“Neither Jewish morality nor Jewish tradition can be used to disallow terror as a means of war... We are very far from any moral hesitations when concerned with the national struggle. First and foremost, terror is for us a part of the political war appropriate for the circumstances of today...” — Yitzhak Shamir Israeli Prime Minister, Zionist terrorist in an August 1943 article titled “Terror”, written for Hazit the journal of Lehi, the terrorist organization he belonged to Jewish Nazis: American-Israeli State Terrorism of the Palestinian People “Every time we do something you [Shimon Peres] tell me America will do this and will do that... I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” — Ariel Sharon Israeli Prime Minister, homicidal psychopath Jewish Mafia member Knesset, Tel Aviv, October 3, 2001 It has long been held that the true definition of the ancient Hebrew word “Israel” is: “he who wrestles with God”, or “to fight God”. In the book of Genesis, Jacob was first called by this name after he wrestled with a man who is thought by Bible scholars to have been an angel. If “Israel” means “to wrestle or fight with God”, and if we define “God” as that which is good, kind, loving, sane, wise and truthful — then never was a country more appropriately named as that murdering little nation of racist, terrorist Zionists who invaded Palestine and called themselves “Israel”. Like a poisoned knife thrust into the heart of the Middle East, the violently evil state of Israel has been a virtual extension of the United States since 1948. Under the leadership of homicidal psychopaths like Yitzhak Shamir, Menachem Begin and Ariel Sharon, all the brutal Israeli state terrorism against the Palestinian people for the last 54 years has been done with the full blessing of the United States Corporate Mafia Government. Whether you like it or not, every year the U.S. government makes an outright gift to the Israelis of five to twelve billion dollars. These are your tax dollars, if you live in America, yet you have no say in the matter. The only material power you have is to refuse to pay taxes. You would be morally wise to exercise that power. The Federal government is a democracy in name only. In practice it is a corporate mafia. And like all mafias, the U.S. government never pays people to do things it doesn’t want done. Israeli state terrorism is essentially American state terrorism. Brutally evil though they both are, why should the U.S. government give a hoot whether Israel even exists or not? What practical use is Israel to America? Even from the point of view of American state terrorists it must be logically obvious that the state of Israel is a total liability: a monumental political liability and a sizeable economic liability. Israel not only does the U.S. no good whatsoever, it does a great deal of harm. The U.S. government certainly doesn’t need Israel’s help to control Middle East oil. Far from it. Supporting the invasion of terrorist Israelis has only inspired rebellion among the Arab oil states. There are only two demented minorities in America who have any interest in advancing the cause of this total liability. Obviously one of these groups consists of the Jewish-American Zionists. Not all Jewish people, just the Zionists. The Jewish Zionists have bought and/or brainwashed the second group: their immoral and ignorant Gentile supporters. This second group includes the “Christian Zionists”. These evil wackos support Israel because they’re eager for Armageddon, and they’re sure the state of Israel will help to bring it about. They’ve got that right, at least. Unfortunately, many Jewish-American Zionists are extremely wealthy and powerful, and for decades they’ve purchased venal supporters in the U.S. government. That fact helps to explain why the Jewish Zionists, who are such a tiny percentage of the total population, could have such an overbearing political influence, one that is so bizarrely disproportionate to their small numbers.