"Wake up Neo . . . the matrix has you." Join the Int'l Movement DEMANDING Inquiry into 9-11 and possible US Govt / CIA involvement. I urge you to consider this. Ashcroft continues to assail civil liberties, as Bush prepares America for possible invasion of Iraq, Somalia, North Korea, and a dozen other countries (Nightline), Bush gaff reveals he saw jet hit 1st tower long before America even saw the 2nd tower hit on TV (what station was he watching?), and Egypt's joins the parade of foreign state intelligence that warned Bush/CIA before 9-11. IF YOU HAVE HAD ABOUT ENOUGH, AND ARE READY TO JOIN AN INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT TO DEMAND INQUIRY INTO 9-11 AND POSSIBLE CIA / US GOVT. COLLUSION, reply to mailto:findtruth38@hotmail.com?subject=send_kit Right now the world activist community is running from one springing leak to another while the powers that be keep punching new holes in the dam, be it attacks on the environment, new wars, civil liberties being stripped, human rights abuses, US domestic terror threats, etc. Our scattered focus makes us relatively powerless. IF we could gather our strength and FOCUS LIKE A LASER BEAM on this issue of "was there US govt. collusion in 9-11?", we could create a ROAR of demand worldwide that could command a full investigation into the inner workings of a network that has manipulated foreign govts, repressed peoples of the world, strip mined the environment, etc. in the name of greed. THIS IS THE ROOT! By DEMANDING an inquiry all other things can begin to heal. I believe that they like it when we are scattered in a million places arguing over this lake's clarity, or this country's human rights issue, or genetic engineering, or air pollution -- NEVER LOOKING AT THE ROOT that ships nearly ALL weapons to developing countries (World Bank stats), thereby retarding social progress in countries so they can have "stable" economic investments no matter how repressive those governments are, or manipulating elections to get more "business friendly" leaders in other nations (ones less concerned with environmental laws, labor laws, and less concerned with genetic engineered crops, etc.). OUR ABILITY TO CHANGE THE WORLD IS RIGHT HERE IN OUR HANDS, AND HAS BEEN BUILT OVER THE LAST 2 DECADES. WE ONLY NEED TO SEE IT FOR WHAT IT'S GREATEST STRENGTH IS. The organizations built in the last 20 years over the environment, human rights, civil rights, animal rights, the election irregularities and the stolen 2000 election, etc. -- HAVE THE POTENTIAL OF CHANGING THE WORLD -- IF WE CAN COME TOGETHER. The internet, and international coordination of activists worldwide, our networks, and ability to move mass information freely through the world via the internet is A POWERFUL TOOL. BUT NOT, if we have ten thousand different issues flying to the media and government. WE MUST CREATE A DRUMBEAT THAT WILL FORCE THEM TO LOOK AT THE ROOT!! The Activist Kit created through the work of journalists and academics worldwide offered freely to anyone is a tool that empowers individuals to MOVE BEYOND THE HAMSTER WHEEL OF "ACTIVIST ONLY TALKING TO OTHER ACTIVISTS, AND AROUND AND AROUND" and empowers them to move the 8 disturbing reports around 9-11 (all sourced to mainstream media articles) out to world media, world government, Congress, US Governors, etc. etc. to DEMAND inquiry. If we cannot focus on this, all our various issues are only noise. We must FOCUS. And THIS IS THE ISSUE OF OUR TIME! Why? Most activists are aware the CIA has been manipulating governments, elections, and supporting human rights abuses in other countries. HOWEVER, THEY STEPPED ACROSS THE LINE IF THEY HAD A PART IN 9-11. Because, Americans (I'm sad to say) were very acquiesent about the CIA doing their dirty deeds in other countries, BUT THEY WILL HAVE A DIFFERENT ATTITUDE WHEN THEY BEGIN TO LEARN THEY MAY HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN THE NY WTC TERROR ON INNOCENT AMERICANS. SECONDLY, some minor underling "got a little greedy" when he made the stock short profits off American and United Airlines the week before 9-11. This exposes a soft underbelly of a beast that normally is impregnable to investigation. PROBLEM is the US media is not looking into it (which is bizzare because they had a media orgasm over the insider stock trading discovery on 9-12 and 9-13 when they thought it was Arab terrorists). Of course now we know it leads to AB Brown Trust, an investment firm that has been close to CIA ops for some time, chaired up until a couple years ago by AB Krongard (now the #3 man at the CIA). In this light Bush's bizarre recent act of "sealing presidential records from scrutiny" for the first time in US history, becomes so suspicious it almost rattles you apart to try and deny just how suspicious it is. So, to recap of why we should be moving on this now: 1) Americans will FINALLY be repulsed by CIA ops if they find they were connected to 9-11 2) The greedy underling opened up the soft belly when he did the stock shorts, there lies a thread to unravel the dark armor (if pursued). 