LEGAL INFORMATION: INFORMATION ABOUT BORDERS AND ENTRANCE INTO THE SPANISH STATE: -The general principle is that foreigners from the European Union have the right of free circulation, residence and work in whatever country of the European Union, but they have to show their ID or passport which shows their nationality while crossing the border. -For reasons of public order, public security or public health they can prohibit the entrance of a person into the Spanish state. In theory, the penal history of a person doesn’t give sufficient motive to prohibit the entrance, but this theoretically. In practice, public order is an indetermined juridical concept which can be aplicated arbitrarily. If your entrance is negated you have the right to appeal against this measure at the Tribune in Strasbourg. The days before the top a support group against repression will be formed at the border. The contact telephone is: 626938531 BEFORE GOING TO A DEMONSTRATION: -Inform yourself about the route. -Empty your pockets. Take useful telephone numbers and addresses and your ID card or passport. -It is advisable to wear discrete clothes and shoes that allow you to run. AT A DEMONSTRATION: Functioning of the police: -Teargases aren't usually used but they might be. -The police have guns but no dogs. -The way they disperse demonstrations is to use rubber bullets and with direct charges using sticks. -Massive arrests aren't usual. They usually arrest lost activists or small groups once the demonstration has dispersed itself. Therefor it is important not to leave alone nor to stay where the demonstration took place. -They can close in on you in a street with few exits. It is important not to stay at the same place for a long time. -There is quite a lot of undercover police. They also arrest, so be careful with people that you don't know. Advises for a demonstration (there are a lot of different kinds of demonstrations, here we are refering to the ones that could produce police charges): -In tense situations it is important to avoid general dispersals. We are stronger together than dispersed. -If you want to leave the demonstration don't do so on your own. Leave in a group with precautions and calmness. -Go as far away as possible and don't return to the place of the demonstration until hours after it has finished. -Remove everything that could prove that you have participated in the demonstration. -It is important to go to the demonstration in a group. Agree on a meeting-point with the group (far away of the manifestation) to meet after the demonstration and check that nobody is missing. -If somebody is missing or you have seen an arrest call the legal support telephone of the demonstration. Avoid over reacting and take care that the information that you give is correct. IN CASE OF AN IDENTIFICATION: -Only police corps can demand documentation. The private security guards (e.g. like the ones in the metro) can hold you back until a police officer comes. If they request your documentation you have to show it. -It is important to have ID or a passport on you most of all because if they stop you to identify you and you don't they can take you to the police station to verify your dates. IN CASE OF ARRESTS: If they arrest you: -The maximum time that an arrest can take is 72 hours. -Once you are arrested, at the police station, they will give you a paper that tells you your rights: · You have the right to communicate your arrest to a person. You give them the phone number and they call. · You have the right to a lawyer. You can choose one of your confidence (you just have to give them the name and surname and they look for them) or they give you a legal aid lawyer. The intention is to have a co-ordination with the legal aid lawyers these days. · You have the right to a medical exam. It is important to insist on this if you have a wound or injury as it will allow you to denounce this afterwards. Once you are free it is good to go to another doctor to have another viewpoint which will give the denouncement more validity. · You have the right not to undress yourself, as this is only obligatory when you get arrested for drugs. · If you are a foreigner you have the right to a translator and that they inform your consulate. -Never declare at a police station, only do so in front of a judge. There you will be given time to speak a bit with your lawyer, to know how things are and to calm yourself. The police might also pressure you and manipulate your declaration. -Don’t touch anything that they show you at the police station. They can use it later as a proof against you. -There exists a legislation of exception: the antiterrorist-legislation, which can only be applied with the order of a judge of the 'Audiencia Nacional'. This allows an arrest up to 5 days without the right to a phone call and to choose a lawyer. It has been widely criticised as a cover-up of maltreatments. We don’t think that they will make use of it. If there are arrests: -Get information on how many arrests have taken place and who the arrested people are (names and surnames) and call the legal support phone or the official meeting-points. -It is important to organise protests against the arrests. -It is important that if there