the representatives! We urge you to do the same! The following is a satirical letter we sent to the Attorney General. We hope this letter will draw attention to some of the issues on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation! Secretary of State Colin Powell Thank you very much for finally recognizing Cuba as a terrorist nation! I can’t believe the State Department has been getting so much criticism from the left on this patriotic decision. Cuba is clearly a terrorist nation! Castro has been trading with terrorist countries for years. He also helped train the Colombian FARC to make explosives. Now, I know some people are saying he had no alternative but to trade with terrorist nations due to the US trade embargo but that is clearly ludicrous. I mean why can’t those Cubans sustain themselves without trade? They shouldn’t rely so heavily on other countries for their economic stability and if they’re going to choose to do so they can’t be crying to the rest of us about it. It’s not like our country relies on foreign economies. America is free and independent. We don’t need anyone else to help sustain our economy. We aren’t dependant on foreign nations for oil and we’re not dependant on foreign nations for economical labor either. I don’t see why Cuba would have to turn to terrorist nations for trade when the United States doesn’t. I mean it’s not like we’ve ever done business with the Taliban or Osama Bin Laden. That would clearly be sick and it’s disgusting that Cuba would stoop to such levels. After all they don’t even have a big country to manage. Shouldn’t it be easier for them to manage their economy with such a small land mass? I mean, we seem to do ok and look at our country…it’s gigantic. If we can manage our economy without trading with terrorist nations then they should be able to do the same! Cuba’s support for the Colombian guerrilla organization known as FARC clearly makes it a terrorist nation. After all the FARC clearly has not been provoked by the Colombian government, yet they choose to kill innocent government officials just because they sell drugs. That’s not only terrorist, it’s un-capitalistic! Just because the government of Colombia sends out paramilitary death squads to kill civilian activists doesn’t mean that the FARC should have the right to retaliate. I mean, just because the government of Colombia practices genocide doesn’t mean that they should have to put up with terrorism. Of course FARC kills innocent civilians too, just as the government does but I don’t think that is fair. One can clearly see why the government of Colombia should retain the right to kill innocent civilians and the FARC should not. After all, the government of Colombia was fairly elected to kill innocent civilians. The FARC was not elected and surely do not represent the people. I think the civilians of Colombia deserve to be killed by their elected representatives and military, not by a bunch of angry guerrillas. After all they voted for the right to die at the hands of their military not at the hands of the FARC. Since Cuba offered support to the FARC, Cuba is clearly a terrorist nation. I mean, why can’t Castro follow our lead. It’s not like the United States has ever supported terrorism in Latin America. We certainly haven’t given training and money to the Colombian military. Hell, it’s not like we overthrew the democratically elected government of Guatemala or sold nuclear weapons to fund a war against “soft targets” in Nicaragua. We have clearly never done such a thing and we should take a hard stance against terrorist countries that do. I’m glad to see that your hard work is keeping us safe from communism…I mean terrorism. Terrorism must be stopped at all costs! Even if you have to kill people, wage war, attack civilians, bomb schools (by accident of course), hit “soft targets,” lie a little , keep sanctions on Cuba, push through Bush’s energy bill, support paramilitary death squads in Colombia and suppress free speech, it’s worth it! To quote a great American scholar and intellectual, President George W. Bush, “You are either with us or you are against us.” Thanks for your time. Sincerely, Brad Busenius