3) If people that were willing to kill 5,000 of their own are in positions of power, how much compassionate civil rights, human rights, or environmental rights legislation will really pass? Enough to keep us scampering and busy all the time, yes, but enough to really change anything in any significant way? No way! NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT, THE ACTIVIST KITS are powerful tools, IF WE CAN FOCUS THE WORLD ACTIVIST COMMUNITY WORLDWIDE TO CIRCULATE THESE KITS AND EXPAND THEM WITH OTHER CONTACT LISTS WE CAN "GET AROUND" THE PROPAGANDA MEDIA OF THE U.S. AND GET AMERICANS AND OTHERS WORLDWIDE TO DEMAND INQUIRY INTO 9-11. And in doing so perform the most healing and meaningful act we can for the future of our country and our planet. Bush is now preparing Americans for invasion of Iraq, Somalia, and many other countries including North Korea (Nightline). Things can get out of hand very fast. The wider the war, the less Americans and the media will have the appetite for inquiry. A few more anthrax letters carefully placed, or another major terrorist strike "allowed" to happen will put Americans into a goose stepping mode that could have horrible results. Help me get the Activist Kit out, and URGE every group to make the DEMAND FOR INQUIRY THEIR PRIORITY IN COMING MONTHS! God bless, Godspeed. reply to findtruth38@hotmail.com with "Send Kit" in subject line to get free kit "Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship ...Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger." --Hermann Goering, Nazi leader, at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II WHY DID MAINSTREAM MEDIA "VOW TO GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THE INSIDER TRADING THAT PROFITED OFF THE 9-11 HORROR," AND THEN SUDDENLY . . . DROPPED THE STORY? The 8 DISTURBING FACTS: - The Bush Administration forced the FBI to back off of the Bin Laden investigation months before 9-11. [BBC transcript BUSH – BIN LADEN HIDDEN AGENDA!!!] http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/events/newsnight/newsid_1645000/16455 27.stm “I Don’t Buy It” “ I was one of the first tenants in the World Trade Center (WTC) back in 1979. Back then----over 20 years ago----it was known to all the tenants of the WTC that the WTC was a “no fly” zone. If you came within 12 miles of the WTC, flying outside of a pattern where you were supposed to be, you were warned to back off. If you came within five miles, they would threaten to shoot you down. If you came within three miles, they could shoot you down. If I remember correctly, on the roof of tower No. 2 they had surface to air missiles for that purpose, plus also the Spatz helicopters for that purpose. “I had a friend who was flying a small plane who got warned away and they almost blew him out of the sky 20 years ago because he was showing somebody a close view of the towers. “I can see the first tower getting hit by surprise, but 15 minutes later the second tower also gets hit? I don’t buy it.” -- Walter Burien, Radio Free America, Nov 11, 2001 - The CIA station chief in Dubai met with Bin Laden 7 weeks before 9-11, and at a time when Bin Laden was supposedly "wanted" by the CIA. http://www.guardian.co.uk/waronterror/story/0,1361,584444,00.html (UK Guardian) ·(German Trans.) http://www.orf.at/orfon/011031-44569/index.html (US Wash Times Artcl: www.washtimes.com Report: bin Laden treated at US hospital Elizabeth Bryant UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Published 10/31/2001 - INSIDER TRADING PROFITS off of 9-11 were frenzied over by the US media when they thought it was Arab terrorists . . . but then the story mysteriously died. Until, the UK Independent reveals that it leads to a firm chaired by the 3rd highest man in the CIA (and stranger still is that $2.5 million of the "winnings" are still unclaimed (see below for URL to