are people from other countries still arrested after the top has finished that a few people from every country stay to help with the legal work. ARRESTS OF FOREIGNERS FROM THE EUROPEAN UNION: -If you are a foreigner and they arrest you, your rights are the same as the ones we explained before. But a judicial proces of inernation or expulsion can also be initiated. -Internation: Can take up to 40 days, until the question of what to do with the internated person is resolved. A judge has to authorize this. -Expulsion: The police hands in the proposal and the delegation of the government in Barcelona decides. EXISTING OFFENCES ARE: -Except for the 'normal ones' of assault, public disorder, disobedience, damage and injuries. -The offence of taking part at an illegal demonstration or an illicit association. -The offence of squatting public buildings. In some summits there have been problems with the mobile phones. It's possible that the same will happen to us here. TELEPHONE LEGAL SUPPORT GROUP: 93 4426968 For foreigners (english speaking): 696047917 HEALTH INFORMATION PREVENTION: -Don’t go in bad physical and mental conditions. -Bring with you all that you might need for personal healthreasons. IN CASE YOU ARE INJURED: -Don’t try to cure yourself on the street, go to the closest medical service. -Where they attend you, ask for the juridical report (at the hospitals they send them directly to the judge). It is important that you have a copy. -At the following phonenumber you can contact the healthgroup in case you need information about an injured person: 605137349 IN CASE OF ARREST: -If necessary ask to see a doctor. You have the right to be assisted. -Ask for the medical report once you have been assisted. -When leaving the policestation go to another doctor to be revised again and get another report. LEGAL INFORMATION: INFORMATION ABOUT BORDERS AND ENTRANCE INTO THE SPANISH STATE: -The general principle is that foreigners from the European Union have the right of free circulation, residence and work in whatever country of the European Union, but they have to show their ID or passport which shows their nationality while crossing the border. -For reasons of public order, public security or public health they can prohibit the entrance of a person into the Spanish state. In theory, the penal history of a person doesn’t give sufficient motive to prohibit the entrance, but this theoretically. In practice, public order is an indetermined juridical concept which can be aplicated arbitrarily. If your entrance is negated you have the right to appeal against this measure at the Tribune in Strasbourg. The days before the top a support group against repression will be formed at the border. The contact telephone is: 626938531 BEFORE GOING TO A DEMONSTRATION: -Inform yourself about the route. -Empty your pockets. Take useful telephone numbers and addresses and your ID card or passport. -It is advisable to wear discrete clothes and shoes that allow you to run. AT A DEMONSTRATION: Functioning of the police: -Teargases aren't usually used but they might be. -The police have guns but no dogs. -The way they disperse demonstrations is to use rubber bullets and with direct charges using sticks. -Massive arrests aren't usual. They usually arrest lost activists or small groups once the demonstration has dispersed itself. Therefor it is important not to leave alone nor to stay where the demonstration took place. -They can close in on you in a street with few exits. It is important not to stay at the same place for a long time. -There is quite a lot of undercover police. They also arrest, so be careful with people that you don't know. Advises for a demonstration (there are a lot of different kinds of demonstrations, here we are refering to the ones that could produce police charges): -In tense situations it is important to avoid general dispersals. We are stronger together than dispersed. -If you want to leave the demonstration don't do so on your own. Leave in a group with precautions and calmness. -Go as far away as possible and don't return to the place of the demonstration until hours after it has finished. -Remove everything that could prove that you have participated in the demonstration. -It is important to go to the demonstration in a group. Agree on a meeting-point with the group (far away of the manifestation) to meet after the demonstration and check that nobody is missing. -If somebody is missing or you have seen an arrest call the legal support telephone of the demonstration. Avoid over reacting and take care that the information that you give is correct. IN CASE OF AN IDENTIFICATION: -Only police corps can demand documentation. The private security guards (e.g. like the ones in the metro) can hold you back until a police officer comes. If they request your documentation you have to show it. -It is important to have ID or a passport on you most of all because if they stop you to identify you and you don't they can take you to the police station to verify your dates. IN CASE OF ARRESTS: If they arrest you: -The maximum time that an arrest can take is 72 hours. -Once you are arrested, at the police station, they will give you a paper that tells you your rights: · You have the right to communicate your arrest to a person. You give them the phone number and they call. · You have the right to a lawyer. You can choose one of your confidence (you just have to give them the name and surname and they look for them) or they give you a legal aid lawyer. The intention is to have a co-ordination with the legal aid lawyers these days. · You have the right to a medical exam. It is important to insist on this if you have a wound or injury as it will allow you to denounce this afterwards. Once you are free it is good to go to another doctor to have another viewpoint which will give the denouncement more validity. · You have the right not to undress yourself, as this is only obligatory when you get arrested for drugs. · If you are a foreigner you have the right to a translator and that they inform your consulate. -Never declare at a police station, only do so in front of a judge. There you will be given time to speak a bit with your lawyer, to know how things are and to calm yourself. The police might also pressure you and manipulate your declaration. -Don’t touch anything that they show you at the police station. They can use it later as a proof against you. -There exists a legislation of exception: the antiterrorist-legislation, which can only be applied with the order of a judge of the 'Audiencia Nacional'. This allows an arrest up to 5 days without the right to a phone call and to choose a lawyer. It has been widely criticised as a cover-up of maltreatments. We don’t think that they will make use of it. If there are arrests: -Get information on how many arrests have taken place and who the arrested people are (names and surnames) and call the legal support phone or the official meeting-points. -It is important to organise protests against the arrests. -It is important that if there are people from other countries still arrested after the top has finished that a few people from every country stay to help with the legal work. ARRESTS OF FOREIGNERS FROM THE EUROPEAN UNION: -If you are a foreigner and they arrest you, your rights are the same as the ones we explained before. But a judicial proces of inernation or expulsion can also be initiated. -Internation: Can take up to 40 days, until the question of what to do with the internated person is resolved. A judge has to authorize this. -Expulsion: The police hands in the proposal and the delegation of the government in Barcelona decides. EXISTING OFFENCES ARE: -Except for the 'normal ones' of assault, public disorder, disobedience, damage and injuries. -The offence of taking part at an illegal demonstration or an illicit association. -The offence of squatting public buildings. In some summits there have been problems with the mobile phones. It's possible that the same will happen to us here. TELEPHONE LEGAL SUPPORT GROUP: 93 4426968 For foreigners (english speaking): 696047917 HEALTH INFORMATION PREVENTION: -Don’t go in bad physical and mental conditions. -Bring with you all that you might need for personal healthreasons. IN CASE YOU ARE INJURED: -Don’t try to cure yourself on the street, go to the closest medical service. -Where they attend you, ask for the juridical report (at the hospitals they send them directly to the judge). It is important that you have a copy. -At the following phonenumber you can contact the healthgroup in case you need information about an injured person: 605137349 IN CASE OF ARREST: -If necessary ask to see a doctor. You have the right to be assisted. -Ask for the medical report once you have been assisted. -When leaving the policestation go to another doctor to be revised again and get another report. INFORMATIONS ANTIREPRESSIVES: INFORMATION SUR LES FRONTIÈRES ET L’ENTRÉE À L’ÉTAT ESPAGNOL: -Le principe général est que les étrangers communitaires ont le droit de libre circulation, libre résidence et liberté de travail en n’importe quel pays de l’Union Européenne, mais ils doivent montrer la Carte d’Identité ou Passeport oú conste la nationalité au moment de passer la frontière. -Pour des raisons d’ordre publique, securité ou sante publique ils peuvent interdire l’entrée d’une personne á l’Etat. Dens la théorie, les antécedants pénaux ne sont pas un motif suffisant pour interdire l’entrée, mais c’est la théorie..S’ils interdisent ton entrée tu as droit à mettre un recours en contre de cette mesure au Tribunal de Strasbourg. On va créer un point de soutien antirépressif à la frontière les jours avant le sommet. Le téléphone pour contacter étant: 626938531 2. AVANT D'ALLER À UNE MANIFESTATION: -S'informer sur le parcours -Vider les poches. Apprens-toi quelque addresse et téléphone utiles et porte seulement avec toi le Passeport ou Carte d'identité.. -C'est aconseillable portar des vêtements discrets et des souliers qui permettent courir. 3. DANS UNE MANIFESTATION: Fonctionnement de la police: -Les gas ne sont pas habituels, cependant ils peuvent les faire servir. -La police porte arme et pas de chiens. -La forme pour disperser les manifestations étant les boules en gomme et les attaques directes à coups de bâton. -Les arrêts massifs ne son pas habituels. Ils arrêtent, normalement, les manifestants perdus ou des petits groupes une fois la mani est dispersé. C'est pour ça qu'il est important de ne pas partir seule ni rester autour d'où s'est produit la mani. -Ils peuvent t'enfermer dans une rue avec peu de sorties. C'est important ne pas rester au même lieu trop long temps. -Il y a beaucoup de police secrète. Ils arrêtent aussi, ainsi que attention avec les inconnus. Conseils pour une mani (il y en a différents types, maintenant on fait référence à celles ou des attaques de la police pourraient se produire). -Dans les situations de tension c'est important d'éviter au maximum les fuites générales. On a plus de force ensembles que dispersés. -Si tu veux partir de la mani ne le fait pas toute seule. Part en groupe avec précaution mais tranquilité. -Part le plus loin possible et ne revient plus au lieu de la mani jusquà bien d'heures après qu'elle soit fini. -Met ailleurs tout ce qui puisse prouver ta participation dans la mani. -C'est important d'y aller en groupe. Décider avec lui un point de rencontre (loin de la mani) pour après , et vérifier que personne ne manque. -Si quelqu'un manque ou tu as vu quelque arrêt communique-le au téléphone de contact de la mani. Evite au maximum l'alarmisme et essaye que l'information à transmettre soit fidéle à la réalité. 4. DANS LE CAS D'UNE IDENTIFICATION: -Seulement les corps policiaux peuvent te demander la documentation. Les contrôleurs privés peuvent te retenir jusqu'à ce que la police vienne. Si cette dernière te la demande tu dois leur montrer. -C'est important porter la carte d'Identité ou le passeport avec toi parce que si on t'arrête pour t'identifier et tu ne l'as pas avec toi ils ont l'excuse pour emener au commissariat pour vérifier tes données. 5. DANS LE CAS D'ARRÊT: Si on t'arrête: -Le maximum de temps que peut durer un arrêt sont 72 h. -Une fois arrêtée, au commissariat on te présentera la FEUILLE DE DROITS: ·tu as droit a communiquer ton arrêt a une personne. Tu leurs donnes le télephone et eux appellent. ·tu as droit a un avocat. Tu peux choisir un de confiance (seulement il faut donner les noms et le prénom et eux le cherchent) ou bien on "t'assigne" d'office. On est entrain de se coordinner avec les avocats d'office de ces jours-là. ·tu as droit à une reconnaissance médicale. C'est important si tu as souffert une lession ou agression tu l'exiges, car elle te permettra mettre une dénonce après. Une fois en liberté c'est convenable aller au médecin à nouveau pour avoir un autre point de vue qui donne plus de validité a' la dénonce que tu puisses présenter. ·tu as droit à rester habillé, seul c'est obligatoire se deshabiller quand t'es arrêté par des thémes de drogues. ·si tu est étranger, t'as droit à un traducteur et à avertir à ton consulat. -Ne déclare jamais au commissariat, fait-le toujours devant un juge. Ainsi tu auras le temps de parler un peu avec ton avocat, savoir comment sont les choses et te calmer. En plus la police peut te pressioner et manipuler ta déclaration. -Il existe une législation d'exception: la législation antiterroriste seulement applicable sous l'ordre d'une juge de l'Audience Nationale. Celle-la` permet un arrêt de jusqu'a` 5 jours et sont éliminés le droit à téléphoner et à choisir un avocat. S'il y a des personnes arrêtées: -Savoir combien de personnes ont été arrêtées et qui sont-elles (noms et prénom) et apeller au téléphone de contact ou aux lieux de rencontre. -C'est important de s'organniser pour répondre aux arrêts. -C'est important aussi que si des gens d'autres pays restent arrêtés un fois le sommet sort fini, des personnes de chaque pays restent pour soutenir le travail antirépressif. ARRÊTS D’ÉTRANGERS COMMUNITAIRES: -Si tu est étranger et on t’arrête, tes droits dans cette situation sont les mêmes que l’on a expliqué anparavant. Mais aussi pent commencer un procés judiciel d’internement ou expilsion. -Internement: il peut durer 40 jours, jusqu’a’ ce que l’on résound que faire avec la personne internée. Celà doit être autorisé par un juge. -Expulsion: la police fait la proposition et le décide la Sousdélégation del Gouvernement de Barcelona. IL EXISTE LES "DELICTES" DE: -A part les "normals", d'atemptat, désobeissance, dommages et lésions lessions -Celui de manifestation ou association ilégale -Celui d'usurpation d'immeubles publiques. *Dans quelques Sommets il y a eu des problèmes avec les cellulaires. Peut-être ici el n'y en aura aussi. TÉLÉPHONE ANTIRÉPRESSIF: 93 4426968 Pour étrangers (english speaking): 696047917 INFORMATION SUR SANTÉ PRÉVENTION: -N’y va pas dans des mauvaises conditions physiques et psychiques. -Porte avec toi tout ce dont tu peuxavoir besoin pour des questions personnelles de santé. SI ON TE FAIT MAL: -N’essaye pas de soignes les blessures dans la rue, va à l’hôpital le plus prochein. -Demende, là où tu vas, la feuille judiciale (dans les hôpitaux on l’envoit directement au juge). C’ést important que tu ais une copie. -Dans ce téléphone tu peux contactes avec quelqu’un du groupe santé, dans le cas ou tu en ais besoin tu veux informes sur des blessés/ées: 605137349 SI ON T’ARRÊTE: -Si tu en as besoin demande voir un médecin. Tu as droit é être soigné/ée -Demende l’informe médical une fois t’as été assisté/ée -Qend tu sorts du commisseriet reviens è nouveau au médicin pour faire une nouvelle révision et un nouveau informe.