Solidarity demo at Italy embassy in Brussels

About 150 people, from different organisation as ATTAC, Worker Party of Belgium (PTB), D14 coalition, Comité Contre l'Impunité (Chilians against Pinochet), Rifondazion (Italian PC), PCF (french communist party, came from France), Women in Black, and individuals gathered in front of the embassy in memory of Carlo, the 23 years old demonstrator shot dead by the police in Genova, fryday 20th, while demonstrations against the G8.

Serge Cols, ATTAC Brussels and D14 (against EU summit of December): "The blood that Carlo gave won't be useless: it is now the sign of the change that will happen to the world". The D14 coalition wish the same things won't happen in Brussels and ask everybody to help to the organisation of this massive event.

Friday evening already, some people did came to the embassy and have lighten up candles in memory of the martyr. Saturday about 40 people gathered in Gent, in front of Italian consulat building. There will be an other demo Monday in Brussels at the same place.
Demonstrators are holding poster where is written "This G8 is covered with blood", "assasins" and the names of the delegates of the G8, also "No justice, no peace", "We won't give up because of state terrorism", and shouted slogans "No justice, no peace", "G8 murederer", "People united we'll never be defeated".

The meaning of the demo was also to give honor to the memory of all people who died resisting against the imperialism and those who die because of it, about 30.000 a day.

The embassy is protected by dozens of policemen, armoured vehicles and barbwires. A demonstrator pput the pictures of the murder on it.

Young activists drawing the shape of a dead body, with permanent paint, on the street, in frony of the Italian embassy
, with red stains as symbol of the blood that the Italian policeman make poured.

People remain silent during one minute, in memory of the dead comrade. But the meaning is not to mourn but to show the anger and the resistance, so show all the fists raised to the embassy.
Then the crowd sung "Bella ciao", the song of the italian partisans, "Avanti populo" and "Bandiera rossa".

The shape of the dead body is filled with flowers.

Solidarity and struggle messages are written on a large plastic sheet.