entire story). http://globalresearch.ca/articles/RUP110A.html . Info confirmed by Independent Newspaper in UK: http://www.independent.co.uk/story.jsp? story=99402 - ABC News.com's May/2001 story resurfaces about how the US Joint Chiefs of Staff have in the past ACTUALLY DESIGNED a plan to commit domestic terror on Americans to whip them into a war hysteria, to support war efforts by the govt. http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/DailyNews/jointchiefs_010501.html [The National Security Archive has a PDF version of the Operation Northwoods plan, which author James Bamford says "may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government." It can be found at the following URL:] http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20010430/ - Strangely Anthrax is sent to (not the President, or Republicans) but to the top Democrat and to the media. A foriegn terrorist would probably want to "divide" the country, not unite the opposition and the media in the war effort. - New Science Journal says Anthrax sent to Daschle is NOT Russian or Iraqi, but likely US military strain. - San Francisco Chronicle reports, the anthrax strain produced in US University is destroyed on ok of FBI (they had studied this for years, some at university question the timing of the destruction of those anthrax spores . . . right now of all times (?)) http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi? f=/chronicle/archive/2001/11/09/MN153227.DTL - Bush Admin. declares they will "seal the records of presidents beginning with Father Bush/Reagans (an act never before done in US presidential history)." AND What bizarre timing. In the midst of a war and an economic disaster -- they find the time and "the desire" to seal the records of the Reagan/Bush admin, just as info is surfacing about Bush/Bin Laden connections from years back. (Details in Scripps-Howard News Service, appearing in Chico, CA paper on 11/5/2001) "It is not a stretch to wonder if this White House is up to something that it doesn't want known 12 years from now or anytime thereafter. [A direct quote from the piece carried by Scripps Howard News Service. Re: Bush's sealing of presidential records for the first time in U.S. history] FTW) - On November 28th an estimated 1,000 people came from as far away as Seattle and San Francisco to Portland State University to see FTW Publisher/Editor Mike Ruppert give a 2 hour lecture and documentary presentation on the events surrounding the September 11th attacks and their aftermath. Starting with an offer of $1,000 to anyone who could show that any of the sources he cited were not authentic or misrepresented, Ruppert launched into an display of more than 40 visual exhibits showing government complicity in and foreknowledge of the attacks. The event was organized by the campus newspaper The Rear Guard and its editor Dimitris Desyllas. I never expected that we would have this kind of turnout, Desyllas said. But it is obvious that the public has very deep concerns about what we are being told and what the government is doing. We eventually brought in 860 chairs and there were people all around the walls and on the floor. One of the volunteer videographers at the event was a Native American spiritual teacher of the Dakota Sioux nation, Skip Mahawk. Mahawk, then with the 101st Airborne Division, won the Congressional Medal of Honor at the legendary 1969 Vietnam War battle known as Hamburger Hill. Mahawk refused to accept the decoration. Ruppert's lecture was full of documentary evidence. After pointing out - among other things - that the Chief of Pakistani intelligence (approved for his position by the CIA) ordered a $100,000 wire transfer to lead hijackerMohammed Atta; that the Bush family had business dealings with the bin Laden family through the Carlyle Group, that the U.S. and British governments had extensive military deployments already in the area before the attacks, and that the Bush administration had ordered the FBI to stop investigating two relatives of Osama bin Laden living near CIA headquarters this January, Ruppert launched into the centerpiece of the lecture which was a visual presentation of his time line of events around September 11th - which left some members of the audience in tears. See: http://www.copvcia.com/stories/nov_2001/lucy.html TO OBTAIN A FREE ACTIVIST KIT TO EMPOWER YOU TO CHANGE THINGS, AND TO PASS ON TO EMPOWER OTHERS: mailto:findtruth38@hotmail.com?subject=send_kit