[March 15th] We want to come back our work place.

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March 15th, A Cultural Festival for supporting this struggle and the families was held...


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The Struggle is continuing... 1 - Demonstration in front of Inchon National University of Education [March 7th]
Daewoo Bupyung Factory runs again. But we don\'t give up our struggle. Comrades and laborers who were not arrested in the struggle of attending to the factory, are all together at Inchon National University of Education and Bupyung Station. They are throwing fire bottles with their anger, sorrow, and pain.

A new unit in charge of fending off gasoline bombs
South Korean riot police officers salute in launching a new unit in charge of fending off gasoline bombs on the drill ground of National Police Agency in Seoul Friday, March 9, 2001. Firebombs have made a comeback at protests in the country, featuring heavily in demonstrations against recent layoffs at Daewoo Motor Co. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon, AP)

Bupyung in Korea (the Kim Dae-jung Government) is like under martial law.!!! (March 8th)

<= Struggle March 7th
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- March 7th, 1750 fired laborers from Daewoo rallied to stop re-running the Bupyung Factory. But Riot police blocked it very cruelly.

What is the problem with Daewoo Laborers?

Family\'s Struggle who are fired from Daewoo. He only have work very hard. But Daewoo fired him [march 7th] Does President Kim Dae-Jung know this situation??? He said only "Illegal demonstrations and strikes of laborers will be punished by the police."

March 7th, Struggles !!! Please Solidarity !!!

Fired workers from Daewoo  try to go their work places in Daewoo Motor Factory and make attendance struggle. But, the Riot policemen of the Kim Dae-jung Government blockaded them forcibly.

Click this picture, you can see the large one.

Other photos are as follow...


Urgent Report From Paris [March 3rd]


Feb. 3rd, Kim Woo-choong Arrest Squad try to go over the Main Gate of his great Villa in Nice.


  The main gate of Kim Woo-choong\'s villa. Many post-it and sticker written "this house is belonging to laborers of Daewoo Motor" are put on it.


 The Squad shouts "Kim Woo-choong Should be arrested and punished. We want he to apology all people including Daewoo laborers and unionists." They blockaded the Villa.


[2. 28]
¢º 1000 laborers firmly resolute for general strike against DJ regime and corporate selling off
At 17:00 on Feb. 28th, at Sangok cathedral, 1000 workers rallied to make a firm resolution of general strike against DJ regime\'s violence and corporate selling-off  abroad. Sangok rally was preceded by Street demonstration around Kyesandong. In the process of Kyesandong demonstration, the rally hurled firebombs against violent riot police.

More Article.

¢º International Solidarity Websites for the Korean Struggles against Daewoo Mortor are opening on foreign countries\' Homepages !!!
- Labor Network from Japan, Germany, Australia etc. are doing their own international solidarity movement for the Daewoo Struggles, for example, sending protest e-mails to Daewoo Co. and making issue fighting world-widely.

  ¢Ñ LaborNet Japan, Daewoo Motor Struggle Page
LaborNet Germany | International Solidarity Page
LaborNet Australia Daewoo Motor Struggle Page
      (There are a lot of articles from many presses        in the World)

¢º [Feb. 26th 2pm.] Do away with Lay-off
Rally for withdrawing Kim Dae-joong\'s government, which puts pressure on the laborers and stoping the layoff of Daewoo, was held on Feb. 26th. It was an sudden on the three corners street in front of Donginchon station.

More Article...

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¢º The National Labor Assembly which was planed to be held in Bu-pyong on February 24th was forcibly blocked by the combat policemen of Kim Daejung\'s Government. So, several thousand people intense street struggle expand

KCTU(Korean Confederation of Trade Unions) National Labor Assembly which was planned on February 24th at 2:00 pm, was completely blocked by the policemen. About 2000 people including the students, unionists, and laborers of Daewoo Motor etc. urgently moved to the field of operations. And they occupied eight-lane road and installed barricade in the street struggle.
Also, other assembly was powerfully held in Pusan, Ulsan, in South and North Areas of Jeon-la Province. Pulverization of Personnel Reduction Dismissal!!! Obtain the Laborer\'s Right !!!
February 24th 2001
Volume 7th KCTU(Korean Confederation of Trade Unions) Struggle Report

More article...

¢º Kim Woo-choong Arrest Squad Arrived Paris

Feb. 23th, \'A three-member ``death-defying squad,\'\' with the special mission of arresting the disgraced former Daewoo Group chairman Kim Woo-choong left for Paris. The Daewoo Motor Struggle Headquarters, composed of 26 civic organizations, Feb. 22th, dispatched the arrest squad, also dedicated to internationally denouncing the recently ``forceful\'\' quelling of the Daewoo Motor labor strike by the government.

  ¢Ñ Daily on Paris: [2.23] | [2.24] | [2.25]
  ¢Ñ Spot Photos: [Arrival Paris Airport] | [Interview with Broadcast] | [French Newspapers]
  ¢Ñ The First
E-mail from France by Hong-Se-whoa

Union Workers Starts sit-in protest
- Workers of Daewoo Motor Co. took stable stage in the Sankok-Dong Cathedral in three days costing when many of them were getting away by the Kim Dae-jung Regime\'s reckless break-in and suppression. They make a plan to unfold their reaction towards riot police\'s break-in to gather all of them here.

on Kyonggi-Inchon Highway

- The prosecutor detained the to-be-opened mass rally in Bypyong Station by imposing unmerciful violence.
Then, the Korea Confederation of Trade Union strike against this, taking occupy of thee way line of Highway road with the 2km-long march taking.

Director of Daewoo Mortor reiterates "retaking Company"
- Director of Daewoo Motor, stated "workers will be on the defense to retake the company through urgent announcement.

¢ºRage & Fury against Police\'s heavy suppression Demonstration was taken participating in about 2000 protesters at 2am of 20th. After protest, protesters were tried going into the main gate of Daewoo Mortor, in course of this, about 900 flame bottles.

Factory of Daewoo Motor in Bupyong got a break-in
Factory of Daewoo Motor in Bupyong, the state power took many casualties by surprise with the 4 vehicles coming forwarding
This incident incited many union workers to flare up their anger amid long term suspension of operation.

¢ºDaewoo Motor put 1,750 workers terminated in force  
Union comes allout protest into practice from 16th of Feb.
Lee Jong-dae, Yong-kuk who curries favor with the investors and the administration took action to give 1750 workers a layoff report finally at 5pm of 16th